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Filibuster_HK 2017-12-13 11:27:59

NYT 95% Jones win
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-13 11:29:42
FOX NEWS : Doug Jones (D) WIN Alabama Senate Special Election

A.P. 都declare咗Jones won
y4t7sds12 2017-12-13 11:34:51
前路在何方 2017-12-13 11:49:50
y4t7sds12 2017-12-13 11:53:44

前路在何方 2017-12-13 11:59:54


Filibuster_HK 2017-12-13 12:03:06


Alabama保守,而且白人為主其他人口都係少數,仲有佢要求選民要有Photo ID, 例如Driving License 先可以投票,基本上係對民主黨相當不利。

係State Level的election,之前數次選舉Republician係以最少 +20%優勢勝出
波台 2017-12-13 12:08:20



Filibuster_HK 2017-12-13 12:12:42




最主要係Republican 唔投票,所有county turn-out都跌,有利Democrats。

而且今次有好多write-in,都對Moore不利,而且Republican Establishment冇好一致咁支持Moore
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-13 12:14:00

Congratulations to Doug Jones on a hard fought victory. The write-in votes played a very big factor, but a win is a win. The people of Alabama are great, and the Republicans will have another shot at this seat in a very short period of time. It never ends!

註: 下次選舉係2020年
y4t7sds12 2017-12-13 12:16:08
Donald J. Trump

Congratulations to Doug Jones on a hard fought victory. The write-in votes played a very big factor, but a win is a win. The people of Alabama are great, and the Republicans will have another shot at this seat in a very short period of time. It never ends!
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-13 13:18:54
Europe's gas prices soar as Austria blast adds to supply fears

Italy declares a state of emergency for energy amid concern in Europe that winter gas supplies may be disrupted.

Italy, the largest recipient of gas from the Austrian plant, declared a state of emergency for gas as its managers declared that it would take several days to restore output. A state of emergency gives Rome the right to invoke extraordinary measures, such as allowing coal and oil power plants to operate a full blast.

波台 2017-12-13 13:32:27

Congratulations to Doug Jones on a hard fought victory. The write-in votes played a very big factor, but a win is a win. The people of Alabama are great, and the Republicans will have another shot at this seat in a very short period of time. It never ends!

註: 下次選舉係2020年

Filibuster_HK 2017-12-13 13:36:17
Washington Post 呢個post可以睇到唔同背景人士的投票取向

Filibuster_HK 2017-12-13 13:55:47
Republican Roy Moore refuses to concede, says "wait on God and let this process play out”

Republican Roy Moore has refused to concede the Alabama Senate special election, telling his supporters to realize “when the vote is this close that it's not over.”

Moore was at least 20,000 votes behind Jones by the end of Tuesday evening, and multiple news outlets called the election for Jones shortly before 10:30 pm Eastern time.

Moore implied that there would be a recount, though it’s not clear exactly what that process entails — or if there will even be one. An automatic recount is only triggered under state law when final vote counts are within half a percentage point.

Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill told CNN that it was “highly unlikely” the outcome of the race would change. "There's not a whole lot of mistakes that are made," he said.

Moore, of course, didn’t let any of these facts stand in his way.
波台 2017-12-13 13:58:51
Republican Roy Moore refuses to concede, says "wait on God and let this process play out”

Republican Roy Moore has refused to concede the Alabama Senate special election, telling his supporters to realize “when the vote is this close that it's not over.”

Moore was at least 20,000 votes behind Jones by the end of Tuesday evening, and multiple news outlets called the election for Jones shortly before 10:30 pm Eastern time.

Moore implied that there would be a recount, though it’s not clear exactly what that process entails — or if there will even be one. An automatic recount is only triggered under state law when final vote counts are within half a percentage point.

Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill told CNN that it was “highly unlikely” the outcome of the race would change. "There's not a whole lot of mistakes that are made," he said.

Moore, of course, didn’t let any of these facts stand in his way.

Filibuster_HK 2017-12-13 14:01:56
Republican Roy Moore refuses to concede, says "wait on God and let this process play out”

Republican Roy Moore has refused to concede the Alabama Senate special election, telling his supporters to realize “when the vote is this close that it's not over.”

Moore was at least 20,000 votes behind Jones by the end of Tuesday evening, and multiple news outlets called the election for Jones shortly before 10:30 pm Eastern time.

Moore implied that there would be a recount, though it’s not clear exactly what that process entails — or if there will even be one. An automatic recount is only triggered under state law when final vote counts are within half a percentage point.

Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill told CNN that it was “highly unlikely” the outcome of the race would change. "There's not a whole lot of mistakes that are made," he said.

Moore, of course, didn’t let any of these facts stand in his way.


波台 2017-12-13 14:07:56
Republican Roy Moore refuses to concede, says "wait on God and let this process play out”

Republican Roy Moore has refused to concede the Alabama Senate special election, telling his supporters to realize “when the vote is this close that it's not over.”

Moore was at least 20,000 votes behind Jones by the end of Tuesday evening, and multiple news outlets called the election for Jones shortly before 10:30 pm Eastern time.

Moore implied that there would be a recount, though it’s not clear exactly what that process entails — or if there will even be one. An automatic recount is only triggered under state law when final vote counts are within half a percentage point.

Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill told CNN that it was “highly unlikely” the outcome of the race would change. "There's not a whole lot of mistakes that are made," he said.

Moore, of course, didn’t let any of these facts stand in his way.



佢係比較liberal 既地方就係
係呢d 數一數二反智地方,佢做咩都冇野
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-13 14:19:24
Republican Roy Moore refuses to concede, says "wait on God and let this process play out”

Republican Roy Moore has refused to concede the Alabama Senate special election, telling his supporters to realize “when the vote is this close that it's not over.”

Moore was at least 20,000 votes behind Jones by the end of Tuesday evening, and multiple news outlets called the election for Jones shortly before 10:30 pm Eastern time.

Moore implied that there would be a recount, though it’s not clear exactly what that process entails — or if there will even be one. An automatic recount is only triggered under state law when final vote counts are within half a percentage point.

Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill told CNN that it was “highly unlikely” the outcome of the race would change. "There's not a whole lot of mistakes that are made," he said.

Moore, of course, didn’t let any of these facts stand in his way.



佢係比較liberal 既地方就係
係呢d 數一數二反智地方,佢做咩都冇野

Establishment 唔會再支持一個係紅色州份咁樣輸法的候選人(如果係Strange選一早贏咗啦),由Bannon支持出黎諗住搞Establishment的Moore都唔會好過得去邊,Bannon而家都俾Republican指住黎鬧

唔理真假佢仲有sex scandal 係身
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-14 00:46:28
Euronews: 意大利有可能於明年三月四日大選
字裡行間🇱🇧 2017-12-14 01:01:06
Republican Roy Moore refuses to concede, says "wait on God and let this process play out”

Republican Roy Moore has refused to concede the Alabama Senate special election, telling his supporters to realize “when the vote is this close that it's not over.”

Moore was at least 20,000 votes behind Jones by the end of Tuesday evening, and multiple news outlets called the election for Jones shortly before 10:30 pm Eastern time.

Moore implied that there would be a recount, though it’s not clear exactly what that process entails — or if there will even be one. An automatic recount is only triggered under state law when final vote counts are within half a percentage point.

Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill told CNN that it was “highly unlikely” the outcome of the race would change. "There's not a whole lot of mistakes that are made," he said.

Moore, of course, didn’t let any of these facts stand in his way.



佢係比較liberal 既地方就係
係呢d 數一數二反智地方,佢做咩都冇野

Establishment 唔會再支持一個係紅色州份咁樣輸法的候選人(如果係Strange選一早贏咗啦),由Bannon支持出黎諗住搞Establishment的Moore都唔會好過得去邊,Bannon而家都俾Republican指住黎鬧

唔理真假佢仲有sex scandal 係身

Filibuster_HK 2017-12-14 08:31:45
Brexit bill: Government loses key vote after Tory rebellion


The government has been narrowly defeated in a key vote on its Brexit bill after a rebellion by 11 Tory MPs.

In a blow to Prime Minister Theresa May, MPs voted to give Parliament a legal guarantee of a vote on the final Brexit deal struck with Brussels.

The government had argued this would jeopardise its chances of delivering a smooth departure from the EU.

Despite a last-minute attempt to offer concessions to rebels, an amendment to the bill was backed by 309 to 305.

Ministers said the "minor setback" would not prevent the UK leaving the EU in 2019.

Of the Conservative MPs who voted against the government, eight are former ministers.

One of them, Stephen Hammond, was sacked as Conservative vice chairman in the aftermath of the vote.
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-14 11:54:37
18 attorneys general ask FCC to delay net neutrality vote for fake comments investigation


Eighteen attorneys general on Wednesday called on the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to hold off on the upcoming net neutrality vote pending an investigation into fake comments.

In a letter, the attorneys general asked Chairman Ajit Pai and the commissioners to “take immediate action” regarding the fake comments.

The letter comes after a separate letter from the office of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said as many as 2 million comments regarding net neutrality filed to the commission were falsified.
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-14 17:51:05
Venezuelans turn to ‘bitcoin mining’ to purchase basic needs


As Venezuela faces its worst hyperinflation in years, everyday Venezuelans have turned to cryptocurrency bitcoin to afford basic necessities.

The founder of BitcoinVenezuela.com, Randy Brito, estimates that around 100,000 Venezuelans are “mining bitcoin”. The mining trend took off in 2014 when the country’s economic crisis worsened due to the fall of oil prices.

Bitcoin mining consists of people using special software to perform complex mathematical operations and receive a certain numbers of bitcoins in exchange.
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-14 17:52:05
Rupert Murdoch set to sell off 21st Century Fox assets to Disney


Rupert Murdoch is set to announce a $60bn (£45bn) deal to sell assets in 21st Century Fox, including a 39% stake in Sky and a Hollywood studio, to rival Disney.

The deal, which will reportedly be announced before the New York stock exchange opens on Thursday, or around midday UK time, marks a turning point in an empire building career that started in the 1950s and is expected to lead to a split in the Murdoch family dynasty.

Rupert’s son James Murdoch, the Fox chief executive, will leave the company, either to join Disney in a senior role or set up his own venture, according to the Financial Times

The deal includes the 20th Century Fox film studio, home to franchises including Avatar and Ice Age, Fox’s TV production business, which produces shows including The Simpsons and Modern Family, and cable stations FX and National Geographic. Internationally, Disney would pick up Fox’s 39% stake in Sky, the Star network in India and the Fox International Channels business, which airs shows such as The Walking Dead.
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