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雅各賓派 2017-12-03 20:00:59
An intercontinental ballistic missile that North Korea said could reach the “whole” mainland of the United States likely broke up upon re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere, a US official said Saturday.

North Korea on Tuesday broke a two-month lull in weapons testing. It launched an advanced intercontinental ballistic missile, the Hwasong-15, that state-controlled media described as the “most powerful ICBM” carrying a “super-large heavy warhead” to unprecedented heights of almost 4,500 kilometers (2,800 miles).

Technical analysis of the missile flight is ongoing, but the US official said “the North Koreans had problems with re-entry. ”

Coupled with the rogue regime’s need to master missile guidance and targeting, the re-entry failure underscores the challenges facing the country’s weapons program, according to the official.

Still, the ability of the new missile to fly higher and longer than others in the past signals the program’s intent to develop weapons capable of attacking the US.




濕鳩塞鷗 2017-12-03 20:36:04
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-12-03 20:57:36
Police: 1 killed, 3 injured after driver strikes 4 in NYC

Police are searching for a man who struck at least four people when he drove down a New York City street, killing one and critically injuring three. A New York Police Department detective says the driver targeted the victims in Queens, but terrorism is not suspected. He says the man fled after striking them around 4:45 a.m. Sunday.

濕鳩塞鷗 2017-12-03 22:09:04
Saudi-led coalition provides air support for Yemen's Saleh
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-12-04 07:44:41

Members of the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party elected a right-wing nationalist to be their co-leader on Saturday, signalling a possible toughening of tone before regional votes next year.

A party congress chose Alexander Gauland - who once defended an AfD member who had said history should be rewritten to focus on German victims of World War Two - to return to the post he had held until 2015.
Filibuster_HK 2017-12-04 09:41:19

Members of the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party elected a right-wing nationalist to be their co-leader on Saturday, signalling a possible toughening of tone before regional votes next year.

A party congress chose Alexander Gauland - who once defended an AfD member who had said history should be rewritten to focus on German victims of World War Two - to return to the post he had held until 2015.

威猛的巨龍 2017-12-04 10:21:58
濕鳩塞鷗 2017-12-04 10:26:48

Members of the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party elected a right-wing nationalist to be their co-leader on Saturday, signalling a possible toughening of tone before regional votes next year.

A party congress chose Alexander Gauland - who once defended an AfD member who had said history should be rewritten to focus on German victims of World War Two - to return to the post he had held until 2015.


濕鳩塞鷗 2017-12-04 14:19:18
A series of tweets by U.S. President Donald Trump about the investigation into contacts between his 2016 campaign and Russia prompted concerns on Sunday among both Democratic and Republican lawmakers, with Republican Senator Lindsey Graham saying Trump could be wading into "peril" by commenting on the probe.
frikandel 2017-12-04 15:31:54
A series of tweets by U.S. President Donald Trump about the investigation into contacts between his 2016 campaign and Russia prompted concerns on Sunday among both Democratic and Republican lawmakers, with Republican Senator Lindsey Graham saying Trump could be wading into "peril" by commenting on the probe.

Filibuster_HK 2017-12-04 19:18:53
Honduras presidential election vote recount begins

The Electoral Court in Honduras has begun a partial recount of votes cast in the disputed presidential ballot.

It was requested by the opposition coalition after initial results showed the incumbent, Juan Orlando Hernandez, winning by a few thousand votes.

But the opposition is boycotting the process because the tribunal is only examining around 6% of the vote.

濕鳩塞鷗 2017-12-04 20:51:05
海龜先生 2017-12-04 21:01:27
MEPs say UK has conceded on Ireland border in Brexit talks

Draft agreement seen by MEPs said to commit to ‘continued regulatory alignment’ between Northern Ireland and the Republic after Brexit

The British government appears to have bowed to the Republic of Ireland’s demand that Northern Ireland will not diverge from key EU laws and regulations in the future so as to ensure that a hard border does not return to the island.

According to sources, MEPs were told by the chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, that Theresa May had conceded after days of intense talks that the province would be treated as a special case with “continued regulatory alignment” between the north and south of the island after Brexit.

A draft of the text of a 15-page joint agreement between the European commission and the British government is said to include a commitment in paragraph 48 that “in the absence of agreed solutions the UK will ensure that there continues to be continued regulatory alignment” with the internal market and customs union.

It is understood Ireland sees the phrase “regulatory alignment” as providing the highest degree of comfort to both sides, allowing talks to move to the next phase while at the same time giving room for manouevre for negotiations in the second phase.

Filibuster_HK 2017-12-04 21:13:04

濕鳩塞鷗 2017-12-04 22:11:25


濕鳩塞鷗 2017-12-04 23:15:21
海龜先生 2017-12-04 23:26:38
Arlene Foster says DUP will not accept Brexit 'divergence which separates Northern Ireland from rest of UK'

Donaldson: 'That is not our understanding of the UK Government's position'

DUP leader Arlene Foster has said her party will not accept a Brexit deal that "separates" Northern Ireland from the rest of the United Kingdom.

It comes after a leaked draft agreement that reportedly shows the UK and Republic of Ireland officials have tentatively agreed to keep Northern Ireland’s regulations in line with those of European Union after Brexit.
雅各賓派 2017-12-04 23:28:17

濕鳩塞鷗 2017-12-04 23:30:40


Filibuster_HK 2017-12-04 23:33:49



Filibuster_HK 2017-12-04 23:35:17
Arlene Foster says DUP will not accept Brexit 'divergence which separates Northern Ireland from rest of UK'

Donaldson: 'That is not our understanding of the UK Government's position'

DUP leader Arlene Foster has said her party will not accept a Brexit deal that "separates" Northern Ireland from the rest of the United Kingdom.

It comes after a leaked draft agreement that reportedly shows the UK and Republic of Ireland officials have tentatively agreed to keep Northern Ireland’s regulations in line with those of European Union after Brexit.

濕鳩塞鷗 2017-12-04 23:43:42
Arlene Foster says DUP will not accept Brexit 'divergence which separates Northern Ireland from rest of UK'

Donaldson: 'That is not our understanding of the UK Government's position'

DUP leader Arlene Foster has said her party will not accept a Brexit deal that "separates" Northern Ireland from the rest of the United Kingdom.

It comes after a leaked draft agreement that reportedly shows the UK and Republic of Ireland officials have tentatively agreed to keep Northern Ireland’s regulations in line with those of European Union after Brexit.


Filibuster_HK 2017-12-04 23:44:22
London Mayor's Twitter

Huge ramifications for London if Theresa May has conceded that it's possible for part of the UK to remain within the single market & customs union after Brexit. Londoners overwhelmingly voted to remain in the EU and a similar deal here could protect tens of thousands of jobs.

SNP Nicola Sturgeon

If one part of UK can retain regulatory alignment with EU and effectively stay in the single market (which is the right solution for Northern Ireland) there is surely no good practical reason why others can’t.
海龜先生 2017-12-04 23:45:28
17 mins ·


濕鳩塞鷗 2017-12-04 23:49:40
17 mins ·



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