[親生仔] Google Pixel 討論區 (111) Pixel 8 Mint 新登場

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2024-03-28 20:35:24
2024-03-28 21:00:56
2024-03-28 22:04:48
Google has announced that they will indeed bring Gemini Nano support to the regular Pixel 8!
2024-03-28 22:05:48
Google has announced that they will indeed bring Gemini Nano support to the regular Pixel 8!

For reference, earlier this month, a Googler during #TheAndroidShow said that Gemini Nano wouldn't be coming to the Pixel 8 because of "some hardware limitations." The limitation in question is memory: the Pixel 8 has 8GB of RAM while the 8 Pro has 12GB.

Gemini Nano is the mobile optimized version of the Gemini LLM that's currently available on the Pixel 8 Pro and Galaxy S24 series. Gemini Nano powers the summarization feature in the Pixel Recorder app as well as Smart Reply in Gboard when using messaging apps likes WhatsApp.

Google says that Gemini Nano will roll out to Pixel 8 users as a "developer preview" in the "next Pixel Feature Drop", ie. the June 2024 Pixel Feature Drop which will also bring Android 14 QPR3. Gemini Nano on the Pixel 8 might not perform as well as it does on the Pixel 8 Pro due to differences in memory specs, which is likely why it's being offered as a developer
2024-03-28 22:06:04
2024-03-28 22:08:22
唔使update,你試下hold 住下面nav bar 睇下有冇。
2024-03-28 22:14:11
六月功能下放會將Magic Compose同Summarize in Recorder推送俾P8

2024-03-29 04:34:43
其實洗唔洗去設定到開啟個功能?用緊7pro 長按最底條button都冇反應,已經更新左系統
2024-03-29 06:58:16
無特別校啲乜,就咁長撳個nav bar
2024-03-29 10:54:00
2024-03-29 13:35:46
咁應該係我部野壞左,條button 點長按都冇反應
2024-03-29 14:05:25
6pro表示成功好撚方便呀屌 我愛pixel
2024-03-29 14:20:12
應該要開咗google assistant 先?
2024-03-29 14:21:22
同Google Assistant有咩關係
2024-03-29 14:32:46
係咪google app要update? 我pixel6見而家最新仲係3月22
2024-03-29 14:51:43
server push,一切只要等
2024-03-29 15:04:51
Thx bro 申請左, 唔知幾耐先收到通知
2024-03-29 16:02:09
唔知是咪一批批user enable
我play store apps auto update
啱啱睇我上次更新係24年2月 但都用到
2024-03-29 16:48:53
去設定>系統>維修模式,入維修模式之後去設定>螢幕>導覽模式>睇下裡面有冇圈選即搜,見到有但維修模式中唔會用到,關維修模式之後正常開機再去睇多次圈選即搜個設定係咪冇左,冇左嘅話你只有洗機,我部p8p就係維修模式見到有,但離開左維修模式就冇,結果係洗機就正常用到,唔洗機可能要android 15先有機會用到
2024-03-29 16:59:24
thanks, 琴日試左勁耐都唔得,今日突然hold住就有反應
2024-03-29 20:13:54
唔知Samsung下放AI俾S23,會唔會都俾到壓力Google下放啲AI例如Magic Editor俾7
2024-03-29 21:09:24
2024-03-29 21:17:03
通常等一年啲function就會放落去 第一年係exclusive
2024-03-29 21:19:36
2024-03-29 21:37:04
直接unlock bootloader將部機轉完日區再鎖番就ok
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞