[全體高層落地獄,死全家] 巴塞隆拿球迷討論區 (225)

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2017-08-31 19:31:59
Barca are trying to offload Arda Turan. He has a house in London and ideally he wants a move to the Prem.(DeanJonesBR)
LATEST | Arda Turan's agent Ahmet Bulut held talks with Arsenal. Last minute move perhaps... Monaco also interested. Barca want him gone.

求其十幾M 賣比軌or妓啦

25-30m la
2017-08-31 19:33:30
Barca are trying to offload Arda Turan. He has a house in London and ideally he wants a move to the Prem.(DeanJonesBR)
LATEST | Arda Turan's agent Ahmet Bulut held talks with Arsenal. Last minute move perhaps... Monaco also interested. Barca want him gone.

求其十幾M 賣比軌or妓啦

25-30m la

2017-08-31 19:33:48
Barca are trying to offload Arda Turan. He has a house in London and ideally he wants a move to the Prem.(DeanJonesBR)
LATEST | Arda Turan's agent Ahmet Bulut held talks with Arsenal. Last minute move perhaps... Monaco also interested. Barca want him gone.

求其十幾M 賣比軌or妓啦

25-30m la

2017-08-31 19:34:13
2017-08-31 19:37:31
Philippe Coutinho heading to Barcelona in stunning £138m deal from Liverpool with announcement set for 7pm



2017-08-31 19:39:35
2017-08-31 19:46:10
As opposed to reports from England, deal between Liverpool & Barça for Coutinho hasn't been agreed yet. [@gerardromero]
2017-08-31 19:47:31
As opposed to reports from England, deal between Liverpool & Barça for Coutinho hasn't been agreed yet. [@gerardromero]

2017-08-31 19:52:15
Barca are trying to offload Arda Turan. He has a house in London and ideally he wants a move to the Prem.(DeanJonesBR)
LATEST | Arda Turan's agent Ahmet Bulut held talks with Arsenal. Last minute move perhaps... Monaco also interested. Barca want him gone.

求其十幾M 賣比軌or妓啦

25-30m la


2017-08-31 19:58:18
Barcelona deny there is an agreement with LFC for Coutinho. In fact they have not even made a 4th (new) offer
2017-08-31 19:59:50
Riyad Mahrez vient d'atterrir à l'aéroport de Barcelone. [sfr]

Riyad Mahrez has arrived in Barcelona.
2017-08-31 20:01:56
3箭頭如果唔係reus 馬連同野兔 疤應該都好難翻身了
2017-08-31 20:03:27
3箭頭如果唔係reus 馬連同野兔 疤應該都好難翻身了

2017-08-31 20:10:47
Riyad Mahrez vient d'atterrir à l'aéroport de Barcelone. [sfr]

Riyad Mahrez has arrived in Barcelona.

2017-08-31 20:11:28
Samper: "Valverde was counting on me, but there was a problem with [the amount of players signed to first team],which left it up in the air"
2017-08-31 20:13:48
99%買馬列斯了 圖都有有埋 寫住barcelona
2017-08-31 20:14:25
2017-08-31 20:15:49
2017-08-31 20:16:13

買馬列斯 不如買lemar 買唔到古大把錢
2017-08-31 20:17:12
3箭頭如果唔係reus 馬連同野兔 疤應該都好難翻身了

2017-08-31 20:18:39

2017-08-31 20:18:41
2017-08-31 20:19:03
The entourage of André Gomes thinks he won't leave Barça. He has loan offers, Barça wants to sell. [@AdriaAlbets]
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