即使佢質疑jedi做法 但佢從來冇諗過入dark side
最難令人接受係佢選擇shut out the force做廢老啫
Luke 一向太Positive,好難會覺得佢會成為廢老。
因為每一個教佢嘅Master e.g Obi/Yoda 都係詼諧大師
明明Poe 都好明顯係Force Sensitive,如果原力普及化係由Poe 做,主角群嘅吸引力又會加強咗
講主角威能 Rey 真係一個好例子,威到連Darkside 都吸引唔到佢
I'm fine with the concept of Rey being a nobody, but I take issue with how strong and skilled she's become in such a ridiculously short amount of time. TFA and TLJ take place within 2-3 days. Upon discovering she can use the Force, Rey is demonstrating a level of power and skill to that of a fully trained Jedi Knight. She's able to fully match Kylo Ren, who has trained for years under the most powerful light side and dark side users in the galaxy. I find her to be a very frustrating character, because in TFA, at least I could say we didn't know if she has memories locked away of being trained as a child, which could explain why she's so adept at using the Force, and could use more complicated techniques like Force Persuasion, without any education or training on such skill. But now we know she's a literal nobody with no prior training. Given the rules and precedent set in previous movies, this feels like bad writing.
The only semblance of explanation for this, is there was a mention of Rey being Kylo's counter balance to the force. Ok fine, I can dig that idea. But even then she should still undergo hardship, failure and training, before she can match Kylo. Instead the hero of this story begins her journey as already "ready". It took Luke three films before he was ready to face Vader. It took Harry 7 books before he was ready to face Voldermoort. It took Rey 1 film before she was ready to kick the main villains ass. And I get he was injured at the time, but TLJ established she's able to match him at his prime, and the only training she underwent between her fight on Starkiller base and Snoke's throne room, was meditating once and swinging her lightsaber a few times on an island.
This is why I find Rey such an unbelievably boring character. When it comes to the Force, it's like she's had a free ride. We had to watch Luke fail, train and learn across a trilogy. A trilogy which took place in universe over the span of 4 years. The Luke we saw in RotJ, was a completely different man than the Luke we saw in ANH. That's why he's such a great character. He became a badass because he went through the hardship and discipline to attain it.
If I was to put it in video game terms, if this were an RPG, Rey started off her adventure with a buff that grants her a 10,000% increase to Experience gain.