No familiar with HK family law, but in Canada, Family law usually protects the financially weaker side. It could be the husband in some cases but rare.
THMC2021-05-22 23:19:33
唔上連登2021-05-22 23:19:37
THMC2021-05-22 23:19:53
樓主結左婚幾耐? 呢個information好重要
THMC2021-05-22 23:20:06
CNTower2021-05-22 23:21:17
Gather evidence and documents of whatever your mom paid
Yet, backdating documents can be illegal or even criminal. If backdating document misleads a third party or gives a false impression about when an action was taken, it may be fraudulent. The parties’ intentions are also important when evaluating whether backdating is legal.
His wife can challenge the legality of such "back dated" loan agreement.
Her argument will be such loan was actually a "GIFT". Then it will become part of family assets.