唔係你回緊嗰位, 不過想回一回你.
1. 之前問過你幾次都冇答到, 搞到我要問完再問. 咁唔該你話比我聽要點查同查都咩你先至會100%認為kavanaugh係清白? 而家係講緊要查一單我地唔知邊度發生, 唔知咩時間發生, ford講話在場既人都話唔知有呢個event既案.
2. 其實ford係因為kavanaugh 比trump nominate左(9/7/2018)所以先send封信(30/7/2018)比feinstein. 當然同時我都唔同意出口侮辱你既人既侮辱性說話, 但我唔希望因為咁而搞到離題.
3. 你講緊既contextual reading 係vox呢篇? (
vox: "Social science bears out the way female humiliation is at the heart of homosocial bonding. "
份research paper: "This article focuses on the accounts of a small number of men whose sexual rela-tions with women were most strongly organized by their relations with other men. "
(PDF) Men, Sex, and Homosociality How Bonds between Men Shape Their Sexual Relations with Women. Available from:
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/234028274_Men_Sex_and_Homosociality_How_Bonds_between_Men_Shape_Their_Sexual_Relations_with_Women [accessed Sep 30 2018].
呢樣... 係唔係所謂既"以偏概全"呢? 睇研究還睇研究, 睇妓者向你解釋研究就算啦.
> 仲有你好似講到搵個女人出來講故仔好easy,但作過故仔都知道寫故仔都要research過先至可以講到疑幻疑真
下? 要作一個唔知咩地方發生, 唔知幾時發生既故仔要做好多research先做到?
> 我真係唔知點解你咁快下定論係一場獵巫行動?
呢單係一單唔知邊度發生, 唔知咩時間發生, ford講話在場既人都話唔知有呢個event既案. 但係有部份dem要死口咬話kavanaugh一定有做, 咁唔係獵巫行動咩?
> 整件事已經再次調查,等結果後才算。
ok, 冇問題. 查完之後我地就睇睇班dem會有咩反應. 我都想知FBI 去查一單唔知邊度發生, 唔知咩時間發生, ford講話在場既人都話唔知有呢個event既案會點查同查到D咩出來.
> 仲有我係指出Ford做過polygraph,但我認為係可以等睇有冇人真係有理有據推翻佢
"In light of present scientific evidence the Department of Justice continues to agree with the conclusion of the Committee on Governmental Operations of the House of Representatives, which held after extensive hearings in 1965:
There is no "lie detector." The polygraph machine is not a "lie detector," nor does the operator who interprets the graphs detect "lies." The machine records physical responses which may or may not be connected with an emotional reaction--and that reaction may or may not be related to guilt or innocence. Many, many physical and psychological factors make it possible for an individual to "beat" the polygraph without detection by the machine or its operator."