
1001 回覆
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2017-06-19 00:10:04
1. 馬壯

2017-06-19 01:22:27
1. 馬壯


2017-06-19 07:26:14

成個post 一半 engine

揸BC civil仔得2:1 想留係度報arup aecom atkins嗰啲做civil 唔知有無機

Have you got an up-to-date British Citizen passport? If not, you can apply for one in Hong Kong using the link below -


Once you are in the UK, you will need to go and apply for a National Insurance number. The link below will tell you how it can be done -


You can also register to vote in all UK election once you are in the UK. Please see link below -


You can access NHS (National Health Service) once you move back to the UK to settle. All you need to do is to register with your local GP (General Practitioner) -


However, you will not be entitle to welfare benefit as you will need to pass a habitual residence test before you can get welfare benefits.

係度做過intern 做嗰時已經搞掂哂呢啲
imperial 唔知揾唔揾到工

2017-06-19 07:38:24
1. 馬壯

2. 流放英倫
2017-06-19 08:42:12



British Citizenship does not take ten years. My limited understanding is this -

If you came to UK under the Tier 2 (General) visa, you will need to have a salary of £35000 per year in order to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK. You can apply for British Citizenship a year after ILR. So you can become a British Citizen after 6 years in the UK.


So Hkg brother, so if i come with Tier-2 visa n have over £35k per year. If i wanna apply citizenship in UK. What is the procedure once I land UK? (P.s. using HKSAR passport for this visa )

Thanks brother

First of all, you will need to get Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) using form SET(O) after five years residence in the UK. Please see link below for ILR details. After having ILR for a year, you can apply for naturalisation to become a British Citizenship using form AN.


Do you have British National (Overseas) status? If you have time, you may want to renew your BN(O) passport and use your BN(O) passport to get your Tier 2 visa.

There are three advantages using your BN(O) passport than your HKSAR passport for UK Tier 2 visa.

1) You do not need to register with the local police once you arrived in the UK. This will save you £34.

2) BN(O) passport holders with more than six months leave to enter / remain in the UK can register to vote in all UK elections. Being on the electoral roll helps you to build up your own credit history in the UK.

3) You can register to become a British Citizen rather than naturalise using form B(OTA). Registration is a cheaper process than naturalisation - £1163 for registration vs £1282 for naturalisation - a saving of £119 (2017 prices).


Thank you so much HKG brother

I do renewed the BNO n waiting it n it takes like 2-3 weeks, while I have to reply the Visa team of the UK firm with my passport details. As I dun wanna delay the visa until my new BnO arrives, so I will use the hksar one to apply for Tier 2. Is it possible to change my Tier2 from BnO to hksar during the first 5 years?

In terms of changing your Tier 2 from HKSAR passport to BN(O), the honest answer is I don't know as I only used my BN(O) passports for my UK visas. The only way I can see a change in passport is when the HKSAR passport with your Tier 2 visa expires before the Tier 2 visa, then you can transfer your current visa to a new passport. See link below for details -


I would strongly suggest you to register to vote in the UK once you have your BN(O) passport. If it is your long term plan to get British Citizenship, then building up your own credit history in the UK via the electoral roll is a good thing to do.

Thanks HKG brother, lemme register to vote when I receive the renewed Bn(o).
2017-06-19 14:39:32
1. 馬壯

2. 流放英倫

根據what next
2017-06-19 15:01:58
星期一想死 巴打lunch 通常食咩
2017-06-19 15:03:26
星期一想死 巴打lunch 通常食咩

2017-06-19 15:13:06
星期一想死 巴打lunch 通常食咩


唔識煮飯 但係日日叫外賣又好撚貴
2017-06-19 15:14:38
星期一想死 巴打lunch 通常食咩


唔識煮飯 但係日日叫外賣又好撚貴

2017-06-19 16:07:29
星期一想死 巴打lunch 通常食咩


2017-06-19 19:36:58
又要霸住啲machning schedule
2017-06-19 20:48:38
2017-06-19 21:00:42
又恐襲 點解咁撚多痴線佬
2017-06-19 21:03:55
又恐襲 點解咁撚多痴線佬

2017-06-19 21:13:51
又恐襲 點解咁撚多痴線佬


陰謀論 如果is係老美加中東佬support 喺咪夾埋想少啲人移民嚟英國 /有嘢唔妥英國佬
2017-06-19 21:28:07
又恐襲 點解咁撚多痴線佬


陰謀論 如果is係老美加中東佬support 喺咪夾埋想少啲人移民嚟英國 /有嘢唔妥英國佬

2017-06-19 23:27:02
2017-06-20 00:16:45



British Citizenship does not take ten years. My limited understanding is this -

If you came to UK under the Tier 2 (General) visa, you will need to have a salary of £35000 per year in order to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK. You can apply for British Citizenship a year after ILR. So you can become a British Citizen after 6 years in the UK.


So Hkg brother, so if i come with Tier-2 visa n have over £35k per year. If i wanna apply citizenship in UK. What is the procedure once I land UK? (P.s. using HKSAR passport for this visa )

Thanks brother

First of all, you will need to get Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) using form SET(O) after five years residence in the UK. Please see link below for ILR details. After having ILR for a year, you can apply for naturalisation to become a British Citizenship using form AN.


Do you have British National (Overseas) status? If you have time, you may want to renew your BN(O) passport and use your BN(O) passport to get your Tier 2 visa.

There are three advantages using your BN(O) passport than your HKSAR passport for UK Tier 2 visa.

1) You do not need to register with the local police once you arrived in the UK. This will save you £34.

2) BN(O) passport holders with more than six months leave to enter / remain in the UK can register to vote in all UK elections. Being on the electoral roll helps you to build up your own credit history in the UK.

3) You can register to become a British Citizen rather than naturalise using form B(OTA). Registration is a cheaper process than naturalisation - £1163 for registration vs £1282 for naturalisation - a saving of £119 (2017 prices).


Thank you so much HKG brother

I do renewed the BNO n waiting it n it takes like 2-3 weeks, while I have to reply the Visa team of the UK firm with my passport details. As I dun wanna delay the visa until my new BnO arrives, so I will use the hksar one to apply for Tier 2. Is it possible to change my Tier2 from BnO to hksar during the first 5 years?

In terms of changing your Tier 2 from HKSAR passport to BN(O), the honest answer is I don't know as I only used my BN(O) passports for my UK visas. The only way I can see a change in passport is when the HKSAR passport with your Tier 2 visa expires before the Tier 2 visa, then you can transfer your current visa to a new passport. See link below for details -


I would strongly suggest you to register to vote in the UK once you have your BN(O) passport. If it is your long term plan to get British Citizenship, then building up your own credit history in the UK via the electoral roll is a good thing to do.

Thanks HKG brother, lemme register to vote when I receive the renewed Bn(o).

You can register to vote in the UK using the link below -

2017-06-20 00:23:17
又恐襲 點解咁撚多痴線佬


陰謀論 如果is係老美加中東佬support 喺咪夾埋想少啲人移民嚟英國 /有嘢唔妥英國佬


吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞