2020/21 英國master討論區 (2)

1001 回覆
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2020-09-03 00:51:37
2020-09-03 01:47:56
想報2021 lm
2020-09-03 09:15:01
2020-09-03 09:31:34
Business school?

2020-09-03 11:06:17
G5係咪一定要meet唔到entry requirements先會consider
imperial 收 first hon ucl收 second up
2020-09-03 16:50:30
MMU 名氣好唔好?我見HKU Space同Manchester Metropolitan University有個合辦Msc Cyber Security,諗緊報唔報
2020-09-03 18:04:16
2020-09-03 18:13:35
2020-09-03 19:03:55
啱啱上咗Imperial個Welcome Day,佢哋講到無得走堂咁,有無人知係咪真係咁嚴?
2020-09-03 22:07:09
我都收到mmu offer, 建議睇科排名
2020-09-03 23:27:23
2020-09-05 00:08:43
2020-09-05 11:07:06
We are anticipating a major immigration rule change in October 2020 and as part of it, the Tier 4 Pilot Scheme (for students starting a Master's degree) will close on 5 October 2020.

This means if you do not make your Tier 4 visa application online by 04 October 2020, you will no longer be eligible for the scheme.

From 1 October 2020, the Immigration Health Surcharge is also expected to increase from £300 per year to £470 per year.

Therefore, we would encourage that you submit your Tier 4 visa application online (meaning that you pay the Immigration Health Surcharge and visa application fees online) no later than 1 October 2020, even if you are permitted to travel to the UK at a later date, or in early January 2021. You do not need to have attended your visa appointment by 1 October 2020.
2020-09-05 13:14:01
咁之後我地係咪有機會直接用bno visa apply?
佢係講緊brexit後同EU visa rule change?
2020-09-05 13:16:27
2020-09-05 23:06:00
2020-09-06 10:57:37
我想問下上到center 會點?準備曬d doc正副本,但係其實有d咩係一定要交?交係要交正or 副本?好驚做錯
2020-09-06 13:00:39
因為疫情佢唔收其他文件。佢會要你去centre 之前scan 晒啲文件上網,當然你有野冇scan 你可以去到俾錢佢幫你scan。
scan 晒上網就連正本都唔使交
2020-09-08 11:21:26
屌唔得啦我間學校話唔用tier-4既話叫我自己搵legal advice

不過我defer左出年先讀 等內政部消息算

2020-09-08 12:51:03
依間半野雞黎 點會比得上
2020-09-08 15:03:29
有冇人記得visa自己拎係7:00-8:00 定8:00-9:00
2020-09-09 00:29:27
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞