Choose BPTB (Bone patella tendon bone) graft method if you want to re-engage in more vigorous sports after surgery. Hamstring method is for general repair as the laxity of graft is more which gives more translational movement of the knee during start-stop manoeuvers.
硬漢過三關2023-06-14 12:55:50
我諗嗰位巴打話BPTB話適合高強度運動多啲係因為 (本身呢條tendon比hamstring or quad 強啲?) (呢點唔太清楚有待商榷)但並不代表其他tendon graft 唔可以做高強度運動 我認為去到最尾 都係要針對rehab process (intensity of the rehab, timeframe of bone + soft tissue healing etc) 當然如果討論到邊條tendon係最適合你 我認為要問醫生 佢會俾到個原因你 再解釋多其他因素 希望幫到你
Pepe賤種狗馴獸師2023-06-14 14:59:00
硬漢過三關2023-06-14 15:07:13
Both serve as a connective tissue in the body however
Tendon connects bone to muscle
Ligament connects bone to bone