等到任雪糖衝過終點,一號評述員才開始給觀眾說明剛剛的事情:「Normally, snowboarding towards a cliff of that height would be certain death, but he used an impressive spinning jump technique to go over the cable!」(通常,朝著那麼高的懸崖滑去無疑是死路一條,但他用了一個令人印象深刻的旋轉跳躍技巧跳上了纜繩!)
二號評述員質疑:「But does that still count as snowboarding?」(但這樣還算是滑雪嗎?)
賽後的即時專訪,亦馬上對他訪問:「Did you train for that special move beforehand?」(那個絕技你事前有訓練的嗎?)
任雪糖答:「It was impromptu.」(即興的。)
「Aren't you afraid of dying?」(你不怕死嗎?)
「At that moment, I didn't think too much; I just wanted to win.」(那時候我沒有想太多,只想贏。)