Christine Blasey Ford vs Brett Kavanaugh 聽證會有無人睇?

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2018-09-29 13:33:54
trump 都叫查佢,佢一定身有屎同之前FBI 做漏野
2018-09-29 13:43:23
Stolen from "Being libertarian" - I don’t know who’s house it happened at or even what year it happened. I don’t know if I got there before everyone else or after. I don’t know how I got there or how I got home over 8 miles away (at the age of 15).

My life time friend doesn’t remember any of this ( and the other 3 people I said were there testified under oath they don’t know anything about this).

I have a fear of flying , but have no problem jet-setting all over the world while on vacation. I’ve been on airplanes more in the past two months than most people in a year, but my fear is completely legit.

I don’t know who paid for my hotel and polygraph test( the afternoon of my grandmothers funeral, or maybe it was the next day, who knows). And guess what? I flew there. Oh and that polygraph, it was only two questions, neither of which were about Kavanaugh. But hey, I passed so that’s all that matters. And my PhD in psychology definitely, in no way, helped me with it or my testimony today.

My friends on the beach encouraged me to continue contacting the media with my story (because we were running out of time). I can’t name them, so we’ll just call them beach friends. Yet while giving such great advice, none were willing to be character witnesses. Meanwhile, Judge Kavanaugh had hundreds of character witnesses step up in a matter of days.

My lawyers, out of the kindness of their hearts, are helping me for FREE yet I have a “needed” gofundme page that currently is sitting at $473,622. I’m so desperately in need of help there’s even a second gofundme with $209,987. I promise though I’m not getting anything out of my testimony, that money is just going to cover my expenses.

I’m super smart. I have a PhD and I teach graduate students. I know lots of big words, but it should be totally believable that I don’t understand basic questions.

I was the only person in the United States that didn’t know Congress agreed to come to me instead of me going to DC. They really do care about my flying phobia after all.

Get the picture yet, America?

2018-09-29 13:54:52
2018-09-29 13:58:19
2018-09-29 14:03:47
2018-09-29 14:06:34
有36年時間比FBI查你唔去搞,偏偏拖到呢個時候? 你唔好識得話人人身攻擊你!
2018-09-29 14:07:16

2018-09-29 14:26:33
你一開始就話人地High School強姦文化有所暗示,站唔住腳就質疑FBI做咗6次Background Check都唔準,依家俾人質多兩下就發爛渣


2018-09-29 14:43:30

FBI調查結果有事:民主黨投NO,少量共和黨投NO,Judge Kavanaugh 玩完。民主黨食過翻尋味,對下一位被提名法官重施故技。因為最高法院保守法官佔大多數的話,左派陣營勢必瓦解。

FBI調查結果清白:民主黨礙於婦權、民緒局住投NO,邊個投YES就死邊個,實會被選民話支持強姦犯(佢地心目中),Ford 後悔成為民主黨棄子,Judge Kavanaugh 通過任命,但同時為最高法院沾上污點,鬧成國際笑話。

既然民主黨係任何情況下都唔會投YES,間接證明咩證人,咩要多啲時間FBI 再專責調查都係浮雲 ,反侵先係最根本目的。
2018-09-29 14:44:47
係我未確認你既誠信之前 你講乜我都覺得係癈話
2018-09-29 14:50:35
1. 咁你Share嚟又有啲咩想論證?

2. 喂,如果咁樣嘅allegation叫伏嘅話,上面嗰一堆話你強姦過佢哋,你老母俾過狗屌嘅嘢你都一樣要回應同認真看待回應㗎喎,佢哋係就係爛口咗啲,但完全係以子之矛攻子之盾嘅方式

3. 無話到我哋做,同你一樣討論咩啫
2018-09-29 15:03:01
2018-09-29 15:04:32
星期日8AM有Trump rally
2018-09-29 15:07:12
Democrats reaction before & after election
Trump 80s 90s old interviews
2018-09-29 15:08:48
election d 片已經睇晒 Liberal tears make me so happy
2018-09-29 15:32:22

大家可以睇下Ben Shapiro呢段podcast, 基本上都cover大部份野
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞