[ECON] 2017 DSE經濟科討論區(2)

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2017-04-17 22:37:44
Mc question:
The Mc schedule of a firm can be interpreted as its supply schedule in the production of a good because:

A: Mc will increase when the output of the firm increases

B: we can tell the Q of good the firm plans to produce from the Mc schedule given the price of the good

C:the Q of the good the firm plans to produce depends +vely on the Mc of producing the good.

D: we can tell the price of the good from the mc schedule given the Q of the good
2017-04-17 23:51:20
2017-04-18 00:21:06
CPF of concave ppf 係咪一定係tangent ?
2017-04-18 00:21:47


2017-04-18 00:23:03
CPF of concave ppf 係咪一定係tangent ?

2017-04-18 00:32:35
CPF of concave ppf 係咪一定係tangent ?

你指CPF tangent to concave PPF?

但實際上唔一定,有樣o野叫corner solution
例如第一個單位的Good X的MC已經大過Good X的international price
咁果個economy就完全唔會生產Good X
2017-04-18 00:35:27
CPF of concave ppf 係咪一定係tangent ?

你指CPF tangent to concave PPF?

但實際上唔一定,有樣o野叫corner solution
例如第一個單位的Good X的MC已經大過Good X的international price
咁果個economy就完全唔會生產Good X

2017-04-18 01:23:08



小妹冇ac 煩到人
2017-04-18 09:04:01
Btw tip題
1) why supply curve=mc curve?
2) why demand curve=mb curve?
3) why LRAS is vertical?

頭兩題真係想知 有巴打識嗎 中文ans

你睇返sample paper paper 1 Q8咪得

2017-04-18 10:01:39
Btw tip題
1) why supply curve=mc curve?
2) why demand curve=mb curve?
3) why LRAS is vertical?

頭兩題真係想知 有巴打識嗎 中文ans

你睇返sample paper paper 1 Q8咪得

2017-04-18 12:40:57
Lump sum tax would not affect relative price?
Or needs to depend whether it is per-unit or ad valorem tax?
2017-04-18 13:32:19
Lump sum tax would not affect relative price?
Or needs to depend whether it is per-unit or ad valorem tax?

得per unit tax會影響relative price

Lump sum tax又可以per unit既咩?
2017-04-18 13:35:43
Btw tip題
1) why supply curve=mc curve?
2) why demand curve=mb curve?
3) why LRAS is vertical?

頭兩題真係想知 有巴打識嗎 中文ans

你睇返sample paper paper 1 Q8咪得


期待緊你份2017 mock
2017-04-18 13:51:42
想問下點解quantity increase, mc 會increases?
2017-04-18 13:56:39
想問下點解quantity increase, mc 會increases?


我知阿 但係點解
2017-04-18 14:01:49
想問下點解quantity increase, mc 會increases?


我知阿 但係點解

大過profit maximising output level,q升mc升

唔明你講乜 我意思即係好似mb curve 係downwards sloping咁,果原因係 consumption increase -> benefit decrease,咁mc 有冇依啲原因嫁
2017-04-18 14:02:37
想問下點解quantity increase, mc 會increases?


我知阿 但係點解

大過profit maximising output level,q升mc升

唔明你講乜 我意思即係好似mb curve 係downwards sloping咁,果原因係 consumption increase -> marginal benefit decrease,咁mc 有冇依啲原因嫁
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