[溜冰] Evgenia Medvedeva 綜合討論區

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2018-05-07 22:36:54
Two-time silver medalist of the Olympic Games, two-time world and European champion Evgeny Medvedev officially announced his decision to work with the new coach and commented on the situation:

- First of all, I want to thank Eteri Georgievna Tutberidze and the entire coaching staff for a long, fruitful, sometimes very difficult work. For the great patience that they showed in relation to me and incredible coaching, professional endurance. These people gave me a life in figure skating and led to such high results that I can rightly be proud of.

Turning to the subject of recent events, I want to clarify the situation. I will continue to speak for the Russian Federation, staying in the school "Sambo-70", while training with the Canadian specialist Brian Orser. I do this to use new opportunities and other methods of the training process and continue to represent Russia at the highest level.

As you know, after the Olympics on March 8 I flew to Germany for medical examination. And I was strongly advised to refrain from the load, and I was forced to miss two months of full-time training.

I want to wish the further development and prosperity to Eteri Georgievna's group and once again say thank you for such a valuable 11 years of my life. I remember how I came in just a little. Yes, it was sometimes hard, but I was trained, educated, supported, when necessary - driven. I grew up in front of Eteri Georgievna. She made an invaluable contribution to the development of me not only as an athlete, but also as a person. From her I got many life lessons. I will remember them all my life. On the rink "Crystal" my childhood passed, I will remember with gratitude the time of hard but fruitful work.

Also, I wish all the children from the Eteri Georgievna group, the greatest health, patience, diligence and sports longevity, because we all now know the tremendous, seven-league steps our forward favorite sports, figure skating are moving forward.

I hope that the time will pass and everyone will understand that this was the only possible option for both of us, to continue to work honestly, "said the sportswoman.

2018-05-07 22:49:19
2018-05-07 23:10:53
BTW, 令我比較sad嘅係我下年暑假去莫斯科(可能)時冇得親自俾親筆信俾Zhenya了
2018-05-07 23:24:19

2018-05-07 23:46:34
提升吓pcs 而家真係有啲水
2018-05-08 01:18:43
2018-05-08 06:07:03
2018-05-08 08:08:38

希望下個season 會多四幅呢種相(兩站GP+GP final+WC)
2018-05-08 08:12:27
2018-05-08 09:32:42
2018-05-08 10:12:38
2018-05-08 10:21:06
2018-05-08 14:39:03
咁樣搞法分分鐘Zhenya 會揀加拿大站
2018-05-08 17:02:09

Russian sports chief: Changing coaches in world of figure skating 'common practice'

MOSCOW, May 7. /TASS/. Numerous sports achievements are ahead of Russian figure skater Yevgeniya Medvedeva and her former coach Eteri Tutberidze although the athlete decided to part ways with her long-standing mentor, Russia’s Acting Sports Minister Pavel Kolobkov told TASS on Monday.

Russia’s 2018 two-time Olympic silver medalist in figure skating Medvedeva officially announced earlier in the day a decision to part with her Coach Eteri Tutberidze and start working with Canadian specialist Brian Orser.

The 18-year-old figure skater also said that she had decided to move to Canada and train there, but never planned to change her citizenship.

"The world of figure skating has been always international," Kolobkov said in an interview with TASS. "Moreover, the Canadian specialist (Orser) currently trains an international squad, which consists of Japan’s (Yuzuru) Hanyu, Spain’s (Javier) Hernandez and Tursynbayeva, a female skater from Kazakhstan."

"It happens very often that an athlete changes a coach, this is absolutely common and this was a decision of the athlete," the acting sports minister stated.

"I am sure that Yevgeniya (Medvedeva) appreciates everything that Eteri Tutberidze done for her and they covered a long way together in the past," he said. "Undoubtedly it was a very busy and full of hard work and achievements period for each of them."

Earlier in the day, Medvedeva thanked for everything her previous coach Tutberidze, who trained the figure skater since 2007, and wished success in her future work.

"The most important now is for both sides to come to an agreement," Kolobkov said. "I firmly believe that numerous and various victories are still ahead of Eteri (Tutberidze) and Yevgeniya (Medvedeva)."

Asked by journalists earlier in the day, whether Medvedeva was planning to move to Canada and allegedly change her citizenship to figure skate for the North American country, the athlete said: "Yes, now I will be living and training in North America."

"Allegations about me planning to change my athletic citizenship are complete nonsense," she said. "All normal and sane people clearly understand that this is not about me."

"I want to have a long career and this is why such changes are taking place in my life," Medvedeva stated. "You cannot even imagine how upbeat I feel at the moment and I am motivated now like never before."

At the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in South Korea’s PyeongChang, Medvedeva won two silver medals - in team’s competition and in women’s singles. She is also a two-time world champion, two-time European champion and two-time winner of ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating finals.

The figure skater achieved all of the mentioned above awards with her former Coach Eteri Tutberidze.

Canada’s Brian Orser 56, works with two-times Olympic champion in men's singles Yuzuru Hanyu of Japan and two-times world champion Javier Hernandez of Spain, as well as with ladies' singles skaters Elizabeth Tursynbaeva of Kazakhstan and Sonia Lafuente of Spain.

2018-05-08 17:02:46

Russian sports chief: Changing coaches in world of figure skating 'common practice'

MOSCOW, May 7. /TASS/. Numerous sports achievements are ahead of Russian figure skater Yevgeniya Medvedeva and her former coach Eteri Tutberidze although the athlete decided to part ways with her long-standing mentor, Russia’s Acting Sports Minister Pavel Kolobkov told TASS on Monday.

Russia’s 2018 two-time Olympic silver medalist in figure skating Medvedeva officially announced earlier in the day a decision to part with her Coach Eteri Tutberidze and start working with Canadian specialist Brian Orser.

The 18-year-old figure skater also said that she had decided to move to Canada and train there, but never planned to change her citizenship.

"The world of figure skating has been always international," Kolobkov said in an interview with TASS. "Moreover, the Canadian specialist (Orser) currently trains an international squad, which consists of Japan’s (Yuzuru) Hanyu, Spain’s (Javier) Hernandez and Tursynbayeva, a female skater from Kazakhstan."

"It happens very often that an athlete changes a coach, this is absolutely common and this was a decision of the athlete," the acting sports minister stated.

"I am sure that Yevgeniya (Medvedeva) appreciates everything that Eteri Tutberidze done for her and they covered a long way together in the past," he said. "Undoubtedly it was a very busy and full of hard work and achievements period for each of them."

Earlier in the day, Medvedeva thanked for everything her previous coach Tutberidze, who trained the figure skater since 2007, and wished success in her future work.

"The most important now is for both sides to come to an agreement," Kolobkov said. "I firmly believe that numerous and various victories are still ahead of Eteri (Tutberidze) and Yevgeniya (Medvedeva)."

Asked by journalists earlier in the day, whether Medvedeva was planning to move to Canada and allegedly change her citizenship to figure skate for the North American country, the athlete said: "Yes, now I will be living and training in North America."

"Allegations about me planning to change my athletic citizenship are complete nonsense," she said. "All normal and sane people clearly understand that this is not about me."

"I want to have a long career and this is why such changes are taking place in my life," Medvedeva stated. "You cannot even imagine how upbeat I feel at the moment and I am motivated now like never before."

At the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in South Korea’s PyeongChang, Medvedeva won two silver medals - in team’s competition and in women’s singles. She is also a two-time world champion, two-time European champion and two-time winner of ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating finals.

The figure skater achieved all of the mentioned above awards with her former Coach Eteri Tutberidze.

Canada’s Brian Orser 56, works with two-times Olympic champion in men's singles Yuzuru Hanyu of Japan and two-times world champion Javier Hernandez of Spain, as well as with ladies' singles skaters Elizabeth Tursynbaeva of Kazakhstan and Sonia Lafuente of Spain.

2018-05-08 18:48:09
2018-05-08 19:14:36
波波洛娃寫咗首詩俾Zhenya, 幾有意思


google translate:

"How many of those who like to discuss,
Flows of dirt, foul language pouring out -
How few of those who can be silent,
Your decision is simply respecting ...
How many of those who like to condemn,
Without reason and without knowing anything, -
How few of those who can support,
Your choice is definitely taking ...
How many of those who are friends
And in eternal fidelity he tirelessly swears, -
How few are those who, no, not in words,
With you on life next door remains ...
How many of those who are seething with envy,
Countlessly considering your fall, -
How few people carefully store
Your calm, protecting you ...

So it was, is and always will be:
Let there be fewer of those who are faithful and reliable,
But they will not quit ever,
Their step of betrayal is unthinkable, impossible ...
Let less than those with whom you can shut up,
Do not waste words, because they are already clear:
They know how to understand you
And just feel wonderful ...
They do not need to explain anything,
They do not need reasons, explanations ...
They are ready to wait patiently
And support your choice and decision! "- wrote Bobrova.
2018-05-08 19:18:52
2018-05-08 22:44:18
下季六場Grand Prix

Skate America
Skate Canada International
Cup of China
Trophée de France
Rostelecom Cup
NHK Trophy

2018-05-08 22:54:49
2018-05-09 08:37:43
2018-05-09 10:20:10
2018-05-09 12:31:56
2018-05-09 16:06:51
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞