2017 DSE Bio 討論區(2)

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2017-04-24 23:58:13


軸突 <> 樹突


Hkeaa on99

突觸(synapse): 「神經源」之間,前突細胞膜至後突細胞膜之間,訊息傳遞既空間
-> 重點放係「神經源」

但我題目問motor neurone
-> it connects muscle or gland
-> so that we will call the AREA between motor neurone and muscle fibre/ gland as JUNCTION
-> neuromuscular junction or neuroglandar junction


Since synapse =/= chemical synapse nor electrical synapse

But in this q, it states SYNAPSES...

咁q7 點解唔係c? 佢話葉片 咁姐係薄壁細胞都會以硬脹度互相擠壓 令葉片挺直架喎 咁咪應該有支持作用囉

我錯左呢題... 唔識lol
因為上網搵唔到資料support plant leaf is supported by turgidity but only vascular veins

咁你q4揀左咩? 我就揀左D 因為我覺得成個實驗都唔關人事 佢整水浴純粹想令溫度一致

係 d

應該多人錯gwa 唔太清楚
2017-04-24 23:59:44

Hkeaa on99

突觸(synapse): 「神經源」之間,前突細胞膜至後突細胞膜之間,訊息傳遞既空間
-> 重點放係「神經源」

但我題目問motor neurone
-> it connects muscle or gland
-> so that we will call the AREA between motor neurone and muscle fibre/ gland as JUNCTION
-> neuromuscular junction or neuroglandar junction


Since synapse =/= chemical synapse nor electrical synapse

But in this q, it states SYNAPSES...

咁q7 點解唔係c? 佢話葉片 咁姐係薄壁細胞都會以硬脹度互相擠壓 令葉片挺直架喎 咁咪應該有支持作用囉

我錯左呢題... 唔識lol
因為上網搵唔到資料support plant leaf is supported by turgidity but only vascular veins

咁你q4揀左咩? 我就揀左D 因為我覺得成個實驗都唔關人事 佢整水浴純粹想令溫度一致

係 d

咁我應該錯左4題 希望好似數學咁有**啦

祝你好運 chef Le mon
2017-04-25 00:04:51

咁q7 點解唔係c? 佢話葉片 咁姐係薄壁細胞都會以硬脹度互相擠壓 令葉片挺直架喎 咁咪應該有支持作用囉

我錯左呢題... 唔識lol
因為上網搵唔到資料support plant leaf is supported by turgidity but only vascular veins

咁你q4揀左咩? 我就揀左D 因為我覺得成個實驗都唔關人事 佢整水浴純粹想令溫度一致

係 d

咁我應該錯左4題 希望好似數學咁有**啦

祝你好運 chef Le mon


Ok ge I guess
5**唔係睇band 睇人架jeh
2017-04-25 00:13:48
個條問size of native plant 應該點答

我寫the size of native plants decreases as more bacterium available to promote plant growth so more soil nutrients are absorbed by foerign species because foerign species is more competitive than native species. Less nutrients for native species to support the growth so size decreases

要講到前因:bacteria <> plant Y (promotion)
-> more plant Y
-> since given Y is more competitive
-> outcompete
-> blah blah blah

其實已經有bacterium 幫個plant 咁Y outcompete 有咩用
2017-04-25 00:15:33
2017-04-25 00:16:52
個條問size of native plant 應該點答

我寫the size of native plants decreases as more bacterium available to promote plant growth so more soil nutrients are absorbed by foerign species because foerign species is more competitive than native species. Less nutrients for native species to support the growth so size decreases

要講到前因:bacteria <> plant Y (promotion)
-> more plant Y
-> since given Y is more competitive
-> outcompete
-> blah blah blah

其實已經有bacterium 幫個plant 咁Y outcompete 有咩用

我覺得佢提Y is more competitive than X 係多餘
2017-04-25 00:28:25
個條問size of native plant 應該點答

我寫the size of native plants decreases as more bacterium available to promote plant growth so more soil nutrients are absorbed by foerign species because foerign species is more competitive than native species. Less nutrients for native species to support the growth so size decreases

要講到前因:bacteria <> plant Y (promotion)
-> more plant Y
-> since given Y is more competitive
-> outcompete
-> blah blah blah

其實已經有bacterium 幫個plant 咁Y outcompete 有咩用

我覺得佢提Y is more competitive than X 係多餘


1' competition
2. Overlapping of niche
3. Potential effect of forigen species to a well-established local community from an ecology viewpoint

不過算啦 ,考完答中就算
2017-04-25 00:41:54
2017-04-25 00:45:03

2017-04-25 00:51:10

2017-04-25 01:07:25
唉 對完 冇5啦, mc 咁伏
2017-04-25 01:09:18
唉 對完 冇5啦, mc 咁伏

2017-04-25 01:16:42
唉 對完 冇5啦, mc 咁伏

2017-04-25 01:16:46
唉 對完 冇5啦, mc 咁伏

Cap 圖pls
2017-04-25 01:19:39
唉 對完 冇5啦, mc 咁伏

Cap 圖pls

唔可以 出賣恩師, 你地等Skylet chu po 啦, 或者其他補習佬, 想睇佢地會點做份mc! 今年mc伏到呢, 果題implementation......
2017-04-25 01:28:56
唉 對完 冇5啦, mc 咁伏

Cap 圖pls

唔可以 出賣恩師, 你地等Skylet chu po 啦, 或者其他補習佬, 想睇佢地會點做份mc! 今年mc伏到呢, 果題implementation......

happy share
2017-04-25 01:42:05
唉 對完 冇5啦, mc 咁伏

Cap 圖pls

唔可以 出賣恩師, 你地等Skylet chu po 啦, 或者其他補習佬, 想睇佢地會點做份mc! 今年mc伏到呢, 果題implementation......

happy share

加密ok ma?

你地太多 5** ,一陣又出黎串爆小弟。。。。。😭
2017-04-25 02:00:08
2017-04-25 02:03:39

2017-04-25 02:07:05
唉 對完 冇5啦, mc 咁伏

Cap 圖pls

唔可以 出賣恩師, 你地等Skylet chu po 啦, 或者其他補習佬, 想睇佢地會點做份mc! 今年mc伏到呢, 果題implementation......

happy share

加密ok ma?

你地太多 5** ,一陣又出黎串爆小弟。。。。。😭

2017-04-25 02:16:07
唉 對完 冇5啦, mc 咁伏

Cap 圖pls

唔可以 出賣恩師, 你地等Skylet chu po 啦, 或者其他補習佬, 想睇佢地會點做份mc! 今年mc伏到呢, 果題implementation......

happy share

加密ok ma?

你地太多 5** ,一陣又出黎串爆小弟。。。。。😭

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞