17/18學年Non-jupas &副學士專區(36) offer god 顯靈

1001 回覆
9 Like 0 Dislike
2017-03-29 23:49:41
一陣有edit制但有offer果啲 可唔可以埋黎舉舉手


2017-03-29 23:50:26

Re: HKU Bachelor of Science in Information Management [BSc(IM)] Admissions 201x – Invitation to BSc(IM) Interview

Dear xxxx,

I refer to your application for admission to the BSc(IM) programme in 201x-1x, and write to invite you to attend an interview with details as follows:

Group: 5
Date: March 6, 201x
Time: 5:00 pm
Venue: Room 101, Runme Shaw Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, HK

HKU Main Campus map: http://www.maps.hku.hk/downloads/2012aughkumap.jpg
Transportation to HKU: http://www.maps.hku.hk/# (MTR HKU Station Exit A2)

Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the scheduled interview time. Change of interview schedule will not be entertained.

The group interview will be conducted in English. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me at bsim@hku.hk.

Best regards,
Margaret Li
Faculty of Education
The University of Hong Kong

我上年都係冇呢科offer 今年再報多次先有 但interview表現係差過上年 但今次有offer 所以曾經報過但冇offer既可能會有小小bonus 希望你都快offer la

但係今年nonjupas 如果XXX

2017-03-29 23:50:28
最後10分鐘 驚。。。。。。
2017-03-29 23:50:44

Re: HKU Bachelor of Science in Information Management [BSc(IM)] Admissions 201x – Invitation to BSc(IM) Interview

Dear xxxx,

I refer to your application for admission to the BSc(IM) programme in 201x-1x, and write to invite you to attend an interview with details as follows:

Group: 5
Date: March 6, 201x
Time: 5:00 pm
Venue: Room 101, Runme Shaw Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, HK

HKU Main Campus map: http://www.maps.hku.hk/downloads/2012aughkumap.jpg
Transportation to HKU: http://www.maps.hku.hk/# (MTR HKU Station Exit A2)

Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the scheduled interview time. Change of interview schedule will not be entertained.

The group interview will be conducted in English. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me at bsim@hku.hk.

Best regards,
Margaret Li
Faculty of Education
The University of Hong Kong

我上年都係冇呢科offer 今年再報多次先有 但interview表現係差過上年 但今次有offer 所以曾經報過但冇offer既可能會有小小bonus 希望你都快offer la

2017-03-29 23:51:20
個制仲係到 molamola
2017-03-29 23:51:26

Re: HKU Bachelor of Science in Information Management [BSc(IM)] Admissions 201x – Invitation to BSc(IM) Interview

Dear xxxx,

I refer to your application for admission to the BSc(IM) programme in 201x-1x, and write to invite you to attend an interview with details as follows:

Group: 5
Date: March 6, 201x
Time: 5:00 pm
Venue: Room 101, Runme Shaw Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, HK

HKU Main Campus map: http://www.maps.hku.hk/downloads/2012aughkumap.jpg
Transportation to HKU: http://www.maps.hku.hk/# (MTR HKU Station Exit A2)

Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the scheduled interview time. Change of interview schedule will not be entertained.

The group interview will be conducted in English. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me at bsim@hku.hk.

Best regards,
Margaret Li
Faculty of Education
The University of Hong Kong

我上年都係冇呢科offer 今年再報多次先有 但interview表現係差過上年 但今次有offer 所以曾經報過但冇offer既可能會有小小bonus 希望你都快offer la


2017-03-29 23:51:42
一陣有edit制但有offer果啲 可唔可以埋黎舉舉手


2017-03-29 23:51:45

Re: HKU Bachelor of Science in Information Management [BSc(IM)] Admissions 201x – Invitation to BSc(IM) Interview

Dear xxxx,

I refer to your application for admission to the BSc(IM) programme in 201x-1x, and write to invite you to attend an interview with details as follows:

Group: 5
Date: March 6, 201x
Time: 5:00 pm
Venue: Room 101, Runme Shaw Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, HK

HKU Main Campus map: http://www.maps.hku.hk/downloads/2012aughkumap.jpg
Transportation to HKU: http://www.maps.hku.hk/# (MTR HKU Station Exit A2)

Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the scheduled interview time. Change of interview schedule will not be entertained.

The group interview will be conducted in English. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me at bsim@hku.hk.

Best regards,
Margaret Li
Faculty of Education
The University of Hong Kong

我上年都係冇呢科offer 今年再報多次先有 但interview表現係差過上年 但今次有offer 所以曾經報過但冇offer既可能會有小小bonus 希望你都快offer la


你邊間cc gpa係? 因為我覺得佢會主要收返space既人 我都係因為咁而有offer
2017-03-29 23:52:21

Re: HKU Bachelor of Science in Information Management [BSc(IM)] Admissions 201x – Invitation to BSc(IM) Interview

Dear xxxx,

I refer to your application for admission to the BSc(IM) programme in 201x-1x, and write to invite you to attend an interview with details as follows:

Group: 5
Date: March 6, 201x
Time: 5:00 pm
Venue: Room 101, Runme Shaw Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, HK

HKU Main Campus map: http://www.maps.hku.hk/downloads/2012aughkumap.jpg
Transportation to HKU: http://www.maps.hku.hk/# (MTR HKU Station Exit A2)

Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the scheduled interview time. Change of interview schedule will not be entertained.

The group interview will be conducted in English. Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact me at bsim@hku.hk.

Best regards,
Margaret Li
Faculty of Education
The University of Hong Kong

我上年都係冇呢科offer 今年再報多次先有 但interview表現係差過上年 但今次有offer 所以曾經報過但冇offer既可能會有小小bonus 希望你都快offer la



2017-03-29 23:52:31
Edit制其實係咪一登入 中間灰色果粒?
2017-03-29 23:52:45
一陣有edit制但有offer果啲 可唔可以埋黎舉舉手



打左電話去poly問 offer既野
2017-03-29 23:52:59
Edit制其實係咪一登入 中間灰色果粒?

禁入Application no.果頁
2017-03-29 23:53:29

offer god
2017-03-29 23:54:17
Offer god balss
2017-03-29 23:54:39
non jupas 呢個PO

係呀哈哈 見到人有interview自己無會好失望
但係巴絲打又會互相幫助 一係好滾動

巴打我想問如果我有個比賽可以講到關im事,而我又攞左冠軍,好唔好講埋我攞左冠軍??我覺得好似係度晒命咁 定淨係講個比賽得
2017-03-29 23:54:51
各位 如果佢話smart casual大家會著咩去in

2017-03-29 23:54:51
offer god poly shipping
2017-03-29 23:55:02
Poly offer god
2017-03-29 23:55:22
Poly offer god

2017-03-29 23:55:32
offer god
Bics bics bics
2017-03-29 23:56:00
Poly u offer god
2017-03-29 23:56:21
Poly offer god
2017-03-29 23:56:26
Poly offer god


2017-03-29 23:56:43
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞