多倫多生活討論區 101

1001 回覆
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2024-03-31 21:54:46
2024-03-31 21:58:06
Sheppard Yonge 最多超市 上去同落downtown 都方便,又有restaurant。樓價反映一切,應該呢4個地區最貴係Sheppard yonge
Finch 得交通同restaurant
Don mills 買嘢係最方便我覺得,但超市得t and t
Bayveiw well 諗唔到點解住唔度,叫做有subway lo
2024-03-31 22:21:00
2024-03-31 22:22:12
2024-03-31 22:22:50
2024-03-31 22:26:29
我覺得don mills 有CF fairview 大商場好方便
T&T d 野係貴少少
但睇住flyer 買都ok
其他超市我覺得係得no frills 真係較平
其實有車weekend 可以去Costco 執貨

越近younge 就越雜越亂越多車
2024-03-31 22:27:57
2024-03-31 22:58:58
2024-03-31 23:06:14
再計返matching 條數
2024-03-31 23:15:28
2024-03-31 23:21:31
2024-04-01 01:14:05
2024-04-01 01:15:11
2000樓下唔使交,free money 唔要咁蝕
2024-04-01 01:23:42
If you have company pension(???) find out if you can still make any contribution from HR.
2024-04-01 01:24:17
still early
2024-04-01 01:25:52
2024-04-01 01:28:15

Check your contribution room—you may have more than you think
If you have a company pension plan, an amount called the Pension Adjustment (PA) is deducted from your RRSP contribution limit. The PA is the estimated value of the pension benefits an individual has earned during the year and is deducted for anyone who is on a work-based pension plan. The PA was established by the Canada Revenue Agency to level the playing field for pensioned and non-pensioned Canadians alike, so the higher the value of your pension the higher your PA amount will be.

If you are in a defined contribution plan, where you contribute a fixed percentage of your total income to your pension—which may be matched by your employer—your PA will be the amount you contributed plus the matched amount. For a defined benefit pension plan, your PA is calculated as: [(9 X your annual accrued benefit) – 600]
2024-04-01 01:33:56
2024-04-01 01:45:57
you can open a RRSP account now and contribute $2,000. (over contribution up to $2,000 is allowed)
You can contribution more after you received your 2023 statement of assessment. The same for year 2024.
2024-04-01 01:51:25

2024-04-01 01:56:17
可以解釋吓點樣free money
2024-04-01 02:00:48
2024-04-01 02:03:34
講緊公司有rrsp matching
2024-04-01 02:12:53
2024-04-01 02:36:27
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞