[DC綜合#7] OG Captain Marvel 新Trailer呢

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2019-03-24 19:51:46
2019-03-24 19:56:17
IT個個咁忙應該唔會show WB
2019-03-25 14:48:05
2019-03-25 15:56:45
"The original Justice League that Chris [Terrio] and I wrote, we didn't even shoot... The actual idea, the hard, hard idea, the scary idea, we never filmed because the studio was like 'That's crazy,'" Snyder said, adding that he and his collaborators were insecure because of the reaction to Batman v Superman.

"It's a long story," Snyder added. "The truth is that, the Knightmare sequence in this movie was always my idea that all of that would eventually be explained ... and that we would end up in the distance future, where Darkseid has taken over Earth and where Superman has succumbed to the Anti-Life [Equation] ... There was a few members of the Justice League that had survived in that world, that they were fighting. Batman broke a pact with Cyborg because something happened... They were working on an equation to jump Flash back to tell Bruce..."

2019-03-25 16:02:30
its all over...
2019-03-25 17:27:39
算九數啦,bvs都拍到屎咁仲有乜好講,Martha your mother
2019-03-25 18:42:38


2019-03-25 19:58:21
佢越講自己個PLAN,越顯示佢根本無諗過PLAN DCEU,總之拍完自己幾部曲就算,其他線全部斷晒都話知佢。佢唔走繼續拍,拍完DC都係要REBOOT

2019-03-25 20:28:17
個宇宙仲要收埋皮 暫停發展
2019-03-25 20:47:10
只要solo movie好好地拍,我係可以接受,有啲小客串仲好

2019-03-25 20:51:39
客串真係難d 依家好似個個都就走咁濟 shazam leak岀黎果個superman客串仲要得個身無頭

我比較想佢係plan成個宇宙既發展 而唔係一部部solo 咁同以前玩tdk三部曲無分別 jl7巨頭又唔拍 flash講左幾年都仲未開拍真係抵比人屌 黎緊5月ezra就完contract 我睇下佢到時會唔會又走啦
2019-03-25 20:58:48
2019-03-25 20:59:10
solo搞得到,角色入到屋,第日要聯動就容易啦,而家focus solo無錯喎
2019-03-25 21:02:38
應該係想似marvel netflix咁搞法?
2019-03-25 21:03:48
踢走zack唔緊要 但踢走晒班演員先係問題
2019-03-25 21:10:02
唔敢講,但實踐證明先team up再solo唔得,咪惟有行第條路
2019-03-25 22:36:50
Zach 做得最好係3巨頭+suckman揀得好
但有啲位都係ON9,例如佢話死咗個robin 係dick同埋batfleck係咁殺人
2019-03-25 23:54:01
係得casting 有作為
2019-03-26 12:18:45
套shazam個superman cameo真係唔岀樣
唔岀樣既superman 你岀黎做咩 又唔係好j
2019-03-26 12:22:29
Shazam 有無片尾?
2019-03-26 12:30:32
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