你話Sacrament Delta個d水運唔到水去南加州,因為會中間就無哂
事實上係成個Sacramento Detla一直都係為2/3加州供水,係成個加州供水核心黎,供水範圍就包括南加州直到沿海洛杉磯
Two in three Californians, or about 27 million people, rely on water
that comes from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, a vital
estuary where the two rivers mingle with tidal flows from the Pacific
Ocean before it is conveyed south through the State Water Project.
南加州大都會水區是該州最大的水承包商,利用三角洲的水為包括洛杉磯市在內的 1,900 萬人供水。該地區總經理阿德爾·哈格哈利勒(Adel
Water supply
The Delta is often considered the nexus of California's statewide water system.[24][25] About half the total river flow in the state
passes through this region, from which water is exported to other areas of the San Joaquin Valley, Southern California and portions of
the Bay area to supply some 1,130,000 acres (1,770 sq mi; 4,600 km2) of farmland and 23 million people in central and Southern
California.[26] The Delta provides an estimated seven million acre-feet (2.1 cu mi; 8.6 km3) of water per year, of which about
100,000 acre-feet (0.030 cu mi; 0.12 km3) are exported to the San
Francisco Bay Area, 1.7 million acre-feet (0.50 cu mi; 2.1 km3) are
used locally, and over five million acre-feet (1.5 cu mi; 6.2 km3) are
exported to the San Joaquin Valley, coastal Central and Southern
三角洲通常被認為是 的聯繫 加州全州供水系統.[24][25]該州約一半的河流流經該地區,水從該地區出口到南加州聖華金河谷的其他地區和灣區的部分地區,供應面積約 1,130,000 英畝(1,770平方英里;4,600 公里)2)加州中部和南部的農田和 2300 萬人。[26] 三角洲估計提供 700 萬英畝英尺(2。1 cumi;8。6 公里)3每年 100,000 英畝英尺(0。030 cu mi;0。12 公里)的水量3出口到舊金山灣區的面積為 170
萬英畝英尺(0。50 cu mi;2。1 公里)3) 在當地使用,面積超過 500 萬英畝英尺(1。5 cu mi;6。2 公里)3)出口到聖華金河谷、加州中部和南部沿海地區。
Sacrament Delta係加州供水核心供呢個觀點,儲水直接影響到成個加州,X上面班左膠都唔會反駁,我唔知你邊到黎自信覺得識得多過美國人
When Gov. Gavin Newsom took office in 2019, he ordered water officials to scrap the existing plan and start over. With one tunnel, the new proposal moves less water and aims to reduce harms to the environment.
But most critics say the new route will still harm endangered species like salmon and people who rely on the water in the north.
該提案於週三發布 將建造一條隧道,將該州最大的薩克拉門托河的水輸送到加州渡槽,然後再輸送到更南的地方。它比前州長倡導的兩條隧道計劃有所縮減。傑裡·布朗(Jerry
當州長。加文·紐瑟姆(Gavin Newsom)於 2019年上任,他命令水務官員廢除現有計劃並重新啟動。透過一條隧道,新提案可以減少用水量,旨在減少對環境的危害。但大多數批評者表示,新路線仍將傷害鮭魚等瀕危物種和依賴北方水源的人們。
When Gov. Gavin Newsom took office in 2019, he ordered water officials to scrap the existing plan and start over. With one tunnel, the new proposal moves less water and aims to reduce harms to the environment. But most critics say the new route will still harm endangered species like salmon and people who rely on the water in the north.
州長加文紐瑟姆 (Gavin Newsom) 2019 年上任時,命令水務官員廢除現有計劃並重新開始。新提案透過一條隧道減少了水的輸送量,旨在減少對環境的危害。但大多數批評者表示,新路線仍會傷害鮭魚等瀕臨滅絕的物種以及依賴北方水源的人。
State officials say the tunnel would only be used when there is a lot of water flowing through the river, like after a major rainstorm. Environmental restrictions already limit how much water the Delta pumps can move at certain times of year, regardless of supply, to avoid harming fish.