PS5 機主討論區 (86)未有新機 / GG俠2 20/10

992 回覆
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2023-09-25 21:34:03
2023-09-25 22:37:57
2023-09-26 07:09:54
2023-09-26 08:52:05
2023-09-26 09:21:31

cod同你一樣,買嚟都只係玩single player(單人故事),zombies mode(bo2)同埋舊版mw2 special ops(勁撚憎俄狗重甲兵)

akb依然唔肯remastered 舊版mw3(現實嘅俄羅斯連烏克蘭都完全吞併唔到)

mwiii 2023唔會首衝買
2023-09-26 09:29:40
2023-09-26 10:01:22
無人知 又唔知咩spec
2023-09-26 10:14:26

cod mp同dmz都唔知搵邊個打,冇理由求其搵條友打


由舊版mw三部曲入手/入坑(舊版mw3出之前iw元老好多集體裸辭,但舊mw3故事依然都俾mwii 2022故事好太多)
2023-09-26 12:40:20
2023-09-26 16:46:31
The Deluxe Edition of Spider-Man 2 is a digital-only affair, and it includes the same pre-order bonuses that come with the standard edition. In addition, you’ll get access to five unique suits for Miles and Peter, totaling 10 suits. You’ll get another two additional skill points (five total), and some extra photo mode items.

2023-09-26 16:51:04
GG俠2 實體豪華版好似係無碟得 code 紙
2023-09-26 16:54:33
實體版好似唔見有得pre order
2023-09-26 16:58:13

2023-09-26 17:10:12
想問二手網d 平價ps5 下載版game
會唔會ban acct
2023-09-26 17:13:21
依幾日係JR 基本上都會見到有人手拿住ps5 ,大部分係鬼佬 ,全部都肯定免税價買
2023-09-26 17:27:08
THX 搵下仲有無得訂先
2023-09-26 17:28:45
用佢地account下載完 跟住用返自己account玩
有機會太多人share玩緊隻game 自己玩唔到
2023-09-26 18:14:33
2023-09-26 19:19:29
唔係,今次留個半星期,武肺以前通常一年飛一至兩次,今次順便去game show同掃二手game , 重俾我見到部成55萬円嘅Dreamcast

2023-09-26 22:37:07
2000fun/the club買機有冇伏
2023-09-26 22:49:32
我都搵唔到link on99
2023-09-26 23:32:29
The monthly PS Plus Essential games for October have seemingly been leaked. Once again, French website Dealabs (via the ever-reliable billbil-kun) has the scoop, reporting that next month's selection is made up of three PS5 and PS4 games, as per usual. However, the identity of the third title is still a mystery.

Here's the leaked lineup:

The Callisto Protocol (PS5, PS4) | Review
Farming Simulator 22 (PS5, PS4) | Review
2023-09-26 23:50:46
the club同2000fun有
2023-09-27 00:40:31
2023-09-27 10:04:03
the club搵唔到有 2000fun 就算鳩數啦 信唔過
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