[四月新番] 機動戰士高達 水星的魔女 集中討論 (56) (急!線上等) 如何抵擋毒舌小姑的言語攻擊?

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Takashi Ohashi (Motionographer )
Newtype, August 2023

Takashi Ohashi (Motionographer )


―――How did the concept for Season 2’s ending start?

Ohashi: Various concepts were infused into it, but the most significant one aligns with the main plot progression: Can Suletta correctly wield the magic of the Gundam?

―――So, you were hinting at future developments at the start of Season 2?

Ohashi: Yes, for example, when you look from episode one onward, Miorine is directly affected by the curse of being involved with the Gundam. So, one aspect I considered as a theme for Season 2 was “How can Suletta free her from this?”

―――In the first half of the ending, only Miorine is drawn sort of sketch-like, which sort of gives the impression of her being in a completely different world.

Ohashi: The light shining from behind Suletta at the beginning symbolizes a theater. Suletta and the image of Miorine, projected by a film projector, are dancing on the stage. This idea was expanded from projection mapping, where real people meet on the stage with projected images when in reality, they merely pass each other by. The stage where the two dance is the school arranged by Delling and Prospera. Basically, I was aiming to depict these two as “being forced to dance.”

―――Aerial has a rather ominous depiction, perhaps because of its “symbolic magic” nuance.

Ohashi: Truthfully, I thought it would be interesting if the silhouette of the Aerial piercing Suletta’s chest looked like the Calibarn, so I tried to express it that way, and I think it worked well. The blue mark of Suletta’s Permet right after that is to make the depiction of the Permet flowing into the body more visible.

――――The scene of dancing in a dress was also depicted differently from the show.

Ohashi: In episode 7, during the party scene, I found myself wondering, “Would Suletta and Miorine dance while wearing dresses?” Seeing as this was not depicted in the show, I dedicated that idea to Season 2’s ending.

―――Finally, are there any specific points you would like the audience to pay attention to?

Ohashi: Although I drew the storyboards, the character performances reflect the plans of the animators. I would be delighted if you could check the credits to see which animators were involved. Also, if you compare the story’s climax with the ending, you may discover something new, so I recommend taking a look again.
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ed 2真係好有心機整
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