2023-11-09 09:30:34
The history behind pineapple on Pizza
Have you ever asked yourself, who in their right mind would chuck pineapple slices onto a pizza? Well, to answer your question, his name is Sam Panopoulos, a Greek immigrant who moved to Canada in 1954. He created the first Hawaiian pizza at his restaurant, Satellite, located in Chatham, Canada.
2023-11-09 09:51:06
QC本來係lib票倉, 本來係BQ同佢爭, o'toole嗰期保守黨都係冇乜議席
PP甚至都唔係QC出身, 比charest更加唔熟qc, 咁都有人endorse藍黨就只能用紅黨仆哂街嚟解釋
lib嘅輸勢可以睇埋下一個地方, 東岸, 嗰度比qc更加stronghold