1. 尊重人地時間, 唔好叫其他ching估嚟估去
stackoverflow 提倡MRE, minimal reproducible example: https://stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example
- minimal: cut走同核心問題無關嘅部份, simplify問題有助節省雙方時間同清晰表達
- reproducible: 提供一d 可以validate嘅test case, 等人知道提供嘅solution啱唔啱
我建議可以用一d jsfiddle, sqlfiddle...嘅工具同講清楚sample input同expected output, 等人可以即刻test到係咪你想要嘅嘢.
同時提供埋你嘅current attempt, exception msg, 你試過嘅approach同點解唔得, 無人想幫你做免費奴工


手巴講嘅XY problem: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/66377/what-is-the-xy-problem
The XY problem is asking about your attempted solution rather than your actual problem.
That is, you are trying to solve problem X, and you think solution Y would work, but instead of asking about X when you run into trouble, you ask about Y.

同埋試吓唔好搬龍門, 人地見你好似識少少嘢/有某d長處建議你可以push盡d, 你就吓吓後加constraints講到呢樣唔得嗰樣唔得.成件事感覺就係你根本唔係上嚟問嘢, 只係上嚟show off吓自己gpa/識d乜/whatever, 到其他ching提出一個你(暫時)未去到嘅高度你就搬龍門話唔feasible.
2. 尊重人地專業
成日有人走入嚟問轉行, 八成都係見IT人工高所以想分一杯羹. 其實想要多d錢係無問題, 誠實面對自己想要嘅嘢就好.

3. 尊重人地選擇
個個人情況唔同, 你永遠無可能喺連登三言兩語之間諗到人地個scenario嘅optimal solution(if it exists). 大家都係有自己生活有自己life choices, 其實唔到外人評論. 唔好講到人地係某一個時間點"行錯路"永不翻身咁. 你點知人地想成為一個點樣嘅人, 將來想過點樣嘅生活? 唔好吓吓硬套自己覺得最好嗰套落人地到.
利申: 無話特別針對邊個, 有d points都唔舉例費事太有針對性. 希望大家睇到嘅都可以反思吓自己做得好唔好

(179) #205 尼爾大叔 https://lih.kg/yCboErX