actual cost of holding money 永遠等於nominal interest rate
expected real interest rate用題目資料計係5-2=3, 但呢個係bond既expected real interest rate(return rate)黎
同理, actual bond real interest rate(return rate)係5-4=1
依家題目叫你搵actual cost of holding money, 你係唔可以用bond既real rate直接當做moeny既real rate, 兩個概念黎唔溝得埋
因為money本身假設做冇return, 而bond有return, 而portfolio假設左只可以持有呢兩種財富形式
成個問題應該係, 如果題目問actual cost of holding money, 可唔可以用
actual nominal interest rate去睇, 定係必須要照用expected nominal interest rate睇, 定係兩隻其實概念上冇必別, 仰或數值上兩者其實係相等
real interest rate可以分expected同actual, 咁nominal interest rate又得唔得?
expected nominal interest rate = expected real interest rate + expected inflation rate
咁actual real interest rate + actual inflation rate係咪=actual nominal interest rate??
nominal interest rate 冇分expected同actual
嗱,而家你想借錢比人,咁收幾多interest 好?你要訂立一個nominal interest rate, using Fisher Equation:
借錢俾人所訂立的nominal interest rate= 你想收到嘅real interest rate + expected inflation rate
好喇,而家人地還咗錢,你想計下自己收嘅real interest rate 係咪真係你本身想收到嘅real interest rate,using this equation, which IS NOT fisher equation:
realized real interest rate= 訂立左嘅nominal interest rate - actual inflation rate
成個flow就係咁,由頭到尾nominal interest rate 只有一個,就係你自己訂立嗰個~~~~~~~
其實可以當fisher equation有兩條
一條係" 預期版 " 一條係" 真實版 "
預期版' : i = r(e) + △%p (e)
真實版:i =r(a) + △%p(a)
a for actual, e for expected (△%p係通脹率)
咁你做呢d q就只係照單執藥,佢話 expected inflation rate咪△%p (e) 囉。
佢問 real return rate咪 r (a) ,expected ge咪r (e)
唯一要知就人 i仔係 interchangeable in such equations
點解real interest rate可以分actual & expected而nominal interest rate唔得?
所謂冇actual nominal interest rate係咪即係指actual nominal interest rate其實係expected nominal interest rate
借錢比人要簽約(或者agreement啦)年頭定左一個% 年尾就算inflation 100%都冇得改 唔使分actual/expected nominal interest rate
年頭定左一個(real)%, 年尾就算inflation 100%都冇得改, 所以唔使分actual/expected REAL interest rate???
expected即係事前即係今天決定, 如果real interest rate可以今天決定要明天再審視返, 點解nominal interest rate唔得?

年頭(借錢個時)係份contract到定個個rate一定係nominal interest rate
唔會係real interest rate