AMD討論POST(64) 睇#1&有時間幫手填資料

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2021-02-10 13:11:16
你唔頂RAM 就得既...
2021-02-10 13:36:48
其實CTR比果個電壓係咪跟足好,定有空間再調下? 我5950x CTR比1.25v 行4.5Ghz
2021-02-10 13:40:46
之前試過set得太低, 上網, 打機, 做文件野(M$office, autocad)冇問題,
開spotify都冇野, 但開itune就黑畫面reboot
2021-02-10 14:06:58
本身set左 CTR兩個profile 自己轉,但呢兩日打機個時有時會藍mon出irql not less or equal, 依家試下入bios 跟返佢個數入睇下會唔會有事。
2021-02-10 14:12:47
今日發現部機依然 reboot
event log 見到冇 bsod 不過彈咗條 WHEA Logger id 18
Google後見到其中一個係Hwinfo果度有人試到話佢地個sensor software會令到部機彈WHEA reboot

Hwinfo 建議用緊 AMD 嘅朋友試吓裝 version 6.43-4365 Beta

2021-02-10 15:49:21
2021-02-10 15:51:48

AMD Zen 4 Reportedly Features a 29% IPC Boost Over Zen 3

While AMD has only released a few Zen 3 processors which are still extremely hard to purchase for RRP we are already receiving leaks on their successors. Zen 3 Milan processors will likely be the final generation of AM4 processors before the switch to AM5. AMD appears to be preparing a bridging series of processors based on the Zen 3+ architecture before the release of Zen 4. Zen 3+ is expected to be AMD's first AM5 CPU design and should bring small IPC gains similar to the improvements from Zen to Zen+ in the range of 4% - 7%. The Zen 3+ processors will be manufactured on TSMC's refined N7 node with a potential announcement sometime later in 2021.

Zen 4 is expected to launch the next year in 2022 and will bring significant improvements potentially up to 40% over Zen 3 after clock boosts according to ChipsandChesse. A Zen 4 Genoa engineering sample reportedly performed 29% faster than an existing Zen 3 CPUs at the same clock speeds and core counts. The Zen 4 architecture will be manufactured on a 5 nm node and could potentially bring another core count increase. This would be one of the largest generational improvements for AMD since the launch of Ryzen if true. Take all this information with a heavy dose of skepticism as with any rumor.

當大家都仲未買到 Zen 3 時
AMD 已經預告緊 Zen 4 IPC 可能又有大增長
2021-02-10 15:55:14
Amd yes
2021-02-10 16:12:17
engineering sample 29%
2021-02-10 16:46:47
到時買唔到Zen4又可以睇住Zen5 d新聞打下飛機
2021-02-10 19:54:33
2021-02-10 20:28:08
2021-02-11 08:22:29

但係用落其實除左COLD BOOT會黑畫面卡vga led之外入到win10之後又其他又咩問題都無

2021-02-11 10:14:08
依家5950x 跟ctr出黎個數行1.25v / 4.5好穩定,尋日試過1.3v 4.6行test會重機。

同埋想問PBO個數字好吸引但一打機2077 就飛到上70幾度,想問下CTR2 run出黎每粒core個堆數字點樣用係PBO2個curve到?
2021-02-11 11:17:04
唔知點解部野開親software 就會mouse卡頓 lag lag下 係咪應該dl ctr 黎跟佢set?
Asus B550i
Asus 3070
Klevv32gb ram
Total 3tb m.2
因為唔識搞 就咁開左pbo set左ram上3600
2021-02-11 11:59:36
mouse lag試下關c state, pcie set 3.0, usb disable legacy support試下
2021-02-11 13:05:02
pcie extender cable?
2021-02-11 13:08:30
用formd T1
2021-02-11 13:30:41
呢間野自從某T 君走咗就收哂皮
2021-02-11 14:14:54
2021-02-11 14:16:43
5800x 有咩水冷推薦
2021-02-11 15:00:17
收工返去試試先 再試試上面位巴打個setting
2021-02-11 15:13:00
你個case 出廠果陣有冇講明果個批次可以gen4先?
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞