其實你地邊到見到題目問你how interest rate affects bond price ,我唔覺得會問,太複雜
但要識how EXPECTED interest rate affecta bond price
巴打講下依個等我地學下野ok? 順便可唔可以再講下money demand會唔會影響到cash held by non bank public?你的睇法係咪同頭先位巴打一樣? 呢兩樣野係我最亂 多謝頭先位巴打 幫左好多
其實你地邊到見到題目問你how interest rate affects bond price ,我唔覺得會問,太複雜
但要識how EXPECTED interest rate affecta bond price
巴打講下依個等我地學下野ok? 順便可唔可以再講下money demand會唔會影響到cash held by non bank public?你的睇法係咪同頭先位巴打一樣? 呢兩樣野係我最亂 多謝頭先位巴打 幫左好多
係囉,我發現上面巴打講 fewer people buy bond係郁supply唔係demand
係囉,我發現上面巴打講 fewer people buy bond係郁supply唔係demand
哦,我知我衰乜,係bond ge市場入面,對bond有demand ge應該係" firm " instead of " investor " , 係呢到,investor變左supplier ge角色,investor buy bond = 供應bond, 咁由此就係郁supply啦,原來係咁
其實你地邊到見到題目問你how interest rate affects bond price ,我唔覺得會問,太複雜
但要識how EXPECTED interest rate affecta bond price
巴打講下依個等我地學下野ok? 順便可唔可以再講下money demand會唔會影響到cash held by non bank public?你的睇去係咪同頭先位巴打一樣? 呢兩樣野係我最亂 多謝頭先位巴打 幫左好多
知expected interest rate rise, bond price drop 就夠,當中原因都有小小複雜,而且dse econ只係學左money market, 冇學bond market, 所以我懷疑根本連呢個都唔會考
另一條問題 money supply = cash held by public + deposit
同money demand無關係
percentage change in Q/percentage change in P
但係嗰Total Expenditure 變咗
係囉,我發現上面巴打講 fewer people buy bond係郁supply唔係demand
哦,我知我衰乜,係bond ge市場入面,對bond有demand ge應該係" firm " instead of " investor " , 係呢到,investor變左supplier ge角色,investor buy bond = 供應bond, 咁由此就係郁supply啦,原來係咁
會 物價水平升,貨幣需求曲線向右移
會 物價水平升,貨幣需求曲線向右移
完整推論係, 預期price level increase物價上升 --> 預期purchasing power decrease(購買力下降) --> 持有更多貨幣作為資產需求下降(ma下降) --> md下降
係囉,我發現上面巴打講 fewer people buy bond係郁supply唔係demand
哦,我知我衰乜,係bond ge市場入面,對bond有demand ge應該係" firm " instead of " investor " , 係呢到,investor變左supplier ge角色,investor buy bond = 供應bond, 咁由此就係郁supply啦,原來係咁
issue bond既係firm因為佢地要搵market黎集資finance project
而investor (buyer)黎講主要係bank 次要係individual investor
中學揀 Econ 讀嘅你地,希望你地大學都讀 Econ 我推薦:
HKU EnF :想 double maj econ, fin 或者 econ + 其他科,但又唔想 work load 太大
CU Econ:想讀一啲 theoretical,多啲數計嘅 econ
UST MAEC:Math + econ ,歡迎對數學同經濟兩科都5**嘅人挑機
UST Ecof:你嘅搵食大計
UST BBA(Econ):麻麻地推薦
City Econ/樹仁 Econ:成績 Fair 但又想讀 econ 都可以考慮
祝大家Econ 5**
其實standard for deferred payment 同unit of account無太大分別,只係deferred payment講明,你遲d比錢,一樣用money黎做一個standard去結算咁
派6000可唔可以narrow wealth gap係咪yes no都答得?
Yes: the percentage of allowance (6000) to the taxable income of the poor is greater than that of the rich
No: 大家都派錢
Absolute amount 一齊升
Gini coefficient still the same
派6000可唔可以narrow wealth gap係咪yes no都答得?
Yes: the percentage of allowance (6000) to the taxable income of the poor is greater than that of the rich
No: 大家都派錢
Absolute amount 一齊升
Gini coefficient still the same