其實大家會唔會用multi user login?
對我黎講android one/ Pixel最重要就呢個野
GooglePlay2021-07-28 23:08:41
瀨戶內2021-07-28 23:30:02
反而其他機太多built-in apps搞到佢地仲亂。
緊爽春蠅2021-07-29 01:08:40
詛鳲桼狖靡豨2021-07-29 03:14:07
3a 64gb 長期空30gb
聽歌用player, 相放google+nas
吳腹肌2021-07-29 08:54:48
踢走我部nokia 7 plus
不多也了2021-07-29 10:18:54
A report today from CounterPoint Research reveals that OnePlus is the fastest-growing smartphone OEM in the United States, with big numbers to show for it. The now-sub-brand of Oppo managed to grow its share of the US smartphone market by 428% in the first half of 2021 compared to the year prior.
Towards the opposite end of the spectrum, though, Google is seeing a loss in the market year-over-year. Despite launching Pixel 4a, 4a 5G, and Pixel 5 at competitive price points, the lineup apparently shrunk by around 7% compared to the first half of 2020.