有冇人用過boundary prima system 相機背包?

992 回覆
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2018-08-09 23:43:54
放 Prima 連防水嬲同MK1, 有意請留TG
2018-08-10 15:27:17
2018-08-10 15:43:32
之後會send survey叫你填
2018-08-10 15:50:03
2018-08-10 16:00:00
back 145最抵玩
2018-08-10 23:10:49
“First off, if you are reading this FAQ you are the best! Please note our team would prefer if you pledged for the available pricing tier or reward level and waited until after the campaign to pledge or purchase additional items. Even if you would like to double your pledge to include another Errant Backpack, we would prefer you do this after the campaign. After the campaign you will be able to purchase Boundary's Errant Backpack and Accessories at a discounted price. You will also be able to purchase as many Errant Backpacks at the pledge level you support. So, say you supported by pledging $100 USD, then you will be able purchase more Errant Packs for you and your friends at the $100 USD price per Errant Pack. Also, after the campaign certain items like the Prima System, MK-1, Port Kitt, Environ Shirt, and many other products will be available for only for our backers (10%-50% off retail) after the campaign is completed.”
2018-08-10 23:47:48
岩岩pledge左USD100, 希望唔會後悔啦
2018-08-11 13:20:40

2018-08-11 14:09:46
Concept art 同呢個反差太大
2018-08-11 14:49:21
2018-08-11 15:37:54
我係back 個袋 USD110 + 13 shipping to HK

滙豐:於8月11日記錄到一項由信用卡結尾號碼為xxxx 所支付USD123.00的交易(KICKSTARTER COM)。

實際收幾多HKD 要過幾日先知。ebanking 未顯示。
2018-08-11 15:50:38
2018-08-11 17:59:09
Mk1 how much

2018-08-11 20:11:55
Sor 暫不散放
2018-08-12 04:22:10
收到個msg都嚇一嚇,我都係back 100蚊果個,收到email send 嚟話make your purchase now但又唔知要去邊買
係咪等佢send survey嚟填地址就ok?
2018-08-12 17:04:32
ching點解唔揀$100, 要$110, 內容唔係一樣?
2018-08-12 18:27:41
ching記住係kickstarter back野 唔等於買野,你你支持佢地個idea去合資,出黎個product可以同個概念差10萬9千里...
個期望唔好咁大就得了,而且啲期係預計only, .無promise....大把過左3個月半年甚至成年...一句sorry就fail
2018-08-12 19:32:03
我back 果時USD100 已經無quota 了
2018-08-12 21:40:44
我本身都見$100無晒quota, 但deadline前一晚又見有返,原來係加左quota
2018-08-12 22:07:42
現在玩法似乎系pre-paid 果舊錢會當贈卷錢,24/8 可在boundary 官網買ks discount 價...但實際配件幾錢真的是24/8 先知,期待cb1 更新后sample
2018-08-12 22:11:28

錯過左ks 可以試indiegogo, 但110, 要再下一批先到貨,但好處系可以等ks 貨有sample 才選擇
2018-08-13 02:57:43
2018-08-13 08:13:57
匯豐SMS 我講收左212 USD
2018-08-13 09:39:14
199 加運費?
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