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2017-12-18 20:48:19
[UK-Middle East] Suspect arrested over death of British diplomat in Beirut


A suspect has been arrested over the death of a British diplomat in Beirut, a judicial source has told the Guardian.

The body of Rebecca Dykes was reportedly found on the side of a motorway in the early hours of Saturday morning. The circumstances surrounding her death were unclear, but local police officials suggested she had been strangled.

Her body was found without any identity papers on the Metn highway, which leads out of the Lebanese capital to the north-east suburbs. A forensic examination suggested she had died at about 4am on Saturday.

A Lebanese judicial source told the Guardian that Dykes, who was believed to be 30 years old, had spent the evening with friends at a cafe in Gemmayze, a district of Beirut known for its bars and restaurants. She is thought to have left on her own at around midnight.

The suspect arrested on Monday morning has been named as Tariq H, a taxi driver. Lebanese officials have said they believe the killing was not politically motivated.
2017-12-18 23:38:31
[US] Trump privately calling Rosenstein a threat to his presidency: report


President Trump has referred to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Robert Mueller as the special counsel for the Russia probe, as “a threat to his presidency,” according to a report in The Washington Post.

The report, published Sunday, said Trump has referred to Rosenstein as “weak” and made fun of the deputy attorney general’s testimony last week in front of the House Judiciary Committee.

The president has also complained about Rosenstein being “a Democrat," although the Justice Department official is actually a Republican, the Post said.

Rosenstein appointed Mueller the special counsel in May, after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey.
2017-12-19 02:12:35
An Amtrak train derailed in Washington state this morning, leaving "multiple fatalities" after part of the train careened off an overpass onto a heavily-trafficked highway below, a local official said.

The number of fatalities on board the train was not immediately clear, but no one was killed on the roadway of Interstate 5 below, according to the Pierce County Sheriff's Office. Several motorists on the highway were injured when their vehicles were struck by the derailed train south of Tacoma.

2017-12-19 09:08:19
An Amtrak train derailed in Washington state this morning, leaving "multiple fatalities" after part of the train careened off an overpass onto a heavily-trafficked highway below, a local official said.

The number of fatalities on board the train was not immediately clear, but no one was killed on the roadway of Interstate 5 below, according to the Pierce County Sheriff's Office. Several motorists on the highway were injured when their vehicles were struck by the derailed train south of Tacoma.

- At least six people killed after train derails onto major US highway (US official to Associated Press).
- Twitter pictures show train carriage plunging from bridge onto road below.
- Hospitals say they are treating 77 people.
- Accident happened around 16h30 CET on Seattle to Portland route.
- Train had 83 people onboard, says Amtrak.

From Euronews

2017-12-19 09:24:35
An Amtrak train derailed in Washington state this morning, leaving "multiple fatalities" after part of the train careened off an overpass onto a heavily-trafficked highway below, a local official said.

The number of fatalities on board the train was not immediately clear, but no one was killed on the roadway of Interstate 5 below, according to the Pierce County Sheriff's Office. Several motorists on the highway were injured when their vehicles were struck by the derailed train south of Tacoma.

- At least six people killed after train derails onto major US highway (US official to Associated Press).
- Twitter pictures show train carriage plunging from bridge onto road below.
- Hospitals say they are treating 77 people.
- Accident happened around 16h30 CET on Seattle to Portland route.
- Train had 83 people onboard, says Amtrak.

From Euronews

2017-12-19 11:49:31
[US] President Donald J. Trump Announces a National Security Strategy to Advance America’s Interests


A NEW NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGY FOR A NEW ERA: Less than a year after taking office, President Donald J. Trump is unveiling a new National Security Strategy that sets a positive strategic direction for the United States that will restore America’s advantages in the world and build upon our country’s great strengths.

Strategic confidence enables the United States to protect its vital national interests. The Strategy identifies four vital national interests, or “four pillars” as:

I. Protect the homeland, the American people, and American way of life;
II. Promote American prosperity;
III. Preserve peace through strength;
IV. Advance American influence.

The Strategy addresses key challenges and trends that affect our standing in the world, including:
- Revisionist powers, such as China and Russia, that use technology, propaganda, and coercion to shape a world antithetical to our interests and values;
- Regional dictators that spread terror, threaten their neighbors, and pursue weapons of mass destruction;
- Jihadist terrorists that foment hatred to incite violence against innocents in the name of a wicked ideology, and transnational criminal organizations that spill drugs and violence into our communities.

The Strategy articulates and advances the President’s concept of principled realism.
- It is realist because it acknowledges the central role of power in international politics, affirms that strong and sovereign states are the best hope for a peaceful world, and clearly defines our national interests.
- It is principled because it is grounded in advancing American principles, which spreads peace and prosperity around the globe.
2017-12-19 11:50:32
2017-12-19 13:16:20
[US-NK] U.S. blames North Korea for 'WannaCry' cyber attack


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration has publicly blamed North Korea for unleashing the so-called WannaCry cyber attack that crippled hospitals, banks and other companies across the globe earlier this year.

“The attack was widespread and cost billions, and North Korea is directly responsible,” Tom Bossert, homeland security adviser to President Donald Trump, wrote in a piece published on Monday night in the Wall Street Journal.

The U.S. government has assessed with a “very high level of confidence” that a hacking entity known as Lazarus Group, which works on behalf of the North Korean government, carried out the WannaCry attack, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss details of the government’s investigation.
2017-12-19 19:17:52
[Africa] Cyril Ramaphosa chosen to lead South Africa's ruling ANC party


Cyril Ramaphosa, an anti-apartheid activist turned tycoon and politician, has been chosen by the African National Congress as its leader for the next five years.

The battle to lead South Africa’s ruling party, which has been in power for 23 years but has been hit by declining support and a series of scandals, remained on a knife edge to the last minute.

Almost 5,000 delegates voted in an internal party election at a conference centre in Johannesburg. Ramaphosa won with 2,440 votes to 2,261 for his rival Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.

The delegates’ choice will almost certainly determine the next president of South Africa, due to be decided in an election in 2019, and the trajectory of the “rainbow nation” for decades to come.

The victory of Ramaphosa, 65, will come as a relief to those in South Africa who feared populist and potentially divisive policies from Dlamini-Zuma, a former senior minister and party stalwart who had promised “radical economic transformation”.

But it will disappoint those who believe Ramaphosa lacks the will to take measures needed to redistribute wealth and lift millions of people out of deep poverty.

There were concerns, particularly among Ramaphosa supporters, that attempts may have been made to bribe delegates, who had been sent to Johannesburg from ANC branches all over South Africa. Each camp took measures to restrict access to loyal delegates.

The victory of the regional power brokers is evidence of a historic shift in South African politics. “This is the last generation where candidates were prisoners, prominent trade unionists or exiles. Increasingly actors have emerged from provincial politics,” said Antony Butler, professor of political studies at the University of Cape Town.
2017-12-19 19:19:08
[Middle East] Yemen rebels 'fired missile' at Riyadh


The Saudi-led coalition battling Yemen's Houthi rebels says it has intercepted a ballistic missile near Riyadh, Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya TV says.

Witnesses in the Saudi capital said they had heard an explosion and posted videos on social media showing a cloud of smoke in the air.

The Houthi movement's al-Masirah TV reported that its fighters had fired a Burkan-2 missile at the Yamama Palace.
2017-12-20 10:49:18
[US-Tax Reform] Republican tax bill: House passes plan to Senate for final vote


The Republican-controlled Congress is expected to confirm the most sweeping overhaul of the US tax system in more than three decades.

The House of Representatives approved the legislation comfortably on Tuesday, but the vote is likely to be closer in the Senate.

The bill looks set to mark the party's first major legislative triumph under President Donald Trump.

Critics say the package is a deficit-bloating giveaway to the super-rich.
But Republicans argue the tax cuts for corporations, small businesses and individuals will bolster economic growth.

Tuesday saw 12 Republicans and all Democratic members of the House oppose the bill, which passed by 227 votes to 203, to loud cheers and applause from Republicans in the chamber.

However, the House will have to vote again on Wednesday morning for procedural reasons, ahead of the planned signing into law of the bill by Mr Trump.
2017-12-20 10:50:26
[UK] Sheffield arrests over 'alleged UK Christmas terror plot'


Action has been taken against an alleged Islamist terror plot in the UK that could have happened at Christmas, counter terrorism sources say.

Four men were arrested early on Tuesday in South Yorkshire and Derbyshire.
An Army bomb disposal team cordoned off a street in Chesterfield where a 31-year-old man was arrested. Nearby homes were evacuated.

Three other men aged 22, 36 and 41 were arrested in the Burngreave and Meersbrook areas of Sheffield.

All four suspects were detained on suspicion of being concerned in the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism under Section 41 of the Terrorism Act 2000.
2017-12-20 10:53:52
[Middle East] Yemen rebels 'fired missile' at Riyadh


The Saudi-led coalition battling Yemen's Houthi rebels says it has intercepted a ballistic missile near Riyadh, Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya TV says.

Witnesses in the Saudi capital said they had heard an explosion and posted videos on social media showing a cloud of smoke in the air.

The Houthi movement's al-Masirah TV reported that its fighters had fired a Burkan-2 missile at the Yamama Palace.

[Follow-up] Yemen rebel missile fired at Riyadh 'bears hallmarks' of Iran


A missile fired from Yemen at the Saudi Arabian capital, Riyadh, bears the hallmarks of a weapon provided by Iran, the US ambassador to the UN has said.

Nikki Haley said Iran's actions threatened to drag the world "deeper into a broadening regional conflict".

The missile was shot down by Saudi Arabia's military on Tuesday. There were no reports of any damage.

Iran denies arming Houthi rebels in Yemen who are fighting Yemen's government and a Saudi-led coalition.

Addressing the UN Security Council in New York, Mrs Haley said the missile "bears all the hallmarks of previous attacks using Iranian-provided weapons".
2017-12-20 13:14:17




媽呀 文叔畀人用完即棄
2017-12-20 13:43:31
[Poland and Czech]

Communist-era police officer named head of Czech police watchdog


Lawmakers in the Czech Republic have entrusted oversight of the police force to a former member of a communist-era special unit that tried to crush the peaceful 1989 uprising that helped bring down communist rule.

The unprecedented appointment of Zdenĕk Ondrácĕk as chair of parliament’s general inspection of security forces commission appeared to be part of complex manoeuvring by billionaire businessman Andrej Babiš and his ANO party to get backing for a minority government.

Poland risks losing EU voting rights in dispute over reforms to judiciary


The EU is widely expected to trigger a process that could ultimately see Poland stripped of its voting rights in Brussels, with patience wearing thin over reforms that are said to be a threat to the independence of the country’s judiciary.

If a first step in the shape of a formal warning is taken against Poland’s rightwing government on Wednesday, it will be an unprecedented act against a member state and exacerbate a growing sense of crisis over the country’s membership of the bloc.
2017-12-20 13:52:22
[US] Breaking: Senate passes tax bill


The Senate early Wednesday morning approved the final version of the first overhaul of the U.S tax code in more than 30 years, handing President Trump and congressional Republicans their most significant legislative victory of 2017.

The bill passed along party lines, 51-48 with the final result announced by Vice President Mike Pence who presided over the vote. Senator Jeff Flake, the last undeclared Republican, voted for the bill.

The House passed the bill earlier Tuesday, but technical changes were made to it in the Senate, and the bill will go back to the House Wednesday for a re-vote, where it is expected to pass again. The President is expected to sign the bill this afternoon in a White House ceremony.
2017-12-20 18:23:03
An Amtrak train derailed in Washington state this morning, leaving "multiple fatalities" after part of the train careened off an overpass onto a heavily-trafficked highway below, a local official said.

The number of fatalities on board the train was not immediately clear, but no one was killed on the roadway of Interstate 5 below, according to the Pierce County Sheriff's Office. Several motorists on the highway were injured when their vehicles were struck by the derailed train south of Tacoma.

- At least six people killed after train derails onto major US highway (US official to Associated Press).
- Twitter pictures show train carriage plunging from bridge onto road below.
- Hospitals say they are treating 77 people.
- Accident happened around 16h30 CET on Seattle to Portland route.
- Train had 83 people onboard, says Amtrak.

From Euronews

[Follow-up] Derailed US train lacked automatic safety system


Technology that forces trains to adhere to speed limits was being installed on the express that crashed in the US state of Washington on Monday but was not yet operational, investigators say.

Three people died when the train derailed at 80mph (130km/h) on a bend with a speed limit of 30mph.

Officials say the train's emergency brakes had been deployed automatically and not by the driver.

A conductor undergoing training was in the cab at the time with the driver.

Bella Dinh-Zarr, of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), told reporters that positive train control (PTC) - a safety system that automatically slows or stops trains that are going too fast - was not operational on the train.
2017-12-20 19:26:37
TOMORROW : Catalonia Parliament Election
2017-12-20 19:31:11
TOMORROW : Catalonia Parliament Election

Pro-Independence 似乎會唔過半
2017-12-20 20:16:21
Poland risks losing EU voting rights in dispute over reforms to judiciary


The EU is widely expected to trigger a process that could ultimately see Poland stripped of its voting rights in Brussels, with patience wearing thin over reforms that are said to be a threat to the independence of the country’s judiciary.

If a first step in the shape of a formal warning is taken against Poland’s rightwing government on Wednesday, it will be an unprecedented act against a member state and exacerbate a growing sense of crisis over the country’s membership of the bloc.

[Follow-up] European Commission triggers Article 7 against Poland, which could result in sanctions

The European Commission has launched an injunction against Poland for breaching European common values and rule of law. While only it warning, Article 7 could lead to sanctions and a suspension of EU voting rights.

The European Commission will suggest that member states recognize that Poland is at risk of breaching the bloc's common values.

2017-12-20 20:51:00
TOMORROW : Catalonia Parliament Election

Pro-Independence 似乎會唔過半

2017-12-20 23:04:19
[US-Middle East] UN Jerusalem vote: US 'will be taking names'


The US says it "will be taking names" during a UN General Assembly vote on a resolution criticising its recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

Permanent representative Nikki Haley warned member states that President Donald Trump had asked her to report on "who voted against us" on Thursday.

The draft resolution does not mention the US, but says any decisions on Jerusalem should be cancelled.

On Monday, the US vetoed a similar motion at the UN Security Council.

The other 14 members of the Security Council voted in favour of the draft, but Ms Haley described it as an "insult" and warned that "it won't be forgotten".

The non-binding resolution put forward by Turkey and Yemen for the General Assembly vote mirrors the vetoed Security Council draft.

The Palestinian permanent observer at the UN, Riyad Mansour, said he hoped there would be "overwhelming support" for the resolution.

But on Tuesday, Ms Haley warned in a letter to dozens of member states that encouraged them to "know that the president and the US take this vote personally".

2017-12-20 23:12:15
[Europe - IT] Uber to face stricter EU regulation after ECJ rules it is transport firm


Uber is a transport services company, the European court of justice (ECJ) has ruled, requiring it to accept stricter regulation and licensing within the EU as a taxi operator.

The decision in Luxembourg, after a challenge brought by taxi drivers in Barcelona, will apply across the whole of the EU, including the UK. It cannot be appealed against.

Uber had denied it was a transport company, arguing instead it was a computer services business with operations that should be subject to an EU directive governing e-commerce and prohibiting restrictions on the establishment of such organisations.
2017-12-21 00:18:50
[US] Breaking: Senate passes tax bill


The Senate early Wednesday morning approved the final version of the first overhaul of the U.S tax code in more than 30 years, handing President Trump and congressional Republicans their most significant legislative victory of 2017.

The bill passed along party lines, 51-48 with the final result announced by Vice President Mike Pence who presided over the vote. Senator Jeff Flake, the last undeclared Republican, voted for the bill.

The House passed the bill earlier Tuesday, but technical changes were made to it in the Senate, and the bill will go back to the House Wednesday for a re-vote, where it is expected to pass again. The President is expected to sign the bill this afternoon in a White House ceremony.

2017-12-21 00:20:41
[Middle East] Yemen rebels 'fired missile' at Riyadh


The Saudi-led coalition battling Yemen's Houthi rebels says it has intercepted a ballistic missile near Riyadh, Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya TV says.

Witnesses in the Saudi capital said they had heard an explosion and posted videos on social media showing a cloud of smoke in the air.

The Houthi movement's al-Masirah TV reported that its fighters had fired a Burkan-2 missile at the Yamama Palace.

[Follow-up] Yemen rebel missile fired at Riyadh 'bears hallmarks' of Iran


A missile fired from Yemen at the Saudi Arabian capital, Riyadh, bears the hallmarks of a weapon provided by Iran, the US ambassador to the UN has said.

Nikki Haley said Iran's actions threatened to drag the world "deeper into a broadening regional conflict".

The missile was shot down by Saudi Arabia's military on Tuesday. There were no reports of any damage.

Iran denies arming Houthi rebels in Yemen who are fighting Yemen's government and a Saudi-led coalition.

Addressing the UN Security Council in New York, Mrs Haley said the missile "bears all the hallmarks of previous attacks using Iranian-provided weapons".

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