LIHKG 職業摔角討論(18)AEW世一  打The Forbidden Door 2+G1 Climax

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2023-10-21 13:14:35
#第一試合 Match 1 - Single Match
Owen VS KC Wong

#第二試合 Match 2 - 1 ON 2 Handicap Match
Mr.Asthma VS 大天Z & Madness 「神話」

#第三試合 Match 3 - Special Tag Team Match
Jeff Man & Kevin Man 「The Man Bros 」VS 人造人28號 & Voodoo

#第四試合 Match 4 - 4 VS 4 Friendly Match
中摔聯隊 VS 丐幫

#第五試合 Match 5 - Lightweight Championship Hardcore Match
挑戰者 The Chan VS 王者 馮堅朗

#第六試合 Match 6 - AWGC Tag Team Championship Match
挑戰者:高原 & M.A.
王者:Buffa & Dylan James 「Gaijin Muscle 」

#主賽 Main Event AWGC Jr Heavyweight Championship | 3-Way Match
挑戰者:Ricky Marvin VS Michael Su VS Mikey Man
Ticket here! (Link in bio)
Event Information:
【C.N. Pro-Wrestling VS H.K. Pro-Wrestling】
演出日期 Date: 22/10/2023
入場時間 Entrance: 18:30
演出時間 On Show: 19:00
演出地點 Venue: 蒲吧 香港西灣河聖十字徑2號協青社賽馬會大樓
2023-10-21 13:15:21
冇畫位, 想坐前啲就要早啲霸位
2023-10-22 16:16:24
2023-10-22 18:37:31
2023-10-22 21:00:36
2023-10-22 22:22:51
場tag championship
打完Dylan James 直接走咗係咩事
2023-10-22 22:24:47
2023-10-22 23:43:58

2023-10-23 00:45:05
2023-10-23 02:04:25
今晚場Main Event真係幾好睇
2023-10-23 02:34:15

man's family 玩 numbers game 都預計到既
不過估唔到鋪路玩劇情 abandoned mikey man
2023-10-23 18:25:14
2023-10-23 18:50:42
Tony khan 對佢有興趣
2023-10-23 18:55:57
2023-10-25 23:51:54
你係咪坐左係個細路隔離 目測6-7歲
2023-10-25 23:53:25
呢場r 撚晒頭, 企錯位又唔企番好, 打打下走撚埋, 咩事
2023-10-29 11:33:19
2023-10-29 12:46:47
而家AEW無左邊個都可以,但唔可以無MJF,睇摔角好耐未試過個個星期會期待同一個人出黎講野。你會期待edge同christian嘅劇情,因為係情懷,會期待danielson打okada,因為係dream match,但MJF呢條蛋散佢同任何人嘅feud,都可以做到令人有期待感,我諗如果佢去WWE,只要老麥肯捧佢,佢一樣可以去到大rr嘅級數。
2023-11-01 15:48:40
Thank you for supporting New Japan Pro-Wrestling.

On principle, we ask fans to refrain from contact with NJPW wrestlers outside of officially designated fan meeting events. This includes waiting for wrestlers on entrance and exits from venues.

Please bear in mind that around venues and hotels where wrestlers are staying, waiting for wrestlers and pressuring for autographs and pictures puts a strain on personal time as well as disrupts regular business for other guests and staff.

Please understand that in future actions deemed to be overtly aggressive or be construed as stalking will be discussed with local law enforcement and dealt with appropriately.

We kindly ask fans to refrain from the following:

Waiting at Dojos, venues, hotels and places of transit (airports etc) for wrestlers as well as photography and video taken without consent.

Approaching wrestlers and requesting photographs and autographs outside of designated meet and greet events.

Directly bringing gifts and fan mail to wrestlers.
Gathering in large numbers around venues for wrestlers.

NJPW and its wrestlers deeply appreciate the support of our great fans and ask for your co-operation in respecting personal space as well as local residents and institutions.

2023-11-06 10:45:30
Logan Paul係Crown Jewel 救咗Rey Mysterio 一命
2023-11-06 10:46:09
2023-11-06 11:06:38
wrestler of the year
2023-11-06 11:36:12

2023-11-06 11:42:55
見過最癲係Rey Mysterio
之後Rey Mysterio 屌柒佢 我可以同你合照 可以幫你簽一件 係咁多
2023-11-06 12:27:09
Logan paul 真係一個天才
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞