多倫多生活討論區 79

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2023-07-30 23:16:40
冇, 非難民就去過
2023-07-30 23:17:43
咁rent control係保守黨帶頭去廢嘅.... 立法上左派想impose返首先要換咗屆先, 所以保守黨+Chow只係抗衡式政治, 唔會有consistent立法去廢或者留rent control
2023-07-30 23:18:27
早幾年newmarket都開始貴, 有埋line 1延線只會更加之
2023-07-30 23:18:59
2023-07-30 23:19:29
2023-07-30 23:21:00
2023-07-30 23:23:47
Newmarket/Aurora都係搭GO train
2023-07-30 23:26:20
單論CS UofT / McGill呢兩間
師資勁 resource又多啲 第日容易搵工
2023-07-30 23:35:42
其實好多minimum wage job都真係有手有腳就做得... 咁我又唔會太抽秤件事, 最少有人搵到
2023-07-30 23:36:21
咁line 1都啪爆咗好耐, 會好似觀塘線咁樣
2023-07-30 23:37:17
2023-07-30 23:44:50
嗰陣立rent control條法,我就話政府on9 㗎啦。嗰陣問我幫緊既廳長點解保守黨會攪啲影響公平市場既政策。佢話少數政府有時要同其他政黨妥協。嗰陣有好多淨係出租多單位公寓既,

之後都少晒起 Rental Apartment。變咗起Condo。依家見到既 rental apartment buildings都係幾十年前起既。我以前專門做好多地產發展商盤數。rent control 之前起咗好多rental apartments。 之後淨係起私人屋,Condo 同commercial. 有一間由三個人開既。一個係賣皮草,另外兩兄弟係木匠。公司名就係兩個人既姓頭一個字母。依家上咗市添。有冇人估到係邊間呀?
2023-07-30 23:51:35
2023-07-30 23:56:25
2023-07-31 00:05:40
2023-07-31 00:15:36
Condo同rental apartments有咩分別
2023-07-31 00:27:44
2023-07-31 00:54:06
2023-07-31 01:04:08
2023-07-31 02:15:56
2023-07-31 02:38:57
新人更加入唔到場, 唔走點玩
2023-07-31 02:39:55
2023-07-31 02:41:08
你話如果WFH 流行我真係唔介意搬到無雷公咁遠

2023-07-31 03:04:27

Condo vs. apartment: What’s the difference?
The biggest difference between a condo and an apartment is ownership. An apartment is defined as a residence that is rented, often as part of a larger residential building. A condo can be similar in structure to an apartment — usually a unit within a larger residential building — but condos are owned instead of rented. The property taxes of a condo are paid by the owner; property taxes for an apartment are paid by landlords, not renters.

Because the structure of condo and apartment communities is similar, they often have comparable amenities and locations. Both kinds of units may come with benefits like a pool, trash disposal, manicured green spaces, on-property gyms and more.

However, a condo owner is building equity, paying monthly homeowners association (HOA) dues and is responsible for all interior maintenance. An apartment renter, on the other hand, pays rent each month, doesn’t build equity and relies on the landlord to address maintenance issues.
2023-07-31 03:06:44
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞