total social surplus =mb -mc
係total benefit-total variable cost bo
total social surplus =mb -mc
係total benefit-total variable cost bo
問番relative price:
如果紅酒收per unit lump sum tax
高質紅酒既relative price in terms of 低質高酒下跌啦,而低質紅酒既relative price in terms of高質紅酒上高啦
高低質紅酒既Qt都跌(因為price 上升)但高質紅酒升個rate較細
所以令average quality of wine consumed 上???
per unit lump sum tax 巴打你發明架???![]()
per unit tax令到P升,Qd=Qt 就一定跌架喇
而係個quantity of wine sold, high quality wine takes a larger proportion of the wine sold
問番relative price:
如果紅酒收per unit lump sum tax
高質紅酒既relative price in terms of 低質高酒下跌啦,而低質紅酒既relative price in terms of高質紅酒上高啦
高低質紅酒既Qt都跌(因為price 上升)但高質紅酒升個rate較細
所以令average quality of wine consumed 上???
per unit lump sum tax 巴打你發明架???![]()
per unit tax令到P升,Qd=Qt 就一定跌架喇
而係個quantity of wine sold, high quality wine takes a larger proportion of the wine sold
但係law of demand唔係可以套落relative price 咩?我就係卡左係呢度
你要明白既係relative price係講緊price of a good in terms of another good
price of low and high quality wine increases,qd decreases
問番relative price:
如果紅酒收per unit lump sum tax
高質紅酒既relative price in terms of 低質高酒下跌啦,而低質紅酒既relative price in terms of高質紅酒上高啦
高低質紅酒既Qt都跌(因為price 上升)但高質紅酒升個rate較細
所以令average quality of wine consumed 上???
per unit lump sum tax 巴打你發明架???![]()
per unit tax令到P升,Qd=Qt 就一定跌架喇
而係個quantity of wine sold, high quality wine takes a larger proportion of the wine sold
但係law of demand唔係可以套落relative price 咩?我就係卡左係呢度
你要明白既係relative price係講緊price of a good in terms of another good
price of low and high quality wine increases,qd decreases
The first law of demand asserts that when the relative price of a commodity increases, its quantity demanded decreases, and vice verse.
total social surplus =mb -mc
係total benefit-total variable cost bo
問番relative price:
如果紅酒收per unit lump sum tax
高質紅酒既relative price in terms of 低質高酒下跌啦,而低質紅酒既relative price in terms of高質紅酒上高啦
高低質紅酒既Qt都跌(因為price 上升)但高質紅酒升個rate較細
所以令average quality of wine consumed 上???
per unit lump sum tax 巴打你發明架???![]()
per unit tax令到P升,Qd=Qt 就一定跌架喇
而係個quantity of wine sold, high quality wine takes a larger proportion of the wine sold
但係law of demand唔係可以套落relative price 咩?我就係卡左係呢度
你要明白既係relative price係講緊price of a good in terms of another good
price of low and high quality wine increases,qd decreases
The first law of demand asserts that when the relative price of a commodity increases, its quantity demanded decreases, and vice verse.
total social surplus =mb -mc
係total benefit-total variable cost bo
點樣計.... 答案係咩
問番relative price:
如果紅酒收per unit lump sum tax
高質紅酒既relative price in terms of 低質高酒下跌啦,而低質紅酒既relative price in terms of高質紅酒上高啦
高低質紅酒既Qt都跌(因為price 上升)但高質紅酒升個rate較細
所以令average quality of wine consumed 上???
per unit lump sum tax 巴打你發明架???![]()
per unit tax令到P升,Qd=Qt 就一定跌架喇
而係個quantity of wine sold, high quality wine takes a larger proportion of the wine sold
但係law of demand唔係可以套落relative price 咩?我就係卡左係呢度
你要明白既係relative price係講緊price of a good in terms of another good
price of low and high quality wine increases,qd decreases
The first law of demand asserts that when the relative price of a commodity increases, its quantity demanded decreases, and vice verse.
兩個都加左個per unit tax
Tax independent to price of red wine
After adding the cost
P(high quality wine) relative to P(low quality wine) drops
Qd of high quality wine increases relative to Qd of low quality wine.
驚過你,數學mc抄撚左粉,得35 ~ 7
paper 1緊要d![]()
你paper 1有9成就冇問題啦
total social surplus =mb -mc
係total benefit-total variable cost bo
點樣計.... 答案係咩
你由1st unit 既(mb-mc)逐個unit上,加到transacted unit 既(mb-mc)
total social surplus =mb -mc
係total benefit-total variable cost bo
點樣計.... 答案係咩
你由1st unit 既(mb-mc)逐個unit上,加到transacted unit 既(mb-mc)
都係唔係好明得QD QS 點變做MC MB 呢? 要點做
問番relative price:
如果紅酒收per unit lump sum tax
高質紅酒既relative price in terms of 低質高酒下跌啦,而低質紅酒既relative price in terms of高質紅酒上高啦
高低質紅酒既Qt都跌(因為price 上升)但高質紅酒升個rate較細
所以令average quality of wine consumed 上???
per unit lump sum tax 巴打你發明架???![]()
per unit tax令到P升,Qd=Qt 就一定跌架喇
而係個quantity of wine sold, high quality wine takes a larger proportion of the wine sold
但係law of demand唔係可以套落relative price 咩?我就係卡左係呢度
你要明白既係relative price係講緊price of a good in terms of another good
price of low and high quality wine increases,qd decreases
The first law of demand asserts that when the relative price of a commodity increases, its quantity demanded decreases, and vice verse.
兩個都加左個per unit tax
Tax independent to price of red wine
After adding the cost
P(high quality wine) relative to P(low quality wine) drops
Qd of high quality wine increases relative to Qd of low quality wine.
但係law of demand唔係可以套落relative price 咩?我就係卡左係呢度
你要明白既係relative price係講緊price of a good in terms of another good
price of low and high quality wine increases,qd decreases
The first law of demand asserts that when the relative price of a commodity increases, its quantity demanded decreases, and vice verse.
兩個都加左個per unit tax
Tax independent to price of red wine
After adding the cost
P(high quality wine) relative to P(low quality wine) drops
Qd of high quality wine increases relative to Qd of low quality wine.
真係驚paper 1多過paper 2 好多 做paper1 past paper 1啲分好波動
想問下呢題點解私人樓又唔係打直supply curve但打斜?
btw個d evaluate題其實都唔算好難答。講晒正/反 咁都差不多。比較擔心paper1
想問下呢題點解私人樓又唔係打直supply curve但打斜?
Time frame 問題
呢個講緊成個政策係會長久落去,咁supply of flats not fixed