其實,都係果句: 大部份香港人都只係想要個居留權(或正式國民身份)做後路 - do you think the British government is willing to risk the possibility of having 3 million people coming to the UK?
其實我成日覺得如果到時你父母有國籍(BNO平權成功),就算之前條文寫明,但按邏輯都應該係會有 - Current immigration rules offer non British Citizen children of British Citizens the opportunity to apply for UK settlement visas. However, this is limited to those who are under 18.
其實BNO真係不論不類架護照(試問邊有一個國家的公民無本土居留權 - Taiwan also issues passport to 'nationals' without household registration in Taiwan.