有冇universal truth
因為有啲truth係with respect to model
例如最簡單例子,R有supremum property,Q冇,導致有啲formula喺R度啱,q唔啱
但有冇truth係regardless of model
識字嘅文盲2023-07-21 16:58:43
an excellent book for beginners
院長@留得在青山2023-07-21 17:02:34
識字嘅文盲2023-07-21 17:12:49
I'm not an expert of Sartre's philosophy. I have come across his thought on imagination and how it opens up a horizon of something not-yet-real. Fascinating!
FactsLikeJade2023-07-21 17:44:10
你問呢條問題應該同Carnap所提出嘅內部/外部問題有關(關鍵字:Carnap external internal question, 同埋睇一睇: Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology);同埋請參考以下基本資料: