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Filibuster_HK 2018-02-04 17:55:46

楊虔豪專欄:南北共組冬奧代表隊 文總統聲望開始走跌?


// 但當年,南北韓針對共組代表隊問題,展開長達5個月的討論才定案,選手早已做好心理準備充分受訓、合作應戰。現在距離平昌冬奧只剩下不到一個月,在選手加緊練習中的狀態下,南韓的提議,更讓許多運動員感到憂慮。



文總統聲望「下探新低」,若細部觀察各年齡層支持率,能發現20歲世代滑落最大。南韓年輕階層,未如上一代經歷韓戰造成的親人分隔,並成長於條件更優渥的90年代後,對北韓的關心及對民族與統一等概念,已淡化許多,甚至對「個人」價值更重視,這可視為共組代表隊爭議,引發青年世代脫離的要因。 //
Filibuster_HK 2018-02-04 18:12:34
Maldives army seals off parliament, arrests MPs


Security forces in the Maldives have sealed off the country's parliament and arrested two opposition legislators amid a deepening crisis over a court ruling ordering the release of jailed politicians.

Soldiers in riot gear surrounded the parliament building in Male on Sunday soon after the opposition submitted a petition to the parliament's secretariat to remove the island nation's attorney general for failing to act on the Supreme Court's ruling.

The opposition has a majority in the 85-member house, as the top court also reinstated 12 members of parliament who were stripped of their seats last year.

The motion to remove Attorney General Mohamed Anil came hours after he accused the Supreme Court of trying to impeach President Abdulla Yameen.
海龜先生 2018-02-04 19:40:19
Filibuster_HK 2018-02-04 19:54:49
Voters casting ballots in Nago mayoral election


Voters in the city of Nago in Okinawa Prefecture are casting ballots in a mayoral election as a controversial plan to relocate a US airbase to the city goes ahead.

17 polling stations opened at 7 AM on Sunday. The election pits incumbent Mayor Susumu Inamine against challenger Taketoyo Toguchi.

Inamine is an independent and has the recommendation of the Democratic Party and other opposition parties. Toguchi, a former city assembly member, is recommended by the governing coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito.

The election comes as the central government pushes ahead with work to relocate the US Marine Corps Futenma Air Station in the city of Ginowan to Nago's less densely populated Henoko district. A large seawall is now being built there.

Inamine is seeking a third term and is against relocating the airbase to Nago. He is backed by Okinawa Governor Takeshi Onaga.


可以集中搵opinion post了
桜の抹茶刺身 2018-02-04 21:20:57

btw新ac? 啱啱好趕得切返黎開#3

濕巴唔好再用洗板狙擊五毛啦,連仔不分立場淨bam洗板 關巴同人瑞巴都換晒方法
誰家柒頭無閪摸 2018-02-04 21:46:37
Filibuster_HK 2018-02-04 21:49:47
Amber Rudd hits back at Tory Brexiteers


Home Secretary Amber Rudd has hit back at Brexiteers in the Conservative Party over attacks on the civil service.

Ms Rudd said backbencher Jacob Rees-Mogg was "wrong" to accuse the Treasury of "fiddling the figures" with forecasts showing the UK would be worse off outside the EU.

The leaked forecast that sparked the row was a cross-departmental "tool" to "help inform the debate", she said.

Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, Bernard Jenkin, a Conservative MP who was a key Leave campaigner, accused the government of being "vague" and "divided" on the issue.

But Ms Rudd told the BBC's Andrew Marr she had "a surprise for the Brexiteers", that the key Brexit committee of ministers was "more united than they think".
誰家柒頭無閪摸 2018-02-04 22:09:39
Filibuster_HK 2018-02-04 22:35:00
Greece Macedonia: Name dispute draws mass protest in Athens


Hundreds of thousands of Greeks have taken to the streets of Athens in a protest about the decades-long dispute over the name Macedonia. Many Greeks object to the country of the same name calling itself Macedonia, saying it implies a territorial claim on Greece's northern Macedonia region.

Protesters oppose Greek government proposals on resolving the issue.

Demonstrators carrying Greek flags chanted "hands off Macedonia" and "Macedonia is Greece" as they assembled in Syntagma Square outside parliament.

The dispute with Macedonia has festered since it gained independence from Yugoslavia in 1991 and has held up its bids to join Nato and the EU. It is officially known as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) in organisations such as the UN.

Greece's left-wing Syriza government says the issue is a diplomatic obstacle it wants resolved and has proposed agreeing to a composite name for the country which would include the word Macedonia but ensure a clear differentiation from the Greek region. But for many Greeks that would be a step too far.

歐洲動態: 國號

// 馬其頓是前南斯拉夫90年代開始瓦解時其中一個宣佈獨立的國家,當時自稱「馬其頓共和國」(Republic of Macedonia),理所當然地簡稱「Macedonia」,但引起希臘不滿,理由是這跟希臘北部省份馬其頓同名,隱含馬其頓企圖吞併希臘北部領土,建立「大馬其頓」。情形跟馬其頓國以北的科索沃獨立時,當地也有人擔心阿爾巴尼亞裔人企圖建立「大阿爾巴尼亞國」。

最後在聯合國調停下,雙方同意馬其頓國國號為「馬其頓前南斯拉夫共和國」(Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,簡稱FYROM),馬其頓須在憲法寫明沒有領土擴張野心,甚至連國旗也需要更改,把旗上有16條射線的「維吉納之星」(Star of Vergina)刪除,改為只有8條射線,即文首圖片的圖案,希臘則同意馬其頓可以FYROM加入國際組織。//

Wonderwhy explaination video
Filibuster_HK 2018-02-05 10:35:55
North Korea to send ceremonial head Kim Yong-nam South


North Korea is to send its highest ranking official for years to the South amid an easing of tensions during the Winter Olympics.

Kim Yong-nam, the ceremonial head of state, will lead a 22-member delegation to the South beginning on Friday, said the South's Unification Ministry.

The two Koreas' athletes will march under one flag at the opening ceremony.

The North's participation in the Games is widely seen as a diplomatic manoeuvre by Pyongyang.

It faces growing international pressure and sanctions over its nuclear and missile programmes.
Filibuster_HK 2018-02-05 10:43:03
Cyprus president Anastasiades defeats leftist challenger


Greek Cypriots have re-elected Nicos Anastasiades as their eighth president in what is seen as a ringing endorsement of his stable leadership over the past five years.

The 71-year-old conservative won a second five-year term on Sunday with 56% of the vote. His opponent, the leftist-backed independent Stavros Malas, took 44%.

There were scenes of jubilation in Nicosia as news of the incumbent’s 12-point lead reached the campaign headquarters of Anastasiades’ Democratic Rally party (Dysi). Supporters poured on to the streets holding Cypriot, Greek and party flags, chanting slogans and honking horns. “Victory is a beautiful thing,” said Christos Papamichael, a Dysi activist.
Filibuster_HK 2018-02-05 12:37:10
Equatorial Guinea president dissolves govt by decree


Equatorial Guinea’s president Teodoro Obiang Nguema has dissolved his government, including the powers of the prime minister and his three deputies, according to a decree read out on state television on Saturday.

The country went to the polls for legislative, senatorial and municipal elections of November 12, last year. The ruling Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea (PDGE) maintained its firm grip on power at the November elections, widely criticised by the opposition as fraudulent.

The ruling party won 99 of the parliament’s 100 seats, while the main opposition party, Citizens for Innovation, won the remaining seat and said it had been subjected to a major crackdown, with scores of its people arrested.

The new government team is expected to be announced in the coming days.

Obiang, 75, seized power in the small former Spanish colony in 1979 and has faced a string of coup attempts during nearly four decades in office.
Filibuster_HK 2018-02-05 14:06:41
Costa Rica election: Conservative Christian Fabricio Alvarado leads first round vote


Costa Ricans voted in the first round of the country's presidential election on Sunday that saw 13 candidates vying to succeed outgoing President Luis Guillermo Solis.

Conservative Christian politician and TV anchor Fabricio Alvarado (pictured above) took the most votes, snagging 25.2 percent, the country's Supreme Electoral Tribunal said, citing initial results.

Carlos Alvarado (no relation) of the ruling left-leaning Citizens' Action Party came in second place with 21 percent.

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which is located in Costa Rica's capital San Jose, urged Costa Rica to give equal civil marriage rights to lesbian and gay couples.

Fabricio Alvarado called the court's ruling an infringement on Costa Rica's sovereignty and a violation of its traditional values. He also said he would consider pulling the country out of the court.

His opponent in April's runoff, Carlos Alvarado, was the only major candidate to openly support gay marriage, picking up support from socially liberal voters.
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