[I/A] Marvel Battle Lines 決戰前線(1) 經期女俠大戰奇妙博士

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2018-11-15 17:23:59
暫時覺得都係3 cost 都係經期隊長最好用,thanos 同thor 個d 妹下妹下咁

1,2 cost 冇乜紫卡
2018-11-15 17:24:41
7 日 中destroyer, 但隻野round round 用2 cost 好難夾
2018-11-16 09:20:49
2018-11-16 09:51:26
我知點用 就係用啲會生能量既/吸能量
所有用盡任何方法去吸能量 生能量 都用哂佢
2018-11-17 17:26:00
2018-11-17 18:20:17
2018-11-17 19:33:10
2018-11-19 09:37:38
清關係指邊D關 特殊關?
2018-11-19 09:38:45
而家未有, 應該遲D會更新, 估計應該都係可以將D多餘既卡黎換碎片
2018-11-19 09:41:24
高血, 可以放係場度塞住人, 每rd扣人100血, 但人地又難殺你
2018-11-19 12:35:13
2018-11-19 15:02:15

◈ Maintenance Period:
11/20(TUE) 01:00 - 13:00 (UTC+0) [3 hours]
◈ Effect: The game will NOT be available.

1. Card Balancing
・Some cards will be adjusted.
・No cards will be available for disintegration for this rebalance.

2. Increasing Maximum level limit
・ The Maximum user level will be increased from 30 to 40
・ After the 11/20 update, remaining extra EXP will be converted to normal EXP.
・ If your extra EXP is at 100%, you will become level 31 after the update and no card will be rewarded. If you want to convert EXP to a card, please do so before the update.

3. Added new CAMPAIGN chapters
・Adding two new Campaign chapter 4 and 5
・Seal the portal opened by the Wands of Watoomb with your Super Heroes.

4. Battle
・ Skip turn button appearance has been changed
- Before: When the player does not have any usable cards, movable characters on the field, and has switched all cards in their hand, the skip button will appear.
- After: When the player doesn’t have any usable cards in hand or any moveable characters on the field, the skip button will now appear.
・ Changed the duration of the PvP turn timer
- Turn timer has been reduced from 60 seconds to 50 seconds
- If a player doesn’t take any action for a turn (50 seconds), next turn timer will be reduced from 50 sec to 30sec and to 10 sec and so forth.
- When a player takes an action again, it will be reset to 50 sec.

5. Added new SPECIAL OPS chapters
・ SPECIAL OPS Chapter 5, 6, 7, and 8 (NORMAL and HARD modes) has been added

6. Misc. Improvements
・ Default card sorting option changed from Alphabetical to Rarity.
・ The last sort by and filter options in MY DECK will be saved
・ Players can now upgrade cards in the SPECIAL OPS rewards screen.
・ Event quests now show the quest progression
・ Added new graphics options: Battery saving mode, Standard, and High Quality. After the 11/20 update, Standard will be the default for every player.
・ Added the “Minion” family to the CARD COLLECTION section
・ Repeat rewards will be added to CAMPAIGN MODE stages.

7. Bug Fixes
・ If the CHALLENGE season finishes while playing CHALLENGE mode, the player will be moved to the MAIN menu
・ Fixed a crash bug related to moving Agamotto with 1 HP
・ Minor translation changes
2018-11-19 16:08:47
2018-11-19 16:09:33
有冇睇漏到? 係咪姐係都係無新卡???
2018-11-19 16:22:35
好似冇提新卡同新event, 唔知會唔會有
2018-11-19 22:32:51
2018-11-19 22:43:33
而家好似係換哂卡都冇得出會有個skip button(我自己未試過),黎緊更新好似改到只要手牌冇得出,就算未換牌都有得skip
2018-11-19 22:44:19
2018-11-20 10:38:03
2018-11-20 14:51:01
2018-11-20 17:10:51
呢張我都想要 閃電鍊無想像中咁好用 飛彈又刷極都刷唔到多一張 而家用住鷹眼先 3張單解
2018-11-20 17:21:00
Star lord點攞到? 點先可以用角色做樣
2018-11-20 17:21:09
依家好少英1000血以上,就算係 都係1200血 用鷹眼解唔到
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞