自己諗下啦。 唔好因少失大。
自己諗下啦。 唔好因少失大。
總之要合請合理。 整牙就可以盡整。 其他就問下同事先.
It's not that surprising, experts say. Employers, especially at large companies, often know about high-cost medical treatments that their workers and dependents are undergoing. Their benefits administrator will often send them reports about claims their employees incur, particularly outsized ones.
This may not sit well with many Americans, especially amid mounting concerns about the disclosure and misuse of personal data.
But these reports don't include any identifying information about the employee, said Bruce Elliott, manager of compensation and benefits at the Society for Human Resource Management. And even privacy experts say companies have the right to know general information about claims since they are often footing the bill.