想問big4 non fs 有咩exit oppotunities 平時聽開都係financial controller 再好d就係cfo
另外想問如果想入銀行 係咪點都要轉去fs?如果想入ibank MO BO 又有冇機會?
黎緊準備開工 知道big4可以有唔同方面發展 雖然仲係頗為遙遠ge事 但都想了解多d
有冇big4出黎ge 巴絲分享下做緊咩 錢途前途又如何
阿姆斯特丹夜機2019-09-08 21:46:12
十年生死兩茫茫2019-09-14 20:47:08
有冇巴打可以分享下tax 嘅苦與樂,同埋transfer pricing 係咪最難入?
prokofiev2019-09-14 21:58:32
My friend Charlie has been wondering about setting up an accounting company. I think it's worth a try as he has a razor-sharp mind. My brother too thinks it's worth giving it a go. He'll try to get official sanction for building it in a particular area in Mid-levels. I would've thought the government will sanction his proposals. He's a god-fearing churchgoer who says his prayers every night before going to bed. He keeps having flashbacks of a car crash he saw in Tokyo after seeing a car accident on the news so yesterday he asked a pastor in his church to pray for him. His church stresses the importance of daily prayer in the life of a Christian.