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Filibuster_HK 2017-12-29 18:56:55
[Venezuela] Venezuelans protest over pork shortages during Christmas


President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela has accused Portugal of sabotaging pork deliveries in time for Christmas.

Mr Maduro said his government had paid for the contracts, but that Portugal failed to deliver.

Lisbon has dismissed the claim, saying the government has no power to sabotage deliveries.

Hundreds of people took to the streets in poor parts of Caracas on Wednesday night to protest at the shortage.

President Maduro's government had promised to provide the subsidised pork, a traditional dish during the Christmas festivities, but many people did not receive it and took to the streets to protest.

Mr Maduro went on television to blame Portugal for failing to deliver pork imports in time for Christmas.
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-29 18:59:29
Iranians protest against high prices in Mashhad


Hundreds of people have protested against high prices in Iran's second largest city, shouting slogans denouncing President Hassan Rouhani.

Videos posted online showed a crowd in Mashhad chanting "death to Rouhani" and "death to the dictator", and police using water cannon to disperse it.

Mashhad Governor Mohammad Norouzian told local media that police confronted the "illegal" protest "with tolerance".
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-29 21:50:24
The beginning of the end for German Chancellor Angela Merkel?


Pressure is growing on Chancellor Angela Merkel as a new poll shows that half of Germans would prefer her not to complete a fourth term. But who else could lead her party — let alone Germany?

A majority of Germans seem to have come round to the idea that Angela Merkel's time is drawing to a close. A new YouGov poll released on Wednesday found that 47 percent of Germans would prefer the chancellor not to complete a fourth term in office, while only 36 percent said they would like to see her go another round.

"Of course after 12 years in office, Mrs Merkel doesn't want to descend into contradicting her own actions," Lindner told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung at the weekend. "But we want to be a part of a renewal project."

His words were soon echoed by Kubicki in the Funke Media Group on Wednesday, when the irascible veteran politician blamed Merkel for the failure of the Jamaica talks and then offered coyly, "It's up to the CDU itself how it wants it wants to get out of its 30-percent vale of tears." (The CDU has this week been polling at around 33 percent, about the same percentage it won in September's election, which was its lowest result since the first post-war vote in 1949.)

Kubicki, for his part, had some suggestions about who might represent the next generation of Christian Democrats: the 37-year-old Jens Spahn, a state secretary in the Finance Ministry, has drawn much media attention in the past few months — not least for the occasional provocative statement calculated to get a populist reaction — and looks likely to figure in any future CDU leadership battle.

Then there is 44-year-old Daniel Günther, the new state premier in Schleswig-Holstein, where he is presiding over a Jamaica coalition that was supposed to be the blueprint for its federal counterpart.
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-29 22:47:45
South Africa parliament failed to hold Zuma to account, court rules


South Africa’s constitutional court has ruled that parliament failed to hold President Jacob Zuma to account over a scandal related to state-funded upgrades to his home and must launch proceedings that could remove him from office.

The ruling is the latest judicial setback for Zuma, who has faced widespread public demands to step down before a general election in 2019. It was not immediately clear what steps parliament would take.
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-29 23:35:51
[Follow-up] Iran hit by second day of anti-government protests


Anti-government demonstrators have taken to the streets of Iran for a second day, with protests being held in a number of cities.

The protesters have been angered by rising prices and corruption.

Large numbers have reportedly gathered in the western city of Kermanshah, with a smaller demonstration in the southern city of Shiraz.

The biggest protest on Thursday was in the north-eastern city of Mashhad, where there were 52 arrests.

There have been calls on social media for protests up and down the country, despite warnings from the government against illegal gatherings.
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-30 13:00:11
[Spain-Catanlonia] Spanish PM calls constituent session for new Catalan parliament on January 17


Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy on Friday described 2017 as “very difficult” during an appearance in which he gave an overview of the last 12 months.

The Spanish leader also called a constituent session for the regional parliament of Catalonia for January 17, a little shy of a month since a snap regional election called by Rajoy using emergency constitutional powers.

The Spanish leader also referred to the intention of independence parties in Catalonia to change the rules so that ousted premier Carles Puigdemont – who has been in Belgium since late October and faces arrest on possible rebellion charges if he returns to Spain – can participate in the regional parliament remotely.

“It is absurd to attempt to be premier of a region while living overseas,” he said.
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-30 21:11:54
Government admits 'losing' thousands of papers from National Archives


Thousands of government papers detailing some of the most controversial episodes in 20th-century British history have vanished after civil servants removed them from the country’s National Archives and then reported them as lost.

Documents concerning the Falklands war, Northern Ireland’s Troubles and the infamous Zinoviev letter – in which MI6 officers plotted to bring about the downfall of the first Labour government - are all said to have been misplaced.

Other missing files concern the British colonial administration in Palestine, tests on polio vaccines and long-running territorial disputes between the UK and Argentina.
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-30 21:13:31
[Oceanic] Australian air force put on alert after Russian long-range bombers headed south


An Australian air force base was put on alert while Russian strategic bombers conducted exercises in neutral waters off Indonesia, a move experts said showed Moscow was looking to extend its influence in the Pacific.

The base in Darwin was briefly put on a state of “increased readiness” in early December during the Russian exercises, which, according to the Russian Ministry of Defence, involved two nuclear-capable Tu-95MS bombers and more than 100 personnel.

RT, the Kremlin-backed English-language news channel, reported the exercise was the first Russian air patrol in the Pacific launched from Indonesia.
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-30 21:28:56
[Follow-up][Iran] Iran protests: Citizens told to avoid 'illegal gatherings'

The Iranian government has told people to avoid "illegal gatherings" in the wake of two days of angry anti-establishment protests in the country.

Scores have been arrested in protests over corruption and living standards.

Some small groups have continued demonstrations in Tehran and elsewhere.

But Interior Minister Abdolrahman Rahmani Fazli urged people "not to participate in these illegal gatherings as they will create problems for themselves and other citizens".

The Iranian authorities are blaming anti-revolutionaries and agents of foreign powers for the outbreak of anti-establishment protest.
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-31 00:50:53
[Follow up] South Korea confirms it has seized tanker suspected of delivering oil to North Korea


Authorities in Seoul say they are holding a ship alleged to have illegally transferred oil to a North Korean ship. UN sanctions prohibit such actions. Washington has accused China of undermining the sanctions.

The South Korean government announced that it seized the Lighthouse Winmore, a Hong Kong-flagged tanker carrying Japanese oil, in late November. The ship, chartered by the Taiwanese company Billions Bunker Group, was loaded with 600 tons of refined Japanese petroleum and supposedly bound for Taiwan when it was originally inspected in the South Korean port of Yeosu in October.

However, it is suspected that the ship actually transferred that load to the awaiting North Korean tanker Sam Jong 2 while in international waters on October 19, after leaving port in Yeosu. North Korea is currently under UN Security Council sanctions that prohibit it from importing more than 2 million barrels of refined petroleum annually. Ship-to-ship transfers of any goods are also expressly forbidden by UN Security Council Resolution 2375, which was passed in September.
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-31 00:53:28
[EU] EU asylum applications drop off drastically in 2017


The European Union saw 50 percent fewer new asylum requests this year compared to last year, according to the latest Eurostat figures published Saturday.

A total of 479,650 first-time asylum applications were filed across the bloc between January and September in 2017, while 2016 saw 1.2 million people apply for asylum, the Funke Media Group reported, citing the EU statistics office.

Germany received almost a third of this year's first-time asylum applications, followed by Italy and Greece.

On average, less than half of asylum applications in the EU are approved the first time around, according to Eurostat. In the last quarter of the year in Germany, only 48 percent of asylum applications were accepted.
Improver 2017-12-31 01:27:42
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-31 01:50:36
[Russia] Thousands of Russians endorse Navalny to challenge Putin in 2018


Alexei Navalny, seen as the only Russian opposition leader who stands a fighting chance of challenging Vladimir Putin, has attempted to get his name on the ballot for a March presidential election, with supporters gathering across Russia to endorse the move.

Thousands of people who back him were meeting in 20 Russian cities on Sunday to formally nominate his candidacy in the presence of electoral officials in an attempt to boost his chances of making the vote.

Russian electoral officials have deemed him ineligible to run due to a criminal conviction, saying “only a miracle” would help him get registered.

Putin, 65, announced this month he would seek a fourth presidential term, which would extend his rule until 2024 and make him the longest-serving Russian leader since dictator Joseph Stalin.

But Navalny, who has tapped into the anger of a younger generation who grew up under Putin and yearn for change, said he would not give up. He hopes that popular support for his Kremlin bid would pressurise authorities into putting his name on the ballot.[/red]
[Follow-up] Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny barred from running for president


Russian election officials on Monday formally barred Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny from running for president, prompting calls from him for a boycott of next year’s vote.

The central election commission decided unanimously that the anti-corruption crusader is not eligible to run.

Navalny is implicitly barred from running for office because of a conviction in a fraud case which has been viewed as political retribution. He could have run if he was given a special dispensation or if his conviction was cancelled.

[Follow-up] Russia's Kremlin suggests Alexei Navalny's calls to boycott election 'are breaking the law'


The opposition leader has urged Russians to boycott the vote, saying "Putin is terribly scared." Human rights groups have urged authorities to end a campaign of "harassment and intimidation" against the opposition.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Tuesday said authorities need to determine whether Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's call to boycott next year's presidential election are illegal.

"Calls for boycott ought to be carefully studied to see if they are breaking the law," said Peskov, a day after the country's top electoral body voted to formally ban Navalny from running in the 2018 presidential election.

[red][Follow-up] Russia: Court upholds ban on Alexei Navalny presidency bid


Opposition leader Alexei Navalny was dealt another blow on Saturday in his bid to appear on the ballot during the 2018 presidential election.

The Supreme Court dismissed Navalny's appeal against the decision by the Central Election Commission to bar him from the election due to an embezzlement conviction.

Navalny and his supporters say the suspended sentence he received was politically driven. The court said the commission's decision to formally bar him from the ballot on Monday was fully legal.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose approval ratings are at around 80 percent, is widely expected to win a fourth term during the March 18 election.
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-31 01:53:31
y4t7sds12 2017-12-31 16:34:39
土木膠程師 2017-12-31 17:25:07

八月: 馬來西亞國會選舉:
國陣係上次大選中首次失去得票過半,但因為選舉制度(First Past the Post)得近六成議席,而納吉首相又有貪腐指控纏身,同時就要睇反對黨聯盟 - 希望聯盟又可以點破局,又會唔會引起大規模示威






歐洲仲有唔少選舉例如捷克總統選舉(有一定實權),芬蘭同愛爾蘭總統選舉(冇咩實權)。仲有地選好似荷蘭,比利時,重要的好似英國地選,睇下工黨可唔可以係今年sanp election後,控制更多local council。

美國中期改選 (十一月六日),美國人對侵侵的信心票,眾議院435席,參議院33席,Democrats可唔可以乘贏Alabama的形勢勝出,抑或侵侵出年同GOP establishment同心一齊勝選呢,美國中期改選可以講係2018最重要同最好睇的選舉


哥倫比亞總統選舉同國會選舉,2016年諾貝爾和平獎得主總統Juan Manuel Santos已經兩期,因此冇得選,又睇下邊個新總統同叛亂份子講數



土木膠程師 2017-12-31 17:26:49

土木膠程師 2017-12-31 17:27:08

Filibuster_HK 2017-12-31 17:34:59
Iranians protest against high prices in Mashhad


Mashhad Governor Mohammad Norouzian told local media that police confronted the "illegal" protest "with tolerance".
[Follow-up] Iran hit by second day of anti-government protests


Anti-government demonstrators have taken to the streets of Iran for a second day, with protests being held in a number of cities.

The biggest protest on Thursday was in the north-eastern city of Mashhad, where there were 52 arrests.

There have been calls on social media for protests up and down the country, despite warnings from the government against illegal gatherings.
[Follow-up][Iran] Iran protests: Citizens told to avoid 'illegal gatherings'

The Iranian authorities are blaming anti-revolutionaries and agents of foreign powers for the outbreak of anti-establishment protest.

[Follow-up] Two protesters killed in Iran anti-government rallies


The Mehr news agency said on Sunday that at least two people died on Saturday night in Dorud, a city in western Iran.

Habibollah Khojastepour, security deputy of the governor of Lorestan province, said the presence of "agitators" prevented a peaceful end to the protest, according to Mehr.

Iranians began protesting on Thursday in the second city of Masshad, rallying against high prices. The rallies have since gained momentum, spread to other cities, and are described as the largest in nearly a decade.

Saturday marked the third day of anti-government protests across Iran, when students and police clashed in Tehran.
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-31 23:31:05
[Iran] Iran protests: 'Iron fist' threatened if unrest continues


Iran's Revolutionary Guards have warned anti-government protesters they will face the nation's "iron fist" if political unrest continues.

Three days of demonstrations over falling living standards have become the biggest show of dissent since huge pro-reform rallies in 2009.

A Revolutionary Guards commander said the protests had degenerated into people chanting political slogans and burning public property.

Two protesters died of gunshot wounds.

Iran has imposed "temporary" restrictions on social networks Telegram and Instagram.

水箭龜苓膏 2017-12-31 23:48:28
Filibuster_HK 2018-01-01 01:10:31
Trump campaign aide prompted Russia investigation in drunken revelation: report


Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos reportedly prompted the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election by drunkenly revealing knowledge of Russian opposition research on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Papadopoulos, a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, in May 2016 allegedly revealed to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer that Russian officials were shopping possible dirt on Clinton, likely implying that Russian officials were shopping them to the Trump campaign, The New York Times reported Saturday.

Four former and current officials with knowledge of the situation told the Times that Australian officials then informed their U.S. counterparts, which may have then triggered the July 2016 investigation.

The Australian diplomats forwarded the information when leaked Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails began to surface online.

Filibuster_HK 2018-01-01 01:13:50
Filibuster_HK 2018-01-01 14:23:20
[New Year] France, Germany, UK, North Korea Leaders New Year's Address

Macron’s first New Year’s speech addresses employment, immigration, Europe


In his first New Year’s address to the French people Sunday, just before the New Year was rung in, the French president, Emmanuel Macon, said that he will continue to pursue the reform agenda that he introduced in 2017 in 2018.

Transformations, such as those initiated at school, at work, on the climate "will continue with the same force in 2018," he said, adding that he will not stop "acting" despite the "discordant" voices.

Addressing the problem of unemployment, he said that France needs to put work at the “heart of our society” because France can only be strong through work.

Speaking about immigration, the President defended his “humanitarian and efficiency" that is encapsulated in draft law on the right to asylum.

Angela Merkel calls on Germans to respect political differences in New Year's address
German Chancellor Angela Merkel used her televised New Year's address on Sunday to call on German citizens to be respectful and listen to each other when discussing their political differences.

"It has been a long time since the differences of opinion about this have been so stark," she said, adding: "Some have even spoken of a rift running through our society."

Noting that success and trust mark today's Germany as much as fear and doubt, Merkel said Germans must "strive for more consideration of others again." The chancellor said that consideration means "paying attention, truly listening, and showing understanding for others."

Merkel also said Germany should aim to secure jobs, create new ones, improve education, reduce regional inequalities, take advantage of new digital technologies and ensure the country's security over the next 10 to 15 years.

Britons will feel pride in 2018, says Theresa May


Britons will feel "renewed confidence and pride" in 2018, Theresa May has said in her new year message.

The prime minister said that while Brexit will be "crucial" in the coming year, it is "not the limit" of the government's ambitions.

It will focus on schools, the police and NHS to change people's daily lives.

Full Address: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/prime-minister-theresa-mays-new-year-message-for-2018

Kim Jong-un: North Korea's nuclear arsenal is now complete


North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, has warned the United States his country’s nuclear forces are now “completed”, adding that the nuclear launch button was always within easy reach.

While he remained defiant in his confrontation with Donald Trump, he struck a more conciliatory note on relations with South Korea, offering to start talks on sending a North Korean delegation to the upcoming Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.
Filibuster_HK 2018-01-01 18:47:42
[UK] Theresa May considers move for Boris Johnson in cabinet reshuffle

Theresa May is preparing a new year reshuffle that could see a number of cabinet figures losing their positions in an attempt to refresh the Conservative front bench.

The prime minister is said to be considering offering the foreign secretary, Boris Johnson a move to a Brexit delivery role based in another department, but he is likely to resist such a move.

May’s decision to shake up her team comes after fierce disagreements within Downing Street about how sensible such a move would be.

Rumours circulating in Westminster include the idea of Justine Greening being moved out of education

The Sunday Times suggested that Andrea Leadsom could be sacked as leader of the House of Commons, and it also named Chris Grayling, the transport secretary, who ran May’s leadership bid.

Greg Clark is liked by Downing Street but has not always impressed as business secretary and could also be in line for a move to another department.

Patrick McLoughlin is expected to be removed as party chair, with the immigration minister, Brandon Lewis, likely to be named as his successor.

Those who could gain promotions into the cabinet include Dominic Raab and Damian Hinds, and May could also be looking to promote Amber Rudd – as foreign secretary if Johnson does step aside – and Karen Bradley.
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