Game of Thrones好睇在乎人與人之間嘅互動、鬥智鬥力、權力爭鬥,但最後無曬嚟啲原素咪比人屌
所以投票無問, House之間無力爭霸無問題,大部分人意識到戰爭係無謂都無問題,但無鋪排就好有問題
Jungkoook2023-04-13 22:26:46
The show hasn't explicitly stated whether or not Bran can actively see into the future, but we do know that he's had visions of it before. In season one, he has a dream that predicts his father's death. Then, in season six when he becomes the Three-Eyed Raven, he sees the explosion of the Sept of Baelor before Cersei even sets her plan in motion. That proves that he can see future events, but neither instance verifies whether or not he can harness this ability in the same way he's become a master at warging and visiting the past. Remember, the former Three-Eyed Raven dies before he can fully prepare Bran to use his abilities.