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2017-12-09 18:17:48
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Friday that moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem "is not something that is going to happen this year, probably not next year."

Speaking in Paris with his French counterpart, Tillerson said that President Donald Trump had ordered the State Department to "start the process of making the move" but that it would take time. They still needed to acquire a site, make construction and building plans, ensure necessary authorizations and then build the embassy itself, Tillerson said.

He also said that Trump's decision does not "indicate any final status for Jerusalem," adding that the "final status would be left to the parties to negotiate and decide."


無乜火 班穆斯林都買怕猶太人



歐洲國家都無能力贏以色列 印度D軍火係以色列買返黎既更加無可能

英, 法, 德軍依家都經費不足
默克爾夫人講過話會加軍費, 如果佢同社會民主黨聯合執政, 仲會唔會加軍費?
2017-12-09 23:39:48
Iraq declares war with Islamic State is over

Iraq has announced that its war against so-called Islamic State is over.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi told a conference in Baghdad that Iraqi troops were now in complete control of the Iraqi-Syrian border.

The border zone contained the last few areas IS held, following its loss of the town of Rawa in November.

The Iraqi announcement comes two days after the Russian military declared it had accomplished its mission of defeating IS in neighbouring Syria.

From BBC

2017-12-10 10:36:27
Women take to streets to demand end to South Sudan war

They marched in silence, yet their message was loud and clear.

Hundreds of women covered their mouths with tape on Saturday as they took to the streets in South Sudan's capital, Juba, to demand an end to their country's war and the suffering of its people.

Carrying posters and signs that read "Bring back our peace now!", "Save my future, stop the war" and "Enough of the bloodshed", women of all ages expressed their anger at a conflict now entering its fifth year.

"We, the women of South Sudan, have decided that we have had enough of this. This war has been going on for a long time," a demonstrator said after briefly removing the piece of white tape from her mouth.

"Women continue to be raped and killed; they don't have access to their homes; and there is no humanitarian access for people in need," she told Al Jazeera.

"We are tired and fed up of this, and we want our leadership to understand that this is their final chance to bring peace to this country."

2017-12-10 10:46:13

UK snow: Ice could add to travel disruption as temperatures drop

Weather warnings are still in place in large parts of the UK, amid concern that icy conditions could cause travel delays and "cut off" some rural areas.

The Met Office said snow showers would continue to affect parts of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, northern England and parts of the Midlands.

A few centimetres of snow is likely but up to 20cm is possible in some areas.
There are yellow "be aware" warnings for parts of the country, with an amber "be prepared" alert in place on Sunday.

The Midlands, Wales, northern and eastern England and the far north of Scotland are most likely to have heavy snow early on Sunday morning.

According to BBC Weather, a 10cm spread of snow will initially mount in the Midlands and eastern England, before gradually becoming lighter and patchier throughout the day and into Sunday evening.


2017-12-10 18:14:36
Trump Jerusalem move: Tear gas at Lebanon US embassy protest

There have been violent clashes near the US embassy in Lebanon, in the latest protest against President Donald Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Security forces fired tear gas and water cannon to force back flag-waving protesters close to the embassy complex north of the capital, Beirut.

2017-12-10 18:15:42
Arrest of Rio drug kingpin brings fear of power grab – and further violence

Rogério da Silva was caught in an operation involving 3,000 troops and police but residents of Rocinha, the favela he sought to control, remain on edge

The high-profile arrest this week of Rio drug lord Rogério da Silva – known as Rogério 157 – was not celebrated in Rocinha, the favela he once fought to dominate.

Triumphant police officers posed with Da Silva for selfies after he was caught in an operation involving 3,000 troops and police. But in Rocinha the mood was of uncertainty, not celebration.

Many expressed concern that more violence would rock a community that has barely known peace since being taken over by security forces in 2011 in a “pacification” programme which has since fallen apart.

“Everyone is apprehensive,” said a small business owner, one of a number of residents who requested anonymity for fear of reprisal. “Everybody is waiting for something and nobody knows what will come.”

2017-12-10 21:03:57

Embattled Labor senator Sam Dastyari attempted to pressure Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek to abandon a meeting with a pro-democracy activist opposed to Beijing's interference in Hong Kong, according to multiple sources who say the 2015 intervention surprised Ms Plibersek.
2017-12-10 21:20:23

Embattled Labor senator Sam Dastyari attempted to pressure Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek to abandon a meeting with a pro-democracy activist opposed to Beijing's interference in Hong Kong, according to multiple sources who say the 2015 intervention surprised Ms Plibersek.

2017-12-10 21:38:28

Embattled Labor senator Sam Dastyari attempted to pressure Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek to abandon a meeting with a pro-democracy activist opposed to Beijing's interference in Hong Kong, according to multiple sources who say the 2015 intervention surprised Ms Plibersek.


2017-12-10 21:52:28
Brexit: May's EU deal not binding, says David Davis

The UK's Brexit negotiator David Davis has described the deal struck by Theresa May to move to the next phase of talks as a "statement of intent".

He said it was not "legally enforceable" and if the UK failed to get a trade deal with the EU then it would not pay its divorce bill.

But he stressed that the UK was committed to keeping a "frictionless and invisible" Irish border.

And it would "find a way" to do this if there was a "no deal" Brexit.

The Brexit secretary also stressed that the odds of the UK exiting without a deal had "dropped dramatically" following Friday's joint EU-UK statement in Brussels.

And he spelled out the kind of trade deal he wanted with the EU, describing it as "Canada plus plus plus".

2017-12-10 22:05:26
Brexit: May's EU deal not binding, says David Davis

The UK's Brexit negotiator David Davis has described the deal struck by Theresa May to move to the next phase of talks as a "statement of intent".

He said it was not "legally enforceable" and if the UK failed to get a trade deal with the EU then it would not pay its divorce bill.

But he stressed that the UK was committed to keeping a "frictionless and invisible" Irish border.

And it would "find a way" to do this if there was a "no deal" Brexit.

The Brexit secretary also stressed that the odds of the UK exiting without a deal had "dropped dramatically" following Friday's joint EU-UK statement in Brussels.

And he spelled out the kind of trade deal he wanted with the EU, describing it as "Canada plus plus plus".


Michael Gove: voters can change EU deal if they don't like it

[url]Michael Gove: voters can change EU deal if they don't like it

D Hard Brexit 友出晒黎搞鳩May姐


2017-12-11 10:42:04
Daniel Shaver單case出咗當日的片段

Graphic video shows Daniel Shaver sobbing and begging officer for his life before 2016 shooting

2017-12-11 12:19:49
Venezuela opposition banned from running in 2018 election

Venezuela's president, Nicolas Maduro, says the country's main opposition parties are banned from taking part in next year's presidential election.

He said only parties which took part in Sunday's mayoral polls would be able to contest the presidency.

Leaders from the Justice First, Popular Will and Democratic Action parties boycotted the vote and said the electoral system is biased.

President Maduro insists the Venezuelan system is entirely trustworthy.

In a speech on Sunday, he said the opposition parties had "disappeared from the political map".

"A party that has not participated today and has called for the boycott of the elections can't participate anymore", he said.
2017-12-11 12:50:58
Daniel Shaver單case出咗當日的片段

Graphic video shows Daniel Shaver sobbing and begging officer for his life before 2016 shooting


2017-12-11 19:50:46
German spy agency warns of Chinese LinkedIn espionage

China is using fake LinkedIn profiles to gather information on German officials and politicians, the German intelligence agency (BfV) has said.

The agency alleges that Chinese intelligence used the networking site to target at least 10,000 Germans, possibly to recruit them as informants.

It released a number of fake profiles allegedly used for this purpose.

2017-12-11 19:52:06
French opposition elects hard-right leaning leader

Laurent Wauquiez took 74.6% of Les Républicains votes, on an anti-immigration, anti-welfare platform that critics say plays into Front National hands

France’s bitterly divided conservative opposition party has elected a new hardline leader, marking a move away from centre ground toward the territory of the far right.

Wauquiez has run a hawkish leadership campaign, running on an anti-immigration and anti-welfare programme, and has worried some party heavyweights with his possible “porosity” to far-right Front National ideas. He refused to call on LR supporters to back Emmanuel Macron against the FN’s leader, Marine Le Pen, in the second round of the presidential vote in May.


2017-12-11 19:53:51
Communist parties set for majority in Nepal elections

An alliance of communists and Maoists are set to win Nepal's first parliamentary election since 1999. The ruling center-left party suffered significant losses in the vote.


2017-12-11 19:56:07
Honduras: President keeps lead in disputed vote after recount

Honduras' electoral tribunal has given incumbent President Juan Orlando Hernandez the lead in a partial recount. The opposition has claimed the vote was "rigged" and wants the results annulled.


2017-12-11 21:19:15
Russia's Putin visits Syria airbase and orders start of pullout

President Vladimir Putin has ordered the partial withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria, during an unannounced visit there on Monday.

2017-12-11 21:24:16
The NYPD is responding to reports of an explosion of unknown origin at 42nd Street and 8th Ave, #Manhattan. The A, C and E line are being evacuated at t> his time. Info is preliminary, more when available.

2017-12-11 21:31:12
2017-12-11 21:51:37
The NYPD is responding to reports of an explosion of unknown origin at 42nd Street and 8th Ave, #Manhattan. The A, C and E line are being evacuated at t> his time. Info is preliminary, more when available.




2017-12-11 21:54:18
The NYPD is responding to reports of an explosion of unknown origin at 42nd Street and 8th Ave, #Manhattan. The A, C and E line are being evacuated at t> his time. Info is preliminary, more when available.





2017-12-11 21:54:37


Angela Merkel condemns burning of Israeli symbols in Berlin

2017-12-11 21:55:53
The NYPD is responding to reports of an explosion of unknown origin at 42nd Street and 8th Ave, #Manhattan. The A, C and E line are being evacuated at t> his time. Info is preliminary, more when available.






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