[Switch/3DS/WiiU討論] Switch發佈會: 1月13號 (2)

1001 回覆
9 Like 2 Dislike
2017-01-16 16:08:30

你話係呀..不過叫SWITCH PRO可以出4K嘅...不過依家買唔撚到
2017-01-16 16:10:09

你話係呀..不過叫SWITCH PRO可以出4K嘅...不過依家買唔撚到

2017-01-16 16:23:43

2017-01-16 16:47:37

2017-01-16 16:58:08

2017-01-16 17:09:46
¥23,200 -550.00 (-2.32%)
2017-01-16 17:12:15
¥23,200 -550.00 (-2.32%)

2017-01-16 17:29:03
¥23,200 -550.00 (-2.32%)


搵Niantic出返隻mario go又升返
2017-01-16 17:29:42
買呢部機記係要玩d ps4無既game 架啦
呢個年代就係欠缺d 一齊出黎玩既game
mh(基本上無可能係其他機出)炸彈人 splaton 等
呢部機係打ps4 psv既弱點 一班人玩
Sony 系既機種重點你自己一個玩
加上ps4 game 開發成本極高
打死哂d 細廠 根本難比機會人賭一鋪新方向既game
switch 既出現會令好多廠有機會刀仔鋸大樹
唔係年年一樣cod bf fifa 2k
2017-01-16 17:39:47
買呢部機記係要玩d ps4無既game 架啦
呢個年代就係欠缺d 一齊出黎玩既game
mh(基本上無可能係其他機出)炸彈人 splaton 等
呢部機係打ps4 psv既弱點 一班人玩
Sony 系既機種重點你自己一個玩
加上ps4 game 開發成本極高
打死哂d 細廠 根本難比機會人賭一鋪新方向既game
switch 既出現會令好多廠有機會刀仔鋸大樹
唔係年年一樣cod bf fifa 2k

大部份人買得任記Console 都係雙修
有冇咩AAA大作根本冇分別 有都應該冇人會買 你去問下點解Ubisoft AC 出到blackflag 之後唔再出係Wii U? 因為冇人會玩囉
買部任記機 玩下 mario, mk, mario party, 仲有其他party game已經值回票價
2017-01-16 17:46:34
買呢部機記係要玩d ps4無既game 架啦
呢個年代就係欠缺d 一齊出黎玩既game
mh(基本上無可能係其他機出)炸彈人 splaton 等
呢部機係打ps4 psv既弱點 一班人玩
Sony 系既機種重點你自己一個玩
加上ps4 game 開發成本極高
打死哂d 細廠 根本難比機會人賭一鋪新方向既game
switch 既出現會令好多廠有機會刀仔鋸大樹
唔係年年一樣cod bf fifa 2k

大部份人買得任記Console 都係雙修
有冇咩AAA大作根本冇分別 有都應該冇人會買 你去問下點解Ubisoft AC 出到blackflag 之後唔再出係Wii U? 因為冇人會玩囉
買部任記機 玩下 mario, mk, mario party, 仲有其他party game已經值回票價

根本就係成班任豚打飛機自 hi 成地精
2017-01-16 17:53:58
買呢部機記係要玩d ps4無既game 架啦
呢個年代就係欠缺d 一齊出黎玩既game
mh(基本上無可能係其他機出)炸彈人 splaton 等
呢部機係打ps4 psv既弱點 一班人玩
Sony 系既機種重點你自己一個玩
加上ps4 game 開發成本極高
打死哂d 細廠 根本難比機會人賭一鋪新方向既game
switch 既出現會令好多廠有機會刀仔鋸大樹
唔係年年一樣cod bf fifa 2k

大部份人買得任記Console 都係雙修
有冇咩AAA大作根本冇分別 有都應該冇人會買 你去問下點解Ubisoft AC 出到blackflag 之後唔再出係Wii U? 因為冇人會玩囉
買部任記機 玩下 mario, mk, mario party, 仲有其他party game已經值回票價

講得岩,講真,想玩AAA大作果D,神早買左PS4 OR XBOX ONE啦,而家任天堂出部任唔係針對玩AAA大作果班玩家,而係想買比想玩畫面唔洗太靚,但係遊戲性要有果類玩家,打個比喻,一樣係SE廠出品,有人鍾意玩FF,有人鍾意玩DQ,你玩FF既咪買PS4囉,你玩DQ既咪買SWITCH囉
2017-01-16 17:54:30
買呢部機記係要玩d ps4無既game 架啦
呢個年代就係欠缺d 一齊出黎玩既game
mh(基本上無可能係其他機出)炸彈人 splaton 等
呢部機係打ps4 psv既弱點 一班人玩
Sony 系既機種重點你自己一個玩
加上ps4 game 開發成本極高
打死哂d 細廠 根本難比機會人賭一鋪新方向既game
switch 既出現會令好多廠有機會刀仔鋸大樹
唔係年年一樣cod bf fifa 2k

大部份人買得任記Console 都係雙修
有冇咩AAA大作根本冇分別 有都應該冇人會買 你去問下點解Ubisoft AC 出到blackflag 之後唔再出係Wii U? 因為冇人會玩囉
買部任記機 玩下 mario, mk, mario party, 仲有其他party game已經值回票價

簡單d黎講,即係果時PS3 vs Wii一樣
2017-01-16 18:06:32
簡單d黎講,即係果時PS3 vs Wii一樣[/quote]

2017-01-16 18:06:33

2017-01-16 18:09:53
2017-01-16 18:11:54
其實總結成個發佈會同試玩會,老任都係回避核心玩家所謂嘅3A大作問題,佢哋開發咗部機咁耐..要出一隻COD,BF,GTA,AC,FO4應該唔難卦 以"可以拎出街嘅3A大作做賣點",但佢哋冇咁做



佢用得Unreal Engine即係都預左位比三廠整大作
2017-01-16 18:12:01
2017-01-16 18:13:17
仲未有po 拳消息
2017-01-16 18:29:29
“What we learned was that people can play videogames without looking at a screen if the information coming from other channels is precise enough,” Mr. Koizumi said.

Development of the Switch, then code-named NX, started three years ago. “We have walked many roads and really struggled before coming up with the concept,” said Shinya Takahashi, a Nintendo director in charge of software who is seen as a candidate to lead the company someday.

Rivals were pursuing high-end games with ever-greater technical sophistication. “We looked back at what Nintendo has done, and when you think about it, it’s really been an amusement provider,” Mr. Koizumi said. The Switch’s concept of playing games anywhere with anyone was born.

“When the concept was set, most of the Switch’s basics came together quickly,” he said. “Things like, you have to be able to take the controller outside, and you’ll need two of them.”
2017-01-16 18:31:17
The 48-year-old Mr. Koizumi, who has participated in making titles in popular Nintendo series such as “The Legend of Zelda” and Mario, said one of the first decisions was to attach the two controllers to the console, making a self-contained unit that can be taken anywhere for two-person play.

“You could go out with a hand-held game device, but you can’t play with others if they don’t have the same device,” he said. “We wanted to provide people with more options to play games.”
2017-01-16 18:31:54
“What we learned was that people can play videogames without looking at a screen if the information coming from other channels is precise enough,” Mr. Koizumi said.

Development of the Switch, then code-named NX, started three years ago. “We have walked many roads and really struggled before coming up with the concept,” said Shinya Takahashi, a Nintendo director in charge of software who is seen as a candidate to lead the company someday.

Rivals were pursuing high-end games with ever-greater technical sophistication. “We looked back at what Nintendo has done, and when you think about it, it’s really been an amusement provider,” Mr. Koizumi said. The Switch’s concept of playing games anywhere with anyone was born.

“When the concept was set, most of the Switch’s basics came together quickly,” he said. “Things like, you have to be able to take the controller outside, and you’ll need two of them.”

2017-01-16 18:32:10
Mr. Koizumi said he hoped buzz about the Switch would spread from people playing it in public, just as Pokémon Go, a smartphone game developed by a Nintendo affiliate, turned into a global phenomenon last summer as players roamed sidewalks and parks hunting virtual creatures.

“I want people to share the fun of playing games not just over social media but also on street corners,” he said. “When we see people playing the Switch at various places and with different styles, then we would call the Switch a success.

2017-01-16 18:45:19
2017-01-16 18:58:05
Mr. Koizumi said he hoped buzz about the Switch would spread from people playing it in public, just as Pokémon Go, a smartphone game developed by a Nintendo affiliate, turned into a global phenomenon last summer as players roamed sidewalks and parks hunting virtual creatures.

“I want people to share the fun of playing games not just over social media but also on street corners,” he said. “When we see people playing the Switch at various places and with different styles, then we would call the Switch a success.


所以話今次switch 個主題係體感就錯啦
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞