2017 DSE Bio 討論區(2)

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2017-04-23 19:28:55
Myelinated nerve 喺係grey matter 定white matter入面?or depend on neurons?

Myelin sheath包住nerve fibres
2017-04-23 19:31:31
Myelinated nerve 喺係grey matter 定white matter入面?or depend on neurons?

睇density (cell bodies vs myelinated axon)
2017-04-23 19:32:06
DNA RNA 轉錄 轉譯果課 係用黎做咩?
e.g. 2014 Q6

留意footnote detailed步驟outsyl
2017-04-23 19:38:29
Why the ans is D?
咩叫Pushed towards the tip

Pushed towards the tip咪字面意思咁解
2017-04-23 19:42:45
Myelinated nerve 喺係grey matter 定white matter入面?or depend on neurons?

Myelin sheath包住nerve fibres

主要係white matter到
2017-04-23 19:55:59
DNA RNA 轉錄 轉譯果課 係用黎做咩?
e.g. 2014 Q6


但2014 q6係講基因喎
2017-04-23 19:56:26
DNA RNA 轉錄 轉譯果課 係用黎做咩?
e.g. 2014 Q6


但2014 q6係講基因喎

2017-04-23 19:57:56
During exercise more heat is generated is due to increased muscle contraction consumes more ATP so more heat lost or the rate of respiration is higher in muscle cell so more heat lost ?
2017-04-23 19:58:35
Myelinated nerve 喺係grey matter 定white matter入面?or depend on neurons?

睇density (cell bodies vs myelinated axon)

又係outsyl,DSE myelination唔包cell body,現實都好少講包cell body。

Myelin sheath包nerve fibres嘅作用係:
- insulate the nerve fibres to prevent transmission of nerve impulses to the surroundings.
- speed up transmission of nerve impulses
2017-04-23 19:59:47
DNA RNA 轉錄 轉譯果課 係用黎做咩?
e.g. 2014 Q6

留意footnote detailed步驟outsyl

sorry 我中文Bio
2017-04-23 20:02:09
Myelinated nerve 喺係grey matter 定white matter入面?or depend on neurons?

睇density (cell bodies vs myelinated axon)

又係outsyl,DSE myelination唔包cell body,現實都好少講包cell body。

Myelin sheath包nerve fibres嘅作用係:
- insulate the nerve fibres to prevent transmission of nerve impulses to the surroundings.
- speed up transmission of nerve impulses

我係話包 cell bodies

我指grey matter一樣有myelin sheath and cell bodies
但點解會grey因為相對多cell bodies
2017-04-23 20:02:37
Myelinated nerve 喺係grey matter 定white matter入面?or depend on neurons?

睇density (cell bodies vs myelinated axon)

又係outsyl,DSE myelination唔包cell body,現實都好少講包cell body。

Myelin sheath包nerve fibres嘅作用係:
- insulate the nerve fibres to prevent transmission of nerve impulses to the surroundings.
- speed up transmission of nerve impulses

我係話包 cell bodies

我指grey matter一樣有myelin sheath and cell bodies
但點解會grey因為相對多cell bodies

Grey matters包cell bodies
2017-04-23 20:03:03
During exercise more heat is generated is due to increased muscle contraction consumes more ATP so more heat lost or the rate of respiration is higher in muscle cell so more heat lost ?

more heat lost同more heat generated唔同意思,你指邊個?
2017-04-23 20:04:24
DNA RNA 轉錄 轉譯果課 係用黎做咩?
e.g. 2014 Q6

留意footnote detailed步驟outsyl

sorry 我中文Bio

2017-04-23 20:06:20
DNA RNA 轉錄 轉譯果課 係用黎做咩?
e.g. 2014 Q6


但2014 q6係講基因喎

2017-04-23 20:07:17
Myelinated nerve 喺係grey matter 定white matter入面?or depend on neurons?

睇density (cell bodies vs myelinated axon)

又係outsyl,DSE myelination唔包cell body,現實都好少講包cell body。

Myelin sheath包nerve fibres嘅作用係:
- insulate the nerve fibres to prevent transmission of nerve impulses to the surroundings.
- speed up transmission of nerve impulses

我係話包 cell bodies

我指grey matter一樣有myelin sheath and cell bodies
但點解會grey因為相對多cell bodies

Grey matters包cell bodies

正正係white matter多myelin sheath先顯得“white”
2017-04-23 20:07:23
Myelinated nerve 喺係grey matter 定white matter入面?or depend on neurons?

睇density (cell bodies vs myelinated axon)

又係outsyl,DSE myelination唔包cell body,現實都好少講包cell body。

Myelin sheath包nerve fibres嘅作用係:
- insulate the nerve fibres to prevent transmission of nerve impulses to the surroundings.
- speed up transmission of nerve impulses

我係話包 cell bodies

我指grey matter一樣有myelin sheath and cell bodies
但點解會grey因為相對多cell bodies

Grey matters包cell bodies

唔係架,DSE入面grey matter consists of cell bodies,white matters consists of nerve fibres。
2017-04-23 20:11:15
Myelinated nerve 喺係grey matter 定white matter入面?or depend on neurons?

睇density (cell bodies vs myelinated axon)

又係outsyl,DSE myelination唔包cell body,現實都好少講包cell body。

Myelin sheath包nerve fibres嘅作用係:
- insulate the nerve fibres to prevent transmission of nerve impulses to the surroundings.
- speed up transmission of nerve impulses

我係話包 cell bodies

我指grey matter一樣有myelin sheath and cell bodies
但點解會grey因為相對多cell bodies

Grey matters包cell bodies

唔係架,DSE入面grey matter consists of cell bodies,white matters consists of nerve fibres。

因為spinal cord grey matter

Eg withdrawl reflex
Where axon terminal of sensory neurone - interneurone - motor neurone connected

The myelinated axon terminal of sensory neurone x dendrite of dendron of interneurone

2017-04-23 20:12:47
White matter 就真係只得nerve fibre and myelinated axon , 無cell bodies

但grey matter: where cell bodies positioned ,點都有axon 跟住,好難完全割捨
2017-04-23 20:12:48
Why the ans is D?
咩叫Pushed towards the tip

Pushed towards the tip咪字面意思咁解

點解唔係push towards the region of elongation?
2017-04-23 20:13:10
DNA RNA 轉錄 轉譯果課 係用黎做咩?
e.g. 2014 Q6


但2014 q6係講基因喎


2017-04-23 20:17:44
DNA RNA 轉錄 轉譯果課 係用黎做咩?
e.g. 2014 Q6

留意footnote detailed步驟outsyl

sorry 我中文Bio


啫係淨係要知DNA--> transcript = mRNA---->translation= Protein??
2017-04-23 20:21:44
Myelinated nerve 喺係grey matter 定white matter入面?or depend on neurons?

睇density (cell bodies vs myelinated axon)

又係outsyl,DSE myelination唔包cell body,現實都好少講包cell body。

Myelin sheath包nerve fibres嘅作用係:
- insulate the nerve fibres to prevent transmission of nerve impulses to the surroundings.
- speed up transmission of nerve impulses

我係話包 cell bodies

我指grey matter一樣有myelin sheath and cell bodies
但點解會grey因為相對多cell bodies

Grey matters包cell bodies

唔係架,DSE入面grey matter consists of cell bodies,white matters consists of nerve fibres。

因為spinal cord grey matter

Eg withdrawl reflex
Where axon terminal of sensory neurone - interneurone - motor neurone connected

The myelinated axon terminal of sensory neurone x dendrite of dendron of interneurone


Spinal cord係有grey matter,冇錯,但係亦有white matter。同我講嘅野有衝突咩?
grey matter consists of cell bodies,white matters consists of nerve fibres
而Myelination只會發生係nerve fibres,cell bodies冇myelination。
2017-04-23 20:22:57

睇density (cell bodies vs myelinated axon)

又係outsyl,DSE myelination唔包cell body,現實都好少講包cell body。

Myelin sheath包nerve fibres嘅作用係:
- insulate the nerve fibres to prevent transmission of nerve impulses to the surroundings.
- speed up transmission of nerve impulses

我係話包 cell bodies

我指grey matter一樣有myelin sheath and cell bodies
但點解會grey因為相對多cell bodies

Grey matters包cell bodies

唔係架,DSE入面grey matter consists of cell bodies,white matters consists of nerve fibres。

因為spinal cord grey matter

Eg withdrawl reflex
Where axon terminal of sensory neurone - interneurone - motor neurone connected

The myelinated axon terminal of sensory neurone x dendrite of dendron of interneurone


Spinal cord係有grey matter,冇錯,但係亦有white matter。同我講嘅野有衝突咩?
grey matter consists of cell bodies,white matters consists of nerve fibres
而Myelination只會發生係nerve fibres,cell bodies冇myelination。

我都無話myelination in cell bodies

我只係話grey matters 同時有cell bodies and myelinated axon 而已
2017-04-23 20:23:29
Myelinated nerve 喺係grey matter 定white matter入面?or depend on neurons?

睇density (cell bodies vs myelinated axon)

又係outsyl,DSE myelination唔包cell body,現實都好少講包cell body。

Myelin sheath包nerve fibres嘅作用係:
- insulate the nerve fibres to prevent transmission of nerve impulses to the surroundings.
- speed up transmission of nerve impulses

我係話包 cell bodies

我指grey matter一樣有myelin sheath and cell bodies
但點解會grey因為相對多cell bodies

Grey matters包cell bodies

唔係架,DSE入面grey matter consists of cell bodies,white matters consists of nerve fibres。

因為spinal cord grey matter

Eg withdrawl reflex
Where axon terminal of sensory neurone - interneurone - motor neurone connected

The myelinated axon terminal of sensory neurone x dendrite of dendron of interneurone


我就係唔明嚟樣,成條interneuron 係grey matter入面有,而佢又有myelinated nerve
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