(求助)今日睇清唒人係可以賤到咩地步 year 2中大生陳詠儀與其母親 2

459 回覆
672 Like 25 Dislike
2017-10-22 17:13:24
2017-10-22 17:14:57


1. 你呀媽係唔係大陸人?

2. 你媽間舖係唔係邪骨場?




根 據 《 入 境 規 例 》( 香 港 法 例 第 115A 章 ) 第 二 條 , 以 學 生 身 份 來 港 的 人 士 , 不 得 接 受 有 薪 或 無 薪 的 僱 傭 工 作 。 非 本 地 學 生 從 事 實 習 工 作 和 兼 職 工 作 的 限 制 由 2014 年 3 月 17 日 起 進 一 步 放 寬 。 修 讀 全 日 制 經 本 地 評 審 的 本 地 或 非 本 地 學 士 學 位 或 以 上 程 度 課 程 的 非 本 地 學 生 , 只 要 修 業 期 不 少 於 一 個 學 年 , 便 可 從 事 實 習 工 作 , 但 須 符 合 以 下 條 件 :
實 習 工 作 必 須 與 學 科 ╱ 課 程 有 關 , 而 且 須 經 學 生 就 讀 的 院 校 安 排 或 批 准 ; 及
實 習 工 作 為 期 最 長 一 個 學 年 , 或 有 關 全 日 制 學 術 課 程 正 常 修 業 期 的 三 分 之 一 時 間 , 兩 者 之 中 以 較 短 者 為 準 。
以 上 所 述 的 實 習 工 作 , 在 工 作 性 質 、 薪 酬 水 平 、 工 作 地 點 、 工 作 時 數 和 僱 主 方 面 , 均 不 設 限 制 。
至 於 修 讀 全 日 制 經 本 地 評 審 的 本 地 副 學 位 課 程 的 非 本 地 學 生 , 只 要 修 業 期 不 少 於 兩 個 學 年 , 亦 可 申 請 從 事 有 關 的 實 習 工 作 , 但 須 符 合 以 下 條 件 :
實 習 工 作 必 須 為 強 制 性 及 與 學 科 / 課 程 有 關 , 而 且須 經 學 生 就 讀 的 院 校 安 排 或 批 准 ; 及
實 習 工 作 為 期 最 長 六 個 月 。
2017-10-22 17:25:18
無錢事少 賤格事大
2017-10-22 17:25:48
2017-10-22 17:26:36
2017-10-22 17:28:47
2017-10-22 17:32:25


等緊樓主開盤 總有一邊仆街
2017-10-22 17:35:34
Under no circumstances, should her daughter be dragged into the situation, for she and her mother are two separate legal entities. Just weird and old-fashioned Chinese beliefs from the poster. Eww...

BTW, why the poster has the audacity to accuse her daughter for being morally flawed only because of mocking his phone calls and blocking him??? She has no obligation to answer you properly, and she also has the full and complete right to choose not to be involved in her mother's affairs.

This is why the Chinese familial beliefs are often hated and despised by others..., Chinese, like the poster, seems to consider dragging innocent family members into to the situation as a righteous act...

It's 2017, please learn the word "individualism"
2017-10-22 17:45:16
2017-10-22 17:47:03
2017-10-22 17:51:35
咁撚驚炒車做cd rom 啦
2017-10-22 17:56:01
2017-10-22 17:56:31

2017-10-22 17:57:25
Under no circumstances, should her daughter be dragged into the situation, for she and her mother are two separate legal entities. Just weird and old-fashioned Chinese beliefs from the poster. Eww...

BTW, why the poster has the audacity to accuse her daughter for being morally flawed only because of mocking his phone calls and blocking him??? She has no obligation to answer you properly, and she also has the full and complete right to choose not to be involved in her mother's affairs.

This is why the Chinese familial beliefs are often hated and despised by others..., Chinese, like the poster, seems to consider dragging innocent family members into to the situation as a righteous act...

It's 2017, please learn the word "individualism"



2017-10-22 17:57:25
Under no circumstances, should her daughter be dragged into the situation, for she and her mother are two separate legal entities. Just weird and old-fashioned Chinese beliefs from the poster. Eww...

BTW, why the poster has the audacity to accuse her daughter for being morally flawed only because of mocking his phone calls and blocking him??? She has no obligation to answer you properly, and she also has the full and complete right to choose not to be involved in her mother's affairs.

This is why the Chinese familial beliefs are often hated and despised by others..., Chinese, like the poster, seems to consider dragging innocent family members into to the situation as a righteous act...

It's 2017, please learn the word "individualism"



2017-10-22 18:00:15
2017-10-22 18:02:48




屌 重記得買筆記嘅事 不過嗰陣時啲人屌買家多 因為講嘢小學雞 咩ok網路公審 估唔到賣家係今次事件嘅主角 好撚cheap
2017-10-22 18:03:34
Under no circumstances, should her daughter be dragged into the situation, for she and her mother are two separate legal entities. Just weird and old-fashioned Chinese beliefs from the poster. Eww...

BTW, why the poster has the audacity to accuse her daughter for being morally flawed only because of mocking his phone calls and blocking him??? She has no obligation to answer you properly, and she also has the full and complete right to choose not to be involved in her mother's affairs.

This is why the Chinese familial beliefs are often hated and despised by others..., Chinese, like the poster, seems to consider dragging innocent family members into to the situation as a righteous act...

It's 2017, please learn the word "individualism"

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