lebron vs kobe

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2018-04-14 09:54:32
Very accurate, quoted from some fb comments:

“Lets put it this way, Jordan was the ex girl you had the greatest time with, she inspired you , she showed you what it means to be in a relationship then she left... then comes Kobe, you were both young and in-love, just everything you want to be in a relationship again, she keeps you going, enjoying, makes unexpected things, got in trouble but changed her hair and shoes, and she won you again. No matter the mistakes she did, you’ll always forgive her. Then comes Lebron, she was hungry, motivated to be in this relationship, shows up everyday, rocking it, flaunting it, fakes a fall here or there to get your attention. She on the books is the best girlfriend against your 2 exes yet she doesn’t feel the same, she seems to perform well statistically but she’s not as exciting, not as energetic, not as passionate as the first 2. Gawd I need a girlfriend.....”
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