AMD討論POST(64) 睇#1&有時間幫手填資料

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2021-02-15 17:57:41
用佢個 rename program 改左都唔得
成日都up 應該冇搞錯
2021-02-15 17:58:22
2021-02-15 17:59:58
1. I formatted the USB flash to Fat 32 from windows option and I make sure NOT to be a quick format
2. I copied the Bios in the flash and rename the file into C7HWIFI.CAP
3. Make sure you insert the flash drive into the USB Bios Flashback Port (you can check which port it is from the manual - the first left USB port as you watch the back of the mobo in case it is vertically installed)
4. You can either do it by pressing the Bios Update button for like 3 secs OR entering into the Bios as you normally do and set it from there (I did the second option)
2021-02-15 18:01:31
唔該巴打 我用windows 個 ez-update 裝
Flash drive 好D?
2021-02-15 18:02:33
因為我H1 機要抬起部機先插到個底板位....
2021-02-15 18:06:35
2021-02-15 18:07:06
咁我遲D 先搞
2021-02-15 18:10:13
2021-02-15 18:15:18
等佢送新riser黎 或者遲D換條GEN 4
2021-02-15 18:24:21
2021-02-15 18:46:04
2021-02-15 18:53:49
我粒5900x買返黎第一日已經PBO到5.1G,點知佢D BIOS愈update愈廢,而家得返4.95G,上返5G咪即係還返個舊BIOS黎,仲要當新聞公佈
2021-02-15 21:46:26
asus 1803 bios 有問題? 點set pbo 都係高頻低分
2021-02-15 22:21:29
又話有 CTR 2.1 嘅
佢整個 CTR 2.0 RC4 做乜
2021-02-15 22:25:39
我用緊Asus B550-I
1803 我見佢PBO SET 爆佢都係高頻低分 (比唔夠電既現象)

1801 Beta
4.6GHz 手動1.29375v ,實際 1.28v idle, 1.248v full load (level 3)
4.6GHz 手動1.29375v,實際 1.24v idle, 1.152v full load (level 3)

係我問題,定個BIOS 出事
明顯電壓控制出問題,連帶自動化既PBO 都係咁
2021-02-15 23:06:33
CTR 2.1 This Spring
2021-02-16 00:10:41
呢個星期先係咁 之前冇事
2021-02-16 00:11:35
笑死,真係以為 AMD 出 5GHz CPU
「最近知名爆料玩家 @1usmus 在推特上表示,AMD 將會在2月15日推出新的 Ryzen 5000 系列處理器,主要時脈將會拉到 5GHz 或以上。」
2021-02-16 00:11:56
2021-02-16 00:14:17
你粒 5950X 有冇事
2021-02-16 00:23:51
usb driver ?
2021-02-16 00:36:02
裝左amd chipset driver 夠唔夠 好似冇其他driver裝
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