[溜冰] Evgenia Medvedeva 綜合討論區

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2018-04-24 14:41:47
2018-04-24 16:14:18
2018-04-24 21:54:22
Potential calendar:

- CS Nepela\Nebelhorn (both late semptember) - alternatively, CS Finlandia (early October)
- NHK (November 9-11)
- IDF (November 23-25)
2018-04-24 22:39:34
" #EvgeniaMedvedeva is having trouble landing jumps that were easy for her before, because of her injuries. She makes several attempts, crashing onto the ice. She cries saying: I can't do it! She bangs her head against the barrier at the rink... her documentary on the 30th."


2018-04-25 00:17:45
2018-04-25 00:24:15
2018-04-25 01:19:22
2018-04-25 07:33:25
2018-04-25 07:54:28
2018-04-25 08:02:33
2018-04-25 08:43:04
其實技術上你啱嘅,Evgenia 老豆又真係姓Medvedev嘅, 但如果你係指普京個跟班嘅咪唔係囉
2018-04-25 11:59:21
尋日Evgenia 同班fans 食lunch, 葡萄
2018-04-25 13:51:36

2018-04-25 19:03:41
2018-04-25 21:55:26
2018-04-26 00:23:32
2018-04-26 01:20:59
2018-04-26 08:17:14
2018-04-26 08:35:10
2018-04-26 12:25:44

20小時20 小時前
美少女戦士コスプレ⛸もしかしたら今回で見納め⁉️メドベージェワ選手が「私も大人になったし、今回でこのコスプレは最後かもね」と衝撃発言!(寂)体育会TVのために滑ってくれたラストダンス!4月28日土曜よる7時〜2時間SP🔥絶対見逃しちゃいけませんよ🤗 #メドベージェワ #体育会TV

2018-04-26 12:28:39
Have passions around Olympics calmed down a little bit?

– Yes, but only a little. After the Olympic there is still fuss, the schedule is full and now I feel much more busy than ever.

Half of the country, absolutely unfamiliar people, got up at 5 am to watch your performance. What does this mean for you?

– That they really love figure skating. Thre are more and more such people. When strangers recognize me on the street, they say absolutely sincire words of support and express gratitude. For this I work.

You’re recovering from an injury the season is over. Has the life schedule changed a lot?

– Now I absolutely contraindicated to go on the ice. I, like everyone who loves what he’s doing, can not accept this recommendation. When I began to be treated, I was forbidden even to run and do aerobic exercises. Now the body is slowly recovering, the regularity of training is increasing.

In what do you have to limit yourself the most?

– In food!

Do you have a special diet?

– Eat less. At the same time, I can not live without glucose and carbohydrates. Recently we filmed the “Ice Age”, and I had quite a long text. I realized that I was just standing with a microphone and my brain absolutely “doesn’t work”. That day I did not have breakfast or dinner, I just drank coffee. The next day, we also had shooting and I already did not make such a mistake, I worked on maximum thanks to the chocolate bars.

And what about fast food?

– If you deny yourself, things get much worse. Sometimes I can allow myself to eat french fries, but I do not like cakes. Chocolate and marmalade are enough.

You became a TV hostess in the “Ice Age”. Why did they accept this offer?

– Now I need some kind of working activity. Yes, this profession is unusual for me, but it’s a full-time job, which takes a whole day, as I’m used to.

Some fans worry that you can repeat the fate of Adelina Sotnikova, who after the Olympics left sports for show business …

– They shouldn’t worry. Once again I repeat: I like figure skating much more than show business.

Now figure skating is developing incredibly fast, the girls are already jumping quads. How do you think, what will it lead to?

– This has already led to progress in our sport. At first people jumped doubles in competitions, and everyone was shocked, then triples, standards continuously grow.

More and more young skaters appear on the ice. Do you think the example of 31-year-old Carolina Kostner proves that there is a future for mature women’s skating as well?

– Every figure skating has a future, not only young or mature. If a person wants to do something, he will do it. Of course, just desire is not enough. But a person needs a goal. And Carolina has it.

What can we expect from Evgenia Medvedeva in the new season and the new Olympic cycle?

– Even stronger Evgenia Medvedeva. In the new season, I’m going to complicate my program to the maximum.

2018-04-26 15:10:30
2018-04-26 15:52:51
2018-04-26 18:06:47
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