A small server patch was released at 2:24 AM (UTC+0).
This server patch updated the following:
1. Fixed an issue in World Boss Ultimate where all Boss Special Skills are being activated on Stages 1 - 4 instead of the indicated Boss Special Skill.
After the server patch, only the indicated Boss Special Skill will activate for the Stage.
2. Fixed an issue with localization
3. Closed Alliance Store Event
We hope you were able to grab the items you wanted during the event.
Thank you.
Vangaal(退休)2018-05-09 11:53:31
Thank you, and you?
關唔關你事呀2018-05-09 12:15:29
生化吉兒2018-05-09 12:20:29
壞人朱2018-05-09 12:56:43
岩岩入坑。新手六星卷 我見巴哈建議揀女美國隊長和Loki. 但見鐵拳俠好多讚。應該點揀好
Dahoud2018-05-09 13:06:02
步步花生2018-05-09 13:08:01
你張圖個rate好撚伏,得thor, Sharon rogers, black panthers, mk44, hulk叫正常選擇,其他全部唔係好易farm就係廢柴