George Fan @thegeorgefan
Regarding recent rumors, it is true I was laid off by EA/PopCap, and also true that I was against making PvZ2 a freemium game. That's all I'll say on the matter for now
*最近傳EA炒左植物大戰疆屍個製作人, 因為佢反對將PvZ2 整成課金game
George Fan @thegeorgefan
Regarding recent rumors, it is true I was laid off by EA/PopCap, and also true that I was against making PvZ2 a freemium game. That's all I'll say on the matter for now
*最近傳EA炒左植物大戰疆屍個製作人, 因為佢反對將PvZ2 整成課金game
George Fan @thegeorgefan
Regarding recent rumors, it is true I was laid off by EA/PopCap, and also true that I was against making PvZ2 a freemium game. That's all I'll say on the matter for now
*最近傳EA炒左植物大戰疆屍個製作人, 因為佢反對將PvZ2 整成課金game
George Fan @thegeorgefan
Regarding recent rumors, it is true I was laid off by EA/PopCap, and also true that I was against making PvZ2 a freemium game. That's all I'll say on the matter for now
*最近傳EA炒左植物大戰疆屍個製作人, 因為佢反對將PvZ2 整成課金game
btw 關任豚 post 咩事
有無邊條HDMi轉換器推介? 唔想用原廠個個咁大舊
George Fan @thegeorgefan
Regarding recent rumors, it is true I was laid off by EA/PopCap, and also true that I was against making PvZ2 a freemium game. That's all I'll say on the matter for now
*最近傳EA炒左植物大戰疆屍個製作人, 因為佢反對將PvZ2 整成課金game
btw 關任豚 post 咩事
由Eden Game開發的《 http://Gear.Club Unlimited 》為Switch首款即時駕駛遊戲,亞洲版預定於2017年12月1日正式發售,該版本提供繁簡體中文、英文和日文四種語言供玩家選擇,而內容包含歐美版相同的內容外,還有機會得到香港限定超限量特典「http://Gear.Club Unlimited 直杆雨傘」一把!想得到的玩家,發售日當天就盡快購入,馬上跟朋友來場賽車大混戰吧!
Pubg會唔會有機出switch版 完左beta之後
Pubg會唔會有機出switch版 完左beta之後
worms 美國時間23先有定今晚就有