[你問我答] 蘇格蘭生活5年 - 3

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2021-01-28 22:11:31
係呀 有啲仲要求半年後仲未搵到工就要即交埋剩低既租。或者要擔保人...但我朋友幫我睇過其中一個條件係年收入要三倍果合約租金..佢因為疫情達唔到標
2021-01-28 22:16:52
2021-01-28 22:19:52
不知不覺就快31/1 .. 期待快啲過到黎
2021-01-28 22:23:16
2021-01-28 22:43:48
邊一區啲屋咁串,通常都只係好是但咁講話租比young professional
2021-01-28 22:53:04
呢度租工真係好煩. 我相信如果你有工作會容易唔少. 但對比起香港都係煩啲. 可能英國太多租霸.閪人. 搞到咁多rules
2021-01-28 22:53:33
我有朋友都打算幾個月之後過黎,都係租屋上好似有啲煩,因為好大機會都日係過唔到credit check,又冇工作,又岩岩到,所以好大機會人地都會要求佢一次交大半年租
特別係依家睇屋要首先video call睇咗先
呢度租真係好煩. 我相信如果你有工作會容易唔少. 但對比起香港都係煩啲. 可能英國太多租霸.閪人. 搞到咁多rules
2021-01-28 23:00:07
黎GLASGOW/EDINBURGH SETTLE咗先啦. 第時老咗退休再去呢啲地方退休都未遲.

Inverness, Dundee
2021-01-28 23:01:35
2021-01-28 23:02:50
2021-01-28 23:03:44
而家日日係屋企聽scottish government每日新聞會練Listening.
不過我念nicola啲英文算無乜口音 我100%聽得明佢講野.
2021-01-28 23:03:50
請問Glasgow / Edinburgh果邊工作機會點?
2021-01-28 23:04:17
都得. 永遠都話有車就選擇更多. 不過你講到inverness/aberdeen應該有車都唔會咁做
2021-01-28 23:29:38
2021-01-28 23:35:36
其實好多人都唔係住喺edinburgh/ glasgow,但坐車或揸車黎番工
你睇下livingston, stirling既住屋真係平好多
2021-01-28 23:46:01
我考到車之後應該都會住遠啲. 想住 linlithgow, polmont
2021-01-28 23:58:34
2021-01-29 00:11:34
2021-01-29 00:27:40
差唔多啦,你仲要交vehicle tax
2021-01-29 08:22:10
BBC最新有關BNO報導 29/01/2021

UK BNO visa: Can Hong Kong residents now live in the UK?

The UK is introducing a visa system that will give millions of people from Hong Kong greater opportunities to live and work in the UK from 31 January.

It will also provide them with a route to British citizenship.

How does it work?

British National Overseas citizenship is a type of British nationality created in 1985 that people in Hong Kong could apply for before the 1997 handover to China to retain a link with the UK.
The lifelong status, which cannot be passed down to family members, did not give holders any special rights.
It meant only they could visit the UK for six months without a visa.
But the new system will allow these BNO citizens and their close family to apply for two periods of five years to live and work in the UK.
After the first five years, they will be able choose to to apply for indefinite leave to remain, which means an individual can live and work without reapplying for a visa.
And after one year of this status, individuals will be able to apply for British citizenship.

How many people are expecting to come?

The British government estimates 5.4 million Hong Kong residents will be eligible for the scheme, about 72% of its 7.5 million population.

These include:

2.9 million BNOs
2.3 million dependents of BNOs
187,000 18-23-year-olds with at least one BNOs parent
It is difficult to say how many eligible people will actually come to the UK.
But the government published an impact assessment putting the number between 9,000 and 1,048,100.

How much will it cost?

Applicants will have to buy a Hong Kong BNO visa.
Individuals can pay:
£180 to apply to stay for two and half years, which can then be extended by another two and a half years for a further £180
£250 to apply to stay for five years
But BNOs and their family will also have to pay the international health surcharge (IHS) to use the NHS - £624 a year for an adult and £470 a year for a child.
And applicants will also need to prove they can support themselves and dependents financially for the first six months of their stay.

Why is the UK doing this?

Hong Kong was handed from the UK to China under the Sino-British Joint Declaration agreement, which said the communist country would respect the territory's capitalist system and rule of law for 50 years, an arrangement known as "one country, two systems".
But in June 2020, China's parliament imposed a severe security law on Hong Kong, following months of protest and unrest in reaction to an extradition law.
And the UK government was among those who said it "restricts the rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong and constitutes a clear and serious breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration".

What does China think?

China has consistently said the affairs of Hong Kong are a domestic issue and nothing to do with the UK.
And in response to the UK government's move, China has said it will consider not recognising BNO passports as legal travel documents.
Although, it is unclear how this will be enforced.

2021-01-29 13:06:43
Glasgow 係唔係要用呢個APP搭車先係最平,有冇話本地人平,外國人比正價呢D野?
Glasgow 有冇3台,打算去鴨記買卡。
2021-01-29 16:07:19


Working in partnership with Jobcentre Plus, we are offering job seekers who travel using a Jobcentre Plus Travel Discount Card savings of up to 55% off the cost of an equivalent single journey.

The JobcentrePlus Travel Discount Card is issued by Jobcentre Plus to the following groups of claimants:

Jobseeker Allowance Claimants from 13 weeks to point of Work Programme referral
Whilst on the Work Programme 2 awards of the card (max 3 months each) within the 2 year participation period. (not applicable in England & Wales)
Incapacity Benefit, Employment and Support Allowance and Income Support claimants actively engaged with an adviser in returning to employment
A card can be issued for up to 3 months immediately prior to Work Programme referral which will expire whilst the claimant is participating

Discounted fares are offered across First Glasgow's city, local and network zones covering Greater Glasgow and Lanarkshire.
2021-01-29 17:34:06
2021-01-29 20:39:30
No. But要先驗咗武肺同去到要隔離。
2021-01-29 20:41:29
你可以先order 一張giffgaff SIM card.會直接寄比你,好方便。

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